All Chapters of Demon King's Contract: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
72 Chapters
Caught in hell
That night I had trouble sleeping. I tossed and turned many times. When I came back from Kira’s house, I had asked Red to look for her somehow. I wondered if it would be possible for him to find her the way he always finds me. He, of course, refused that and told me that it was different for us. Because of the contract. I knew that to some extent but wouldn’t there be a way? Like her scent? After that he had complained that he was a demon and not a werewolf. If he was a werewolf, he might have been able to find her using her scent alone. I had a hard time even imagining werewolves being real.In the end, he promised to send a few of his subordinates in search for her, assuring me that she was probably out getting some air and would be back at her house. I tried to believe him but he didn’t see her the way I did. I know her and for her to act hostile would mean that she is genuinely very troubled.I sigh as I fiddle with my sheets. Come on. Fall asleep.I close my eyes. I wonder if I s
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There was a staircase on the left and one on the right side. I took the left one.I suck in my breath and step up onto the stairs. There were huge candelabars holding multiple candles on either side of the stairs on it’s knobs. It was such an eerie atmosphere due to the lack of anything lively. The same monotone. Dark and rusty. I feel like I was in a haunted house and a jump scare could happen at any moment. I rest my hand on my chest and will to myself.‘Don’t be so negative. I don’t want to see a ghost now of all places.’ The creepiness of it already made me shiver.The stairs led to a platform that connected 2 more staircases. At the end of each were multiple openings which presumably led to halls. I was confused about which one to take but at the end I just trusted my feet to pick the right one, whatever the hell that means. Probably one where I won’t get eaten alive by a monster in hell. Even if it isn’t real, the pain in dreams can still be felt! I don’t want to be eaten alive.
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"Why me?"He licked his lips. "Since you're asking so desperately, it's you because you were the only one I could detect. It's been 80 years since the last one."80 years? Since he found someone like me? An angel? "I must have done something wrong to deserve this" I muttered under my breath sarcastically. "Probably. You used your powers. There you go baby, you have a major hint." He backed away from me slightly and crossed his arms. "It doesn't matter anymore. Once your powers have been unlocked, you can't supress them completely by yourself" He grinned. "So if you were thinking that all you have to do is not use your powers in order for me not to find you. You are wrong" What is he blabbing on about... I have never used my powers even once. I try to rack my brain and tried to remember a time where I used them. Come on. Try and remember something weird and unexplainable. My eyes widened immediately as a memory surfaced. That time! Lily's wounds. They had suddenly disappeared.
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The Future
“Am I seriously the first angel you detected since 80 years?” I purse my lips.He stopped for a moment and made a thinking face, recalling something. “You’re right. It hasn’t been 80 years. More like 50. The last one died so quick, it barely left an imprint.”I lightly scoff. A part of me wonders if this is a way to provoke me, trying to tell me that I am going to be next. Perhaps I am also going to be someone who is not capable of even leaving an imprint on him before I die.I struggle against the invisible force that glues me to my spot and slowly but surely, I could wiggle my fingers and toes. The tension is thick and suffocating- the moment drags on forever and it seems like this nightmare will never end. Have I been dreaming for hours or has it been just a few minutes? Whatever the actuality, it felt like a really long time. My perception of time must be warped already seeing how I can’t even remember how I got here in the first place. The silence continues to deafen me, all I co
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Truth or Hoax?
