All Chapters of The Winter Swan: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
149 Chapters
Chapter 11:
"… I will kill them. I won't ever pardon them. Never."There was certifiably not a solitary star in the dark sky. Strolling gradually, Silje mumbled in torment, "Do they truly believe I will lose? He said he will test my karma? They better realize that this is the greatest misstep they have made. I will endure this evening. I will ensure. I won't kick the bucket here this way."Silje kept on strolling, however her body was exceptionally near abandoning her.Her body was frozen, and she wasn't feeling much for some time now. Her feet were numb, and she needed to utilize all that she needed to make them move.Her wrist hurt. The draining wouldn't stop so it kept on trickling. To oppose her aggravation and outrage, Silje gripped her clench hands. She gritted her teeth to prevent herself from groaning."I will kill him. I won't ever pardon him, that charlatan!"While draining and strolling, Silje looked forward the interminable void field
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Chapter 12:
Steaming hot cocoa, warm chimney, comfortable couch, and individuals who really focused on her.In the tranquil cafeteria, Silje tasted on her beverage and grinned brilliantly to console them."Goodness, it's so scrumptious. I love it. It's warming me up."Tran and Niels took a gander at Silje in shock briefly, however Tran immediately began to laugh uncontrollably."It's that great, eh?"At the point when Silje gestured, Tran snickered once more."Then, at that point, I will get you another so have however much you need. You are so peculiar, Silje. How might you be so quiet experiencing the same thing?""I for the most part don't drink hot chocolate. I don't eat different desserts frequently either, however when I feel down, I eat sweet cake.""Okay. I trust this cheers you up.""… Ok. Much obliged to you."Silje took one more taste from her cup and said unobtrusively, "Thank you for being with me like thi
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Chapter 13:
For a couple of days, Silje turned out to be exceptionally sick.When she got back home, her body must've loose and she at long last acknowledged the amount she had gone as the night progressed. Her wrist felt extraordinarily excruciating and she caught an extreme fever. Her feet and hands additionally experienced frostbite.The enthusiastic cost for her was the straw that broke the camel's back and she was unable to get up the following day. She told her new parents she had a terrible fever thus she remained at home for a couple of days.Silje frantically needed to stop school right away, however she needed to move on from secondary school. That was the main way for her to compensate her new parents for raising her, and it was additionally the main way for her to authentically venture out from home.Similarly as she had done all through her whole life, she needed to persevere through everything. Silje chose to just contemplate graduating and that's it. H
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Chapter 14:
After Ingrid left, Kail was going to light another cigarette when he grimaced."She demolished it."He mumbled to himself and got his jacket. He really wanted something to encourage him."Welcome, Kail. You honor us with your presence."Lady Camila grinned enchantingly and welcomed him.Kail entered the restrictive Karl Johans club in Oslo. Within was embellished with Persian floor coverings, extravagant ceiling fixtures, red velvet draperies, and Wedgwood one china containers. With high roofs and dull floors, the magnificence of the spot was threatening.In the background, ladies' chuckling could be heard from the private rooms. Not at all like the other normal clubs, this spot guaranteed unadulterated animalistic delight. For this reason Kail visited this place some of the time when he felt disappointed.Kail addressed the entertainer who was exceptionally eager to see him."You are so great at honeyed words, Madam.""
