All Chapters of Hidden By The Alpha: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
25 Chapters
Liam had decided it was in his best interest to go to the pack he had left early, coming to a stop at the edge of the border in the middle of the night as patrol stopped him. An Alpha Damon came out to greet him, a small tic in his jaw that indicated he was annoyed by this, even as he forced a fake smile on his face. Liam looked at him curiously. Though the Alpha was a much older man he still looked quite handsome, one of the benefits of being a shifter. Though there didn't seem to be a Luna at this pack, something he thought was quite interesting. "Prince Liam, we weren't expecting you for another few weeks" Alpha Damon said tightly and Liam gave a careless shrug."I figured I would come earlier, is there a problem" he enquired, his eyes narrowed and the other Alpha looked quite put out but shook his head quickly. "No problems your highness" he said hastily "welcome to my pack. How about we get you situated into a guest room for now and we can condu
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Lock and Key
Prince Liam woke up the next morning, late it had to be said because of his arrival time, determined to find out who the delicious scent belonged to. He spent a few hours in Alpha Damon's study, anxious to get out and only half listening to the man's ramblings. Apparently the man sensed his disinterest and rather sourly dismissed the prince who was more than glad to get out of the stuffy study. He also had yet to meet Roland, the man's son.  As he came out, he accidentally collided with an omega, causing her to drop the tray of food she'd been carrying. "I'm so sorry" he apologised and the girl, a young one at that, waved off his apology with a smile. "It's my fault I should have been looking where I was going" she said rather tiredly, exhausted from spending all night cleaning and then forced to clean during the day due to several sick omegas. Lauren couldn't wait to get to bed. "Nonsense it was mine" Liam told her, b
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Her Attack
Serenity stared out the window, feeling an intense longing to be free, to smash the window but what good would it do? She was too high to jump without being seriously injured and she wouldn't heal very fast without her wolf. She was stuck and she admitted to herself, feeling a sense of panic the more she got closer to her eighteenth birthday.  "Serenity" the voice was quiet, masculine and she stiffened, knowing who was standing behind her and fighting the urge to be sick, always nauseaus in his presense lately. He was repulsive and she shuddered, turning around and forcing a fake smile to her face. "Roland" she said just as quietly, watching him place yet another plate of food on her bedside table and hoping rather violently that he would just leave, that he was too busy to deal with her. No such luck though.  "You get more beautiful every day" he complimented her smoothly and she flinched, him moving closer, his dark
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Meeting For the First Time
Liam dimly heard the words his mate had shouted and his head swivelled around as the other man smirked, clearly thinking he was safe. "You're the Alpha's son" he growled 'Roland I presume?"Roland grinned "Yeah, so what If I am" he shrugged casually "and I have every right to touch my mate" he threw out and Liam stiffened. "Your mate" he said slowly and Roland nodded while Liam tried hard to control his temper. "You shouldn't lie" Liam said tightly "I know she's not your mate because she's mine" he roared and Roland flinched, eyeing the exit as he paled.  Liam advanced on him and gripped him by the collar, raising him up and without ceremony flung the young man across the room as Serenity gave a small gasp, Roland's back hitting the wall as he howled. Liam shifted and Roland did the same, as the two women clutched at each other in fear.  Both were black wolves but while Roland's was big
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"I can't believe you've been kept up here all these years" Lauren told her, her eyes shining with sympathy and compassion. "It's ok Lauren" Serenity told her "I'm free now and that's all that matters" she hugged her friend "thanks to you and Prince Liam that is."Lauren drew back. "How about we go and find him now you're dressed" she laughed "your mate is a prince, you lucky thing" she gushed and Serenity giggled, both of them walking downstairs, Serenity feeling hesitant, her stomach churning with nerves the closer they got to the study.  "What if he doesn't want me" Serenity whispered before they reached the door "what if he rejects me Lauren? I've been locked up my whole life, I don't know how to act, how to behave amongst other werewolves? Let alone how to be a princess. He would be far better off without me" she added in a hushed whisper, tears forming to her eyes. "Don't think like that" Lauren began to say and then a
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King Lucas
