All Chapters of Destined to an Alpha : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
229 Chapters
"Lily?""Did you just??""lily!!"Lily was in a daze when he told her his name. She had kept repeating the name as something would just pop but nothing came up. She was getting closer and closer but "Lily!" Betty screamed her name she jolted back.Betty dragged her towards their room as the crowd began to murmur."What just happened?""I don't know!""Oh you do lily""You walked up to a man you know and told him your name asking for his?""I know him...""Where?""I don't know""sigh lily...don't tell me""What?!""do you love him already?" she asked grinning"...""You do right?""I can never love anyone" as her face darkened."Why?" Betty pouted."Am philophobic""?????"She stood up"Why didn't you tell me?""You knew...well before you lost your memories""Oh, but why?""I just can't it's impossible for me to love anyone""Okay fine!""Yea""So why did you
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Dilan was a tall fair young master. His white short hair corresponded with his pale blue glimmering eyes. He was too perfect to a fault. He barely smiled or never. He never had time for school but he was smarter than any genius. His dad had made him work a hard time as he wanted him to take over his company. "Very soon you would become a great CEO" his dad always told him.He was always at the office with his dad he never had a normal childhood like his peers the only friends he had were nix and linax. Nix had attended High school but linax had stayed with Dilan all through. They were like brothers in a way because of their cold nature but they were too cute. When nix had joined them linax had lightened up a little but no Dilan he remained the cold young Dilan.His features had made him so dreamy to girls he was heavily guarded against them. He wasn't allowed to move anywhere alone except for that day he had gone to miners.His powerful
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Nix got too anxious about the girl that had managed to get through this young master. Immediately they got home Dilan went up to his room and nix faced linax"Linax did you get to see her face?""Mm I have seen her before""Where?"".....""Linax talk""One condition""What?!""Hand your phone to me""....""Mm bring it""Why....?""Are you giving it to me or not!"Nix glared at linax before handing his phone to himLinax looked through his phone but couldn't find anything that could answer his questions he felt frustrated he almost squeezed the phone"Hey hey watch out!""...""You just want to crush my phone for a question?! huh?""Sorry""So where did you see her??""The time you went to get some food she fell and I caught her...""...."Linax left him alone"Your lucky Dilan didn't catch you....wonder what he'll do?""But he's seen her.....and I haven't....oh I must get
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Let it not be
Nix was in a sudden fit of rage. Linax was confused was it because of Lily or her friend and her boy."Nix!" but he got no response."What happened?!"Nix didn't say a word till they got home. Dilan was in the living room when nix barged inside. He walked up straight to his room.Dilan looked at Linax for a while as is communicating with him through sight. Dilan sighed and followed nix. He entered his room, it was as cold as a freezer his knuckles already white."What happened," Dilan asked coldlyNix didn't say a word."I thought you had taken care of it"Nix didn't say a word but the seemed to had gotten angrier.Dilan sat on his bed brought out his phone as he scrolled through it. There was absolute silence for a long time.Nix looked at Dilan and felt utterly frustrated"I thought I had"Dilan hesitated and looked at him and returned his gaze to his phone"What of lily?!"Dilan gazed at nix with a c
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Betty returned to her room. lily was already fast asleep."Who knows what she worked up herself with today?" she covered her up.She looked at her for a while, though Lily seemed scary to others to Betty, she was like her little sister."Too loyal" she giggled. She went to her bed and slept off she too had been exhausted she had gone a lot of places with Mayan, she was d. The next morning two young girls were still sleeping while the others had gone to classes. Betty was the first to wake up but lily was still asleep.She thought of waking her up but ignored the idea."Let her get some rest for today" she went to get herself refreshed. She headed for classes as she left Lily still sleeping. They had a lot of fun that day. They went shopping and then to the cinema."How about your friend lily?""Oh..she's Ok..?""I haven't seen her since today tho""oh yea she's been so tired she decided to take today off""Re
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One more chance
