All Chapters of The Pack & the Ruffian: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
39 Chapters
Jake sat in his cell, his head bent low over a table as he wrote on a piece of paper. He’s been getting letters from Mark for the last four days. And it was almost time for them to swap letters again. Mark always came at the same time every day. With a cup of coffee for both and chocolate. They’d spend an hour just talking and then they’d exchange letters. He found himself looking forward to those letters almost as much as their daily visit. Even resenting his prison, he felt calmer, happier, knowing that Mark would come to him. His head snapped up as he heard the door open at the top of the stairs, and Mark came walking down. Since he was the only one down there now, they’d left lights on, and he wasn’t in the dark as he was when he was locked up with Mark. He wondered sometimes, just how much Mark had to do with that. He knew Lucy also advocated for him. She’d always stood by him. He stood then froze as Mark took a key out of his pocket and unlo
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Stranger in Silver Moon
Addi sat on the water’s edge. She knew her grandmas were close behind her somewhere. But she liked to pretend that she was alone. She sometimes felt like they were too protective. She knew she was important and that her mom was the Alpha. And her other mom was the Custos, a guardian of all. But she hated feeling caged. Addi threw a rock into the water and pulled her knees up to her chin. She wanted to talk to someone. She felt itchy. That’s the best word she had for what she was feeling. Her whole body sometimes felt itchy. Trixie sat on her shoulder, stroked her cheek, and Addi leaned into the touch. She loved the little Pixie. She was the only one that knew when to give her space and when not to. Not that she ever wanted space from Trixie. Pax was her best friend. But they only spent time at school together, and sometimes when he had time between his training. She’d want
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Paine threw her whiskey glass across the room. It shattered, pieces spilled across the woman tied to the steaks in the floors, chest. The woman closed her eyes and turned her head to the side to try and avoid getting any glass pieces in her eyes. Paine almost laughed. The woman must be in so much pain as she lay there, and yet she flinched from a few pieces of glass. “Clever, they were clever,” Paine muttered. “I made a mistake, underestimating them,” Paine told the woman as she pressed a piece of the glass into the woman’s flesh with her foot. “Doesn’t matter, they don’t know my exact location. You did what I asked you, didn’t you?” She knelt beside the woman. Her hands pressed to the woman’s breasts. “You put the barrier around my home as I asked you?” She smiled as the woman nodded furiously. “Good.” Paine pushed to her feet again and the woman let out a breath of relief. Paine paced to the window and back, her eyes tracked between the woman on her floor and the man she’d picked up
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Taylor turned from the kettle when a knock sounded at the door of her and Mya’s cabin. “I’ll get it.” She shouted up the stairs where she knew Mya was washing up after their day on the road. She’d let Mya go up alone, to give her space to sort out her feelings. Taylor knew that she’d have to stop giving Mya space soon, or they’d drift apart. One of these days, Mya would have to sit and talk to her, let her back in. She pulled the door open and froze. For a second, a split second she would have sworn Jane had come home. Then she blinked and swallowed.“I’m sorry. I know it must be a shock to see me.” Tris held up her hands. “I should have said something about…”“No, uh, I’m sorry, come on in.” Taylor stepped back. “I’m Taylor. Mya will be down in a minute.” Taylor shook her head as the woman walked past her and stood waiting. Clearly unsure of her welcome.
