All Chapters of Warlord's Ward & Managing Mages: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
110 Chapters
The Hut
Warlord's head whipped and I caught further female sounds. He must’ve recognized them as his sister because he was already moving that direction. I caught faint whimpering coming from within a hut with an open door. He gestured for the mages behind him to surround the camp. Framing it so they could catch those that tried to flee. “Why not let them flee?” “Because we can’t tell which is which. But any helping Vanna Rae shouldn’t be leaving without her, or they deserve to die.” Rampage gave him a quick nod and swung an arm in a broad gesture. “We’ll surround them.” He nodded toward Killian. “As you bid.” Then they were gone. Dissolving into the trees with their bits of pink and silver moonlight. I felt my skin heating and my hair tingling at the roots. My skin felt entirely alive. Like hands roved over it everywhere it was bared. The moon’s touch. This is what a Mating Moon feels like. I realized
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His Moment
He was kind, patient. Then there was the first time I saw him smile. Everything I’d thought about him before that had shattered and I’d felt true desire. Beginning to realize he was far different then he’d first seemed. “There’s more to it than just guarding me.” I said to Aviari, watching his face carefully. “You’re right.” He said in a strained voice. “Though he would rip my throat if I let something happen to you, this is not my fight.” “But it’s your sister!” I argued. “Yes. And she knows I love her. But this,” He gestured to the entirety of the camp. “All of this. Is his night.” His? Killian’s? “For what?” “To become what he really is.” Aviari smiled proudly. Looking up at the pink moon he added. “Under a Mating Moon, no less. Isn’t that fitting?” His head dropped and he was giving me a pointed study. “Why are you looking at me like that?” “Because
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And watching him standing there. Streamers of dark magic seeping from him. His blue eyes nearly fluorescing in the dark. I’d never yearned so much for a male. Or to claim one. "We’ll sate our beasts for tonight and tomorrow we hunt!” He rotated within the circle of light cast by Aviari’s fireball. “The mages will guard us until morning.” He gave Hawk and Magus long looks. They nodded back at him. A wave of relief washed over me. I found myself feeling weak. Not only because Killian was okay but because he was declaring for all eyes to see that I was his... Killian finished his announcement and crossed the camp to embrace me. I nearly threw myself into his arms. My skin feeling as though it were on fire. “Come.” He whispered. Palming my cheek and covering my face in small kisses. “I can hardly stand looking at you, just now.” I gave him a wide-eyed look. “I want you so badly.” He assured. “Right
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Not Him
I nibbled along his throat. Knowing that if I wanted to, I could’ve torn it out. He was entirely vulnerable to me in that moment. Naked, exposed and ball deep in my core. I entirely possessed him. Just as much as he did, me. “Yes!” He growled primally. Agreeing that he was what I decreed. The great Warlord. Mine. Mine to give pleasure, mine to harm. Though I would never do so, the fact that I could get close enough to, reminded me of how intimate the act we did just now was. How connected we are. Then we both erupted. I hooked my legs over his hips. Digging my heels into the backs of his thighs just as he slapped the wall next to me. Raking it with wolf claws as he fought for control of his wild body. Together we slid to the floor. Spent. Or so I thought