Nix drove to his apartment. He stayed there for a while and went to a restaurant nearby. He drank until he was drunk. As he stood up to leave a guy approached him."Hey handsome""What's a young man like you doing here?""You know...." Nix hit him hard. He knew their kind of people, he felt so disgusted. The man stumbled back regained his posture and smiled signaling to friends. Nix attacked the man with full force. Once he was done with the man he turned to face his friends. A hard punch landed on his face and before he could react he felt a hard whip on his back. His vision hard turned blurry ad he fell to the floor. He became very angry as he rose.He hit the first man that came running towards him, the second fell at his feet he turned."Linax?!!""Let's go nix!"He looked at him for a while but refused he wanted to teach these morons a lesson. He turned towards the other men"Nix let's go!" Dilan called to him.He went to Nix a
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Mission impossible
Betty took lily out to get her acquainted with people-"Males of course" She took her to clubs, parties, and parks, she did have great fun with guys but she had not gone further because of Mayan"Sigh no fun no freedom" As she went to where she left lily. She met her still witted down and just watching everyone have fun. She felt so disappointed and felt like rushing over to her and snapping her out of her boring face she was about to rush towards her when she saw a guy approach her she paused in her tracks and hid to watch how it would go."Hi pretty""....." "Am kelvin and you?"She hesitated before she spoke"Lily" she replied coldly"Lily....that's a beautiful name you got there""....""I'll love to have a dance with you do you mind?"Lily rejected immediately"Come on babe just this once"She still refused.He was losing it"All for a dance??" Betty thought she was about to step in"Can I hav
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Mission impossible
Betty took lily out to get her acquainted with people-"Males of course" She took her to clubs, parties, and parks, she did have great fun with guys but she had not gone further because of Mayan."Sigh no fun no freedom" As she went to where she left lily. She met her still witted down and just watching everyone have fun. She felt so disappointed and felt like rushing over to her and snapping her out of her boring face she was about to rush towards her when she saw a guy approach her she paused in her tracks and hid to watch how it would go."Hi pretty""....." "Am kelvin and you?"She hesitated before she spoke."Lily" she replied coldly."Lily....that's a beautiful name you got there""....""I'll love to have a dance with you do you mind?"Lily rejected immediately"Come on babe just this once"She still refused.He was losing it"All for a dance??" Betty thought she was about to step in."Can I have a dance?" "Dilan???!"
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I want to know
Lily had headed to her room as usual so Betty decided to go and check up on Mayan. On her way she remembered nix, she didn't know why she felt hurt but she decided to forget about it besides she already had a boyfriend tho nix was cuter than him. she went to Mayan's room and he was already asleep. She looked at him he did look cute as the little rays of sunlight from the night shone on his face she look at his perfectly carved brows to his nose down to his lips.She bit her lip. she didn't know what drove her as she bent to kiss him, a scene flashed in her head: she was kissing a boy...there wherein a room....her room....his face....."ouch" She got to herself"That face""It seemed so familiar but...I can't place where I have met such a person before""And I kissed...."Mayan opened his eyes" Betty?!""...yes""What's the problem?" as he stood up"Uh...nothing nothing""Sure?" "Yes""Ok come
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"Lily!!""Mm""Talk to me!!" "Why do you wanna know all about him all of a sudden??""Well...n..o reason"Lily could tell she was lying. She stared at her for a while."Why are you staring at me like that!""Lily?!""Lily stop it""Ok fine fine""I said fine Lily I'll talk""I always have this stuff or what should I call it.... hmm....anyways anytime I want to kiss..."Betty noticed a change in her mood but it went off and she was normal." I have this thing I see where am with a guy and he kisses me something like that""Oh""Just Oh!!!!"Lily stared at her for a while"How does that concern Phoenix""Well I think maybe it's him"".....""And even that guy nix""?????""Your lover's friend"Betty felt goosebumps immediately she finished her sentence."I....I...meant...nix...or....haven't you seen him""No" she replied coldly"I wanted to ask...that guy....Dilan
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