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Calming a Raging Wolf
Amber stood, the screaming, which had started as two low voices going at each other, was now full-blown shouting and definitely more than just two voices. She followed the screaming and found Mya leaning against Sam’s door frame, arms crossed over her chest. “What’s going on?” Amber asked her.“Mark wants Sam to release Jake to him.”“Oh.” Amber knew that this would come. Ever since she’d spoken to Diane and found out that she’d almost walked in on the two men going at it. She hated that it was causing trouble between Mark and Sam. But it was also understandable that Sam was reluctant to let an enemy loose on pack ground. Jake had proven on more than one occasion that he would betray them without a second thought. “Who’s winning the argument?” Amber asked. Diane and Lucy were in the middle of the fight too.“Well, honestly. No one. This is just a screaming match, with no one list
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Into the Wind
Hunter parked at the start of the winding road that led to the house that Simile sent them to. The four of them got out and looked up the winding road ahead of them. “I’m starting to think we should get Sam involved,” Hunter said.“We’re here now, let’s just take a look around.” Michelle took Ash’s hand. “Come on.” Isis pushed the pain in her head down. Someone was coming. She had to find a way to let them in without Paine realizing what was going on. She pushed her brother's muffled groans of the pain out of her mind and focussed on the four people approaching the house. She couldn’t help her brother right now, but if she could get the strangers in, then they had a chance. If Paine didn’t kill them first. She gathered her strength and sent out a blast of power, directly at the four strangers at the backyard fence.Hunter threw out her arm and halted their movement forward. &ld
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Gem's Hell
Gem woke slowly, she knew she was in a car, and wondered why they were driving again. The last thing she remembered was Hunter shoving the door open and… nothing. Shit, had she been hit in the head? She tried to lift her hand so she could feel her head. And found she couldn’t. Her hands were tied behind her back. She tugged at them and was surprised at how strong the bonds were. “What the hell?”“Oh, you’re awake.” A strange voice said from the front seat. The music that had been playing died and silence filled the car. “I was hoping you would stay asleep until we reach our destination. But this is okay too.”“Who are you? Where am I?”“Who, what, when, where?” The stranger laughed. “Those are good questions. Well, the who is Paine. Nice to meet you. The what, is your plan to take me down, failed, so now you’re my hostage. The when, I’m not sure yet, since that will
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Mya woke with Taylor curled into her side. Taylor’s hand was on her breast and her breathing even. They’d slept for the first time in a long while. She kissed Taylor’s head and gently moved out of her grasp. She stood and after using the bathroom, made her way downstairs. She was surprised to see the front door open, and the smell of coffee was in the air. She walked to the pot and poured a cup then made her way to the open door. Tris sat on the step, a cup in both hands as she looked out over the mountain and lake. Mya leaned against the door frame and let the silence stretch, she knew Tris had heard her.“I can picture her here,” Tris said, so quietly Mya had to strain to hear. “I can see her sitting out on the dock there, a rod in her hand, just relaxing. Or chasing a little kid around the yard.” She laughed when she heard Mya gasp. “You didn’t know.” It wasn’t a question. “The alpha is not the only wo
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Second Visit
The first thing Mya saw when she walked into the conference room was Hunter. The vampire was pacing the length of the room, her hands buried deep in her pockets and her head down. Mya reached out and took Taylor’s hand. She knew what Hunter was going through. The only difference was that they would bring Gem back, if she had to burn Amber City to the ground, she’d find Gem! Taylor squeezed her hand and smiled reassuringly at Mya. Then let go of her hand and walked to where Amber stood talking with Michelle. Mya walked to Hunter.“Hunt,” Mya said quietly, she reached out and touched Hunter’s shoulder. “We’ll find her.” “Yes,” Hunter said. She stared down at Mya. Mya was only an inch or so shorter, but Hunter always had a way of standing taller. “She’s tough and she’s been through so much in her life, she can handle this.” Hunter rubbed her hands over her face and then smiled at Ash who came walking in and held out a cup to her. “Thank you.” “My pleasure,” Ash said. Mya smelled the b
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“I’m going to take her to lie down, being the go-between is not easy.” Taylor kept a hand on Tris’s arm. “You can fill me in later, baby.” She walked to where Mya stood at the door and leaned up to kiss her. “I’ll see you at home.”“Yes,” Mya said. She wasn’t sure why she was upset. But something was burning in her gut. She’d seen the way Taylor looked at Tris. She shook her head. No. Taylor was worried about Tris, that was all that was. It’s just the way Taylor is. “I love you.”“Love you.” Taylor smiled as she touched Mya’s arm. She let Tris lean on her as they made their way outside. Addi came running toward them, her eyes wide.“What’s wrong?” Addi skidded to a halt and looked from Taylor to Tris.“Nothing kid, I’m fine. Just a bit of a rough day.”“You look crappy. Tay, what’s going on?”“As she said, she’s okay. I’m just taking her to rest up a bit, she went through something that took a lot of her energy out of her.”“Like what?”“Jeez, do you ever just take an answer?” Tris la
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