All Chapters of Erondale: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
109 Chapters
Chapter 10
To say the last few months were chaos is another statement. After my friend Toby told us about the unidentified dead girl, my brother forbid me from seeing Sir Alrich. I defended him of course. There was no way that it could have been Alrich.My birthday is coming soon. I’m turning 16 and I have yet to stop hurting over the fact that Chris had used me all those years that we were friends. I don’t know what Emma and Erin have planned for my birthday party though. They seem to promise that it will be a party of a lifetime. All memories of Chris at my previous parties are apparently going to be obliterated.“Earth to Rae!” I hear Alrich say.Yes, I won the argument against my brother. “Oh, sorry. What were you saying?”He chuckles. “I asked, where you wanted to ride? Where were you at?”I blush and look away. “Oh, I’m sorry. I was thinking about my birthday.”“Oh?” I glance at him and see he has a tiny frown on his face. “Am I invited?”Turning back towards him, I tilt my head while I lo
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Chapter 11
Toby’s POVRae starts to drop from her horse. I don’t know what comes over me but I feel fear for the second time today. I’m not sure what it is but something about Raleigh has my emotions all over the place and heightened.I jump off my mare, without a second thought to my own safety, and get to her just in time to stop her head from hitting the ground. Sir Alrich comes over and attempts to take her from my arms but I let out a vicious growl.His eyes widen but I don’t back down. I don’t want him anywhere around her. I don’t trust him. I lay her gently on the ground and walk over to her best friend, Emma. Emma and I have been hanging out for the last few months. We’re friends, even though she has a tiny crush on me.I know that she does but I’m just not interested in her, in that way. She’s nice enough. So, we were hanging out and riding when we heard Raleigh scream. Fear sparked adrenaline and I shot my mare forward as fast as I could.A sting of anger hit me when I saw that not onl
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Chapter 12
Rae’s POVI feel cold. Bone shaking, joint screaming, cold. I can feel my teeth chattering and I shiver. I’m afraid to open my eyes but I don’t know why.Did I leave a window open? Why am I so cold? I take a slow, deep breath not really knowing why I feel so terrified. I peel my eyes open slowly and see grass. Grass? Suddenly, everything rushes back to me and I jolt upright.I look around me and see the King and his men are here. My pulse quickens. No one has noticed me yet so I survey the area. Alrich is talking to the King, and one of his guards, while Toby and Emma are talking to two other knights.I see the blood everywhere. It’s littered all over the ground. My heart rate spikes as I notice the body again. Why is it still lying there? Why haven’t they moved it? How long have I been out?The sight of the bloody torso has me jumping up. I rush over to the nearest tree and start emptying out everything inside my stomach and then some. I am bending over dry heaving when I feel a soft
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Chapter 13
The day of my party has arrived. I am now officially 16. I haven’t been allowed to go to my house since Em and Erin say that the decorations are a surprise. So, here I am spending the afternoon with Tobias and Talon.I haven’t been allowed to go anywhere alone since the last attack. I haven’t seen Sir Alrich since then either. I did wonder what he was doing but I haven’t been brave enough to go check on him. It turns out that the person killed was another friend of his, a girl.I don’t know why these things keep happening. Is there a message? Is it a warning? Does it have to do with the things that I feel? Is someone really threatening me? Am I really crazy? I wish that I could say that I was just crazy. It feels too real.Toby believes me, though. I glance over at Talon, who is talking with Toby, and wonder if he thinks that I have lost my head? I’m his little sister so I think that he has to believe me to a point. Would he tell me if he thought that I was?I sigh and pick up a rock,
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Chapter 14
ChristopherI’m on my way to visit Erin, again. I really hate using her like this. Well, I’m not really using her. I have really enjoyed having her as a friend. The night that I had asked her to start dating me, I was trying to forget Rae.Why? You’ll probably think that I’m crazy. So, let’s just say that I don’t think that I’m good enough for her. I know that I broke her heart by being with her nemesis. It was for a good reason, though. Just trust me. One day, I am going to find me a queen that was meant for me. One that I will rule along side of. I don’t want to hurt her more then.I know it sounds selfish. I should have let her make that decision. But, what if we became closer and that special someone shows up. Apparently, I am going to forget everyone and everything except that person. All feelings of love with any other woman, will be wiped as if it never existed. At least that is what my mother said.I figured it would be easier to hurt and break her friendship now then later. T
