All Chapters of Wolf of Stone: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
50 Chapters
Chapter 41
Abel's house was a dark blue two-story home with a nicely fenced yard and a cute patio out front. As Axil lead me into the house, I gazed around at the people who were busy scurrying around the area, confused. "Why are there so many people at his place?" Axil followed my gaze and shrugged, walking pass those people who bowed their heads slightly as he passed, before burning curious holes into my face. "Abel's a busy man. The pack looks to him for guidance since he was the one who remained connected to this while they were beneath the stone." I asked hesitantly, "but aren't you the Alpha?" Axil hummed, "I am but I have my own problems to take care of. Sharing the load with Abel takes the pressure off me and neither of us mind it." I nodded my head in understanding and listened as he showed me the house and familiarized myself with the rooms. It was stupid of me to assume they'd have a bad relationship just because of the years they've spent away fro
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Chapter 42
What the hell? I waved a hand at the door, unlocking it and watching as it was pushed open by a very angry Liza. I gazed at her in confusion. "What happened?" Liza bristled as she began pacing the entire office, mumbling furiously under her breath. "Liza?" I asked. She suddenly stopped and turned to Axil, pointing her finger at him accusingly, "Why are you wolves so infuriating!?" Axil raised an amused eyebrow at her, seeming as though he knew why she was bristling, but he didn't say a word. Liza began pacing again. I frowned and narrowed my eyes at the grumbling woman, "Ayo, Patrick." She turned to glare at me, "Who're you calling Patrick, Garfield?" "You gonna tell me why you pacing or you finna let me kick you out so I can get back to work?" Liza snorted, "I doubt you did much work." "I did more than you have!" "Whatever. I'm upset! Bea is adorable and all, and I love hanging out with her, but her father is a c
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Chapter 43
The meeting today was being held in the town's square. That was the only area large enough to hold thousands of people and so we made sure to organize the event carefully, placing a barricade around the square and taking count of everyone who entered through the gates. We had the cops patrolling the area and keeping things in order as many people began to filter in and out, waiting for the meeting to start. The air was ripe with chatter as I awkwardly stood upon the small podium with Axil, Abel, Liza, Dawson, and a few others. Axil and Abel were conversing with a muscular man that stood tall like a giant, towering over even their 7-foot height. When I had first met him, I was so startled I almost stumbled on my face. The dude looked like a bald head version of the hulk. Maybe that was an exaggeration. A bodybuilder would be a better description. I thought Abel was ripped but then this guy probably soaked every inch of his body in muscles. It made me wonder h
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Chapter 44
Another 10 minutes passed before Axil's voice sounded out. "Let's begin," he said, his voice firm as he and Abel finally turned towards the people below us. Although his voice wasn't loud, with their supernatural hearing, it scattered over every inch of the clearing and caused all the chatter to slowly fade as everyone diverted their attention to us. Axil then began his speech: "A lot has changed. Some of you found out that you were wolves; some regained their memories of being a werewolf, some realized this wasn't originally a human settlement while the others were finally freed from Tiana's curse. These past few weeks have been chaotic for everyone, and we've tried our best to accommodate your needs and to help you settle into this new reality that you've found yourselves thrust into. By now, I'm sure many of you have had your questions answered and have been informed of what happened to us in the past that brought us here today, fractured and barely hanging on, but
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Chapter 45
Did I hear that right?"Excuse me?" I asked.The woman glanced at Axil and then back at me with anger filled eyes as she continued, "How can we trust your bond with our Alpha? We were literally just told you witches can take possession of another person's body."I snorted and crossed my arms. Her blatant hostility was showing, and I wasn't the one to simply take that laying down."That spell is forbidden amongst our kind. What Tiana's husband did was basically overextending his life. He will suffer from the consequences when the time comes. Not only that, but Tiana and her husband are both dark witches while I am not. Don't be stupid; a bond as pure as a soul mate could never be replicated even by magic. It's a gift from a God, not a plaything."Again, she glanced at Axil, "that still doesn't answer how you're qualified for this position."I frowned at her wandering gaze and then shot a glance at Axil curiously. He met my gaze with steady eyes and shook
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Chapter 46
Unknown POV I calmed my breathing as best as I could and allowed myself to relax, forcing the tension from my shoulders and sitting Lotus style across the cold wooden floor. I felt the flow of energy around me, opening my pores and absorbing little droplets of that energy into my body. I had to be extra careful not to absorb more than my body could handle. This was a dangerous method on my part. I was using the world's natural substance to strengthen myself and allow me to peer further into my mind in hopes of connecting to her again. I could remember that moment vividly. The connection had appeared out of nowhere that it had startled me. All I felt was her overwhelming fear and her lack of confidence as images of our coven's destruction flitted through both of our minds. Those memories, however, weren't mine. I didn't know how we did it, but I somehow managed to gain control of her body to help her through her fight but the connection didn't last
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Chapter 47
It's time. The sky was beginning to darken. Crowds of people kept piling into the square as the full moon began peeking through the clouds. Tension hung high in the air as everyone eyed each other anxiously. There were already a few people who had their eyes glowing, and nails lengthened. Everyone was on edge. The effect of the full moon was already beginning. I glanced at Axil and the others, who stood with Liza and I on the podium, and noticed the indifferent looks that blanketed their faces. It was like they weren't affected at all. Axil met my gaze and asked over our link, "Are you sure you want to stay for this? It won't be pretty." I nodded my head firmly, "I have to be inside of the barrier for it to show its full effects. Don't worry, I can protect myself and Liza." A growl sounded out from below us and I turned my head to the crowd, startled. A man was crouched slightly, eyes glowing and canines glistening threateningly as he gr
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Chapter 48
I winced as the sound of breaking bones sounded out through the busy clearing. Someone was shifting. Snarls and growls began to sound out as the moon grew higher in the sky, glistening teasingly down on its targets. I couldn't bare to watch as a few hands and legs bent and twisted in ways I didn't even know could be twisted. One by one, the people who were new to their wolf sides were the ones shifting first. A few began to fight with each other as they got more aggressive and blood thirsty. Chunks of fur and flesh were ripped out as whines and growls sounded and yet the saner members did nothing but save all those who were on the brink of death. I couldn't bare to watch and yet I forced myself to, taking in the gore in order to familiarize myself with the sight. My face however was already deathly pale as my stomach churned in disgust. Was being here doing any difference? All we did was stand on the podium as they went wild below us, not bothering to
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Chapter 49
My lips tilted into a frown as I stared at the dress that Liza was currently flaunting in front of my face."Is that for me?" I pointed in a dumb stupor.The grin on Liza's retched face widened as she shook the dress in her hands excitedly, "Of course it's for you! Why else would I bother to show you bitch!?"I snorted and turned back to ransack my suitcase that was stuffed with my clothes, "I'm not wearing that! The fuck do I look like to you, a hooker?""Oh c'mon, a lot of girls wear these kinda dresses.""Good for them. They can actually trust those thin ass dresses. With my luck, it'll tear, and I'll end up showing all my lady bits."
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Chapter 50
Unknown POVHave you ever been in a situation where you found yourself drowning in the endless ocean you call your nightmares? Every single night. They make your heart race, your palms sweaty and they sucked the air out of your lungs to the point where you sometimes woke up and found that you couldn't breathe. Then you began to panic because you're desperate for air, but none is coming because your mind suddenly shut down on you and suddenly you don't remember how to breathe.Then while you're there gasping for breath, your mind began to get hazy, vision darkening and limbs twitching as your heart pounded painfully in your chest. Then in that brief moment where it finally hits you that you're about to die, you accept that fact and then everything becomes calm again.
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