I feel an unusual heaviness over me, especially across my torso. I yawn with grogginess as I force my eyes open. There were already a few rays of light hitting my face from the space between the 2 curtains.“What is th-” I mumble as I look at the heavy dead weight arm on my torso that was connected to a body. For a split second I wondered if this was a nightmare and the body next to me was one I had murdered, then slowly memories of last night began to flow into me in the form of snippets here and there. I willingly came here into his bed and snuggled against him.I mentally face palm myself while I try to struggle against his weight so I can go to my own room.“So annoying.” I mutter as I raise his heavy arm and put it on his side. As soon as I did so, it started creeping it’s way across my waist again and held me captive.“Are you awake?” I call out. There’s no way he is doing this in his sleep. He must be awake. Right? I bite my lip and push away his arm once again when I did not r
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"Stop!" I try to break it up by pulling the back of his shirt. His arm kept swinging up and down, trying to break his face apart. Was he actually trying to kill Agares? How does one even kill a demon? Will this be enough to do it? No, it would be too easy. But still, he is going too far. I wonder if this is how I looked, completely absorbed and tainted with rage beyond moral control. It was terrifying. I never want to go through something like this ever again. "Please" I beg as I grab on to his arm but he was out of his mind, he did not even seem to notice that I existed let alone that I was behind him. He retracted his arm so quickly that it hit the side of my face and I fell backwards onto the floor. Even then, he continued going. The floor was getting bloody especially around the area concerning his head. Why wasn't he refuting? Why wasn't he fighting back? It was like he was accepting it like it was his fault. I see Agares spit out a tooth. His face was bruised and battered and
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The Cruxtar
“I understand that you’re hurt.” Is all I say but how could I tell him that I was feeling hurt too? It was none of my business anyway. It was just plain simple and rotten jealousy. The way he got angry over him doubting her character, so much that he ended up almost beating Agares to death. He really loved her didn’t he? If she was still alive, whatever Shedim and I have, we would not have it. Not even close. He loves her still, I can tell.Nobody forgets the first love of their life. I internally scoff. What about me? Did I ever have a first love or were they just simple crushes and infatuations? I don’t think I have ever been in love before.I can’t get it out of my head. The way he got angry for her and she is not even alive. I get that this makes me a bad person but let’s be honest, at this point, I am a murderer, my character really is not in question anymore. It’s not a debate, I might not be bad but I am not a good person either and I have accepted it now for the betterment of
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Arella's Story
“Then what happened? Did she manage to steal it?” I now realise that I asked a very stupid expression, Agares’s expression made it obvious how dumb my speculation was. After all, if she had managed to steal it then none of them would be here. She would have used it to lock up the hell gate forever.“Actually, she did. I took it back.” He said.My mouth opened and then closed. Then what Shedim had said about him throwing her into the fiery pits of hell and her burning to death. It was true then? That.. burning alive, that is just so cruel. It couldn’t be right?“I don’t understand.” I ask for elaboration.“Arella thought that all demons and monsters deserved to die and that if she couldn’t kill them then at the very least, she could lock them up forever where they could not see the light of day ever again. Angels in general are very righteous beings. Honestly, I’m surprised that Shedim could never see it and he did not doubt you for one second when he found out you were part angel. As
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“As for your question-” He trails off and I immediately put my finger against his bloodied lips.“No! Don’t answer.” I could just die in embarrassment right now. Why don’t I just crawl a deep hole and fall in it. I won’t even mind if I land all the way in hell after falling. If he suspected that Shedim was listening to our conversations then he should have at least warned me! In the beginning, I surely saw him look around in suspicion, making sure we weren’t being heard but then he went along so I thought we were safe!He laughed.“Shut up.” I mutter under my breath. “You were talking about all those things in details precisely because you know he could hear us. Didn’t you? Greedy.”He glances sideways sheepishly. “Do you think he would ever listen to me if he was standing in front of me? Look what happened.” He pointed at his face.“You let it happen too. It’s not like you’re powerless. Or are you a weak demon?” I tease as I get up from the couch. I was still feeling slightly feveris
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Meanwhile – in hell.*third person pov*“What kind of nonsense is he spouting? He doesn’t sound the least bit of apologetic. If I was there I would beat him to a bloody pulp!” Shedim growled under his breath as he continued working on strengthening the gate. Many of his trusted advisors and subordinates capable of magic like Amon were assisting him in doing so. Whereas they were reinforcing a force field around the gate, Shedim was allowing the gate to drain his own power to use so it would become stronger. The downside is clear, of course, Shedim’s powers would drain out rapidly until even movement would require the greatest of effort.No amount of exhaustion would be able to change his mind since every day that passes causes the gate to grow weaker and weaker. He is sure that Lucifer is just waiting for the most apt moment to break and march through the gate along with an army of demons. He must be taking his sweet time tormenting Enkeli before that happens, Shedim assumed. The thou
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