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Chapter 15:
Ding dong ding dong.As the ringer rang, Silje entered the study hall with her dressed wrist.It was the second time of the day and she was going to go to her exemplary writing class. It was an elective, so the understudies in the room weren't her customary schoolmates.At the point when she strolled in, everybody gazed at her. The gossip of the occurrence among her and Kail had proactively spread generally, so the children murmured among themselves. They were obviously discussing her, however Silje disregarded them and plunked down unobtrusively. She was utilized to this.The instructor began the illustration, "How about we start from where we left off last time. In the northern European fantasy, berserkers were Odin's most courageous men who did without protective layers into fight. They… ."Of all subjects, the instructor was discussing berserkers. Silje could have done without it. It helped her to remember Satan, Kail.Her wrist a
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Chapter 16:
This had happened for a considerable length of time. She won't let this gibberish proceed. The individual who went after her was remaining in front and ridiculing her. She needed to retaliate. Silje grimaced forcefully and spat out his name."Kail Jorgen Bruntland."At her furious voice, Kail gradually gazed toward her. Silje didn't turn away and inquired, "That is your name, right?""So?"When he replied with a sweet grin, Silje gritted her teeth and proceeded, "And you are the horrible ruler of Bestrum Skole, right?"One, two, three seconds.Out of nowhere, Kail snickered boisterously, filling the whole corridor."It made perfect sense to you. It seems like you know me well overall, so I don't have anything to say about that."Kail grinned enchantingly and proceeded, "You're entertaining. I hadn't understood how well known I was. I'm respected."At the point when Kail bowed jokingly, Silje bit her lips."Quit ri
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Chapter 17:
Silje disregarded him and went comparably regular at work."Goodness! This salmon sandwich is astonishing. All the sandwiches made today were awesome.""Obviously. I put my everything into it, so it should be great.""Then, at that point, I will have another."Snickering and having a good time, Silje looked delightful and Kail couldn't quit checking her out. In her pink sweater and pants, she at long last resembled an ordinary high school young lady. She seemed healthy enough for once."It's so scrumptious! Haha."Silje grinned and continually ate as though she was starving and continued to shout how great the food was. At the point when more clients came in, she happily welcomed them and took their orders.Her satisfaction irritated him."Welcome!"Gazing at her, Kail grinned obscurely.Which side of her was her genuine self?Kail's grin was shadowy and ridiculous. He became inquisitive.'I can't he
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Chapter 18:
Silje saw the recognizable face. With bleach light hair and clear violet eyes, it was Brigit who looked self-important as she was encircled by two or three people.Irina mumbled, "She is separated from everyone else today."Silje knew what she implied.Brigit wasn't with Kail Satan today.At the point when Brigit saw Silje, she snickered with her companions and scowled at her with disdain.Irina told Silje, "She is going out with Kail.""Kail?""That is correct. Just somebody like Brigit could date a sovereign like Kail I presume."Irina assumed Brigit and Kail were individuals of a more significant level."Every one of the folks deal with Brigit like a goddess. She can be excessively, so just somebody like Kail could presumably control her. Kail is… "Contemplating the horrible ruler, Irina burst into chuckling. Like the wide range of various young ladies in the school, she checked out at him with an abnor
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Chapter 19:
The time she enjoyed with Irina was a magnificent break from her grim life. It was whenever Silje first felt warmth from a cohort. She contemplated whether this could be a defining moment in her school life.However, she wasn't right, tragically. The harassing proceeded. It turned out to be more regrettable, truth be told. Another talk expressed that she was Kail's next target, and her swathed wrist appeared to be sufficient evidence. Believing that Kail detested her, children became crueler to her."Something smells terrible here."Two or three children stuck bits of gum on Silje's jeans and begun to yell that she peed in her jeans. They snickered at her and Silje attempted to disregard them, however when she was going to plunk down, a child behind her pulled the seat back. Silje fell on the floor clumsily and the children began chuckling at her once more.This was just plain awful.Silje attempted to stand up, yet the children immediately encompa
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Chapter 20:
Silje was stunned by Kail's unexpected kiss. She was unable to trust what was occurring, and she lacked the opportunity to respond.His aroma was amazingly appealing. She shuddered as his dim hair and hot breath touched her cheek.What stunned Silje the most was the sensation of his hot lips. It seemed like a hot poker burning her skin.Silje couldn't completely accept that this was going on, and out of every other place on earth, here in school before everybody. He was denoting her so that everybody might see.'This person is insane! He has freaked out!'The children heaved and murmured among themselves. At the point when Silje at last woke up, she saw Kail peering down at her as though nothing occurred. Her lips felt enlarged and hot. They hurt.Silje's heart beat quick and she was unable to relax. Her eyes broadened as she dissented, "What is going on with this? Is it safe to say that you are insane?"However, Kail kept on gazing d
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