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Chapter 15
ChristopherI watch as Erin walks off with her body guards. What she just said to me doesn’t sit well with me. Something that I need to talk to my father about before it’s too late. Thinking of my father makes me want to cry. I know that crying isn’t supposed be something that I do since I am a prince but I’ve always been emotional.I take a deep breath and prepare myself to intercept my father. I know that he’ll be angry that I am not in my barracks at training but I need to see him before it’s too late. When news traveled to me of his near death, I almost stopped training and went straight home. Mother convinced me to stay.I heard some horses coming and made my way towards the sound. Thankfully it was my father’s entourage. I step out.“Ho!” I heard the footman say. “Who goes there?”“It’s me, Jeffery.” I holler out.“Young prince?”I chuckle. He’s always called me young Prince. “Well, I’m not so young anymore, Jeffery.” I smirk. “It is I.”“Wh what are you doing here? Aren’t you s
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Chapter 16
RaeIt’s party time!! I should be happy, right? Well, I am, sort of. The absence of Chris, and all the deaths surrounding us, makes it hard for me to be fully happy. I never dreamed that I would be celebrating my 16th birthday without my childhood best friend. Well, one of them anyway. Emma is still here.She looks absolutely stunning in a gold, ankle length, dress. It shimmers with glitter that seems to catch every single light that hits. Her heels match as the same gold on her dress. Erin looks stunning as well. She and her brother came matched in black and red. Her black, floor length dress, has blood red roses stitched and wrapped around her sleeves. It looks like she has tiny rose bushes growing down her arm. Her red heels match the color of her roses.Toby. I can’t even tell you how Toby’s look makes me blush. He looks so delicious in his all black tux. The handkerchief is the same color red as his sister’s roses. He wore his sandy blonde hair slicked black on the sides. His wav
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Chapter 17
There is blood everywhere. My heart stops as I see Erin kneeling beside someone. I rush over to her, dropping on my knees when I reach her. She is trying to stop the bleeding that’s leaking out of her date’s chest. I rip the bottom of my dress, roll it up, and press it against the open wound.“What happened?” I whisper shout.“I don’t know. I don’t know.” She mutters.“Did you see who it was?”I give her a quick glance. She is pale and her eyes are wide.“Erin?”She shakes her head slowly. Where is everyone? I glance around and notice several people on the ground. My stomach sinks. I grab a hold of Erin’s hand and put it over the wound.“Do not let go! You hear me?” When she doesn’t respond, I ask a little louder. “Erin, do you hear me?”“Yes.” She whispers.“Good.”I rush over to the next person and rip up a little more of my dress. I wad it up and place it over their wound. I place their loved ones hand on top of the cloth and repeat what I told Erin. I do this with every person lyi
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Chapter 18
AlrichA few hours earlier:I’m livid. I’m jealous. I’m hurt. All of these emotions are foreign to me. I’m not used to having such strong feelings about someone. Yet, here I am, pacing around the tent watching as she dances with someone else.It brings me back to the night that I met her. The smug Prince must have really upset her because, as soon as he walked towards her, I saw the fire and determination in her eyes. She turned to me with the sweetest little voice and asked me to be her escort.I couldn’t resist. She was breathtakingly adorable. We danced all night. That is how our friendship blossomed. Now, here she is doing the same thing with a guy four years older than her. I can’t lose our friendship. It’s no secret that Toby dislikes me.He does have his reasons. I haven’t always been the best guy. She changed me. I glance over at her mother and scowl. She is stopping me from getting what I want. I usually always get what I want. I don’t know what hold she has over the King but
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Chapter 19
RaleighI didn’t sleep. I don’t think that any of us did. So many people, so much blood, and no answers. No one saw the attacker. If I believed in such things, I would have thought that it was a vampire. They don’t exist though.Nothing else makes sense. My thoughts drift to Chris. Does he know everything that is going on? Is he being informed about his dad’s health? I sigh. The pain in my heart reminding me that we were no longer friends.I hear a knock at my door and I rush to answer it. I never heard my mom come home last night. I was a little worried but too scared to go and find out from Talon. Opening the door, Erin stood there.Confused, I look her over. “Hello, Erin. Are you okay?”“I was hoping that you could tell me if you know where Toby is?” She asked quietly, and a little more than worried.I widen my eyes. “He’s not at home?”She shakes her head. “He never came home last night.”My heart starts beating hard and I rush to Talon. I pound on his door. He yanks it open, eyes
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