It was two days later when the king of werewolves finally arrived. In the meantime Alpha Damon still hadn't been found and Serenity had been put into a normal bedroom which was basic but to her was luxurious. She was still getting used to being able to leave whenever she wanted, come and go as she pleased without having to tell anyone besides Liam where she was going. It was sheer heaven to the girl who;d been locked up for most of her life.  "Your highness King Lucas is here" a warrior interrupted her thoughts as she glanced at Liam feeling incredibly nervous. He reached over the desk and squeezed her hand in reassurance. "It's alright Serenity" he said as he gave a nod and a man came striding in. Serenity gaped. This man was massive, like a giant compared to her small stature. He had shaggy brown hair and brown eyes, the complete opposite to hers and a beard down to his chest. But, she thought to herself, studying him, he looked like a kind man as he star
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The next morning Serenity was up bright and early, excited to go back to the castle with Liam and King Lucas. She still had trouble thinking of the man as her father but supposed she would get used to it eventually. They stood at the edge of the forest, all three of them, the rest of the congregation staying back to dismantle the pack, Serenity having already wished poor Lauren a farewell the night before.  "You may want to turn your back" Liam said wryly "unless you want to see me naked of course, I don't mind but I don't think you're quite ready for that" he added and she nodded timidly. She knew he was hurt at her wanting to take this slow but Serenity wanted to get a feel for him first, not rush into things. She wouldn't be pressured into doing something she didn't want. She needed him to respect that after everything they had gone through. "I'll turn around" she said hastily. To be fair she didn't really want to see her father naked either
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They stopped, Liam letting Serenity off his back as she took in the castle with awe, both men shifting as she blushed, turning her back on their nakedness. "Highness" someone said from nearby and Serenity was tapped on the shoulder, turning around to see they were surrounded by patrol warriors and that Liam and her father, thankfully, were now wearing clothes that had obviously been passed to them. "Welcome back" one said and her father thanked them, gesturing for Serenity to follow him, Liam behind them as they walked to the entrance of the castle.  "Serenity" her father was saying "let's get you a room organised and then show you around. Would you like that?" he asked and her face lit up as she gave him a beaming smile. "That would be lovely" she said eagerly, admiring the scenery as they walked inside, a large staircase in the front entry way, presumabley leading up to the guest rooms and the King's own private room
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Serenity had to leave. She couldn't bear to see her supposed mate with another woman, one he'd apparently been close to. So much for being in love thought Serenity bitterly, the moon goddess had clearly made a mistake this time. She felt so embarrassed. At least she'd had the sense not to do anything with Liam that she couldn't take back but still he'd misled her big time and it was another lesson that she couldn't trust anyone.  "Serenity" her father growled softly from the doorway of the room she'd ducked into "I am so sorry" he apologised "I didn't know that Liam had been seeing someone. I definitely did not want you to walk into something like that child.""It's not your fault" Serenity said quietly, turning to him, her big blue eyes shiny with unshed tears "Liam never once mentioned another woman. I should have asked" she said sadly "I just didn't think to.""No Serenity" her father exclaimed, embracing her in a hug as she tucked her head
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No More Tears
Christina was also nonplussed and wondering why Serenity wasn't angry. Heck knows she would be if she was in Serenity's position. She quietly took hold of Liam's hand, Serenity seeing it but still saying nothing, raising her eyebrows as she took her seat next to her father. "So father" Serenity said, deliberately turning towards Lucas and ignoring the other two at the table. "When should we start preparing for the ball" she asked sweetly and he gave her a beaming smile, taking a quick sip of his soup, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I'm ready to begin maybe tomorrow? It gives you time to think about all the things you require sweetheart" he said gruffly "whether it's decorations, your dress, anything and everything" he exhaled and glared at Christina and Liam who looked decidedly nervous, Christina biting her lip.  "The only thing I really want is to invite Lauren" Serenity told him, feeling excited at the prospect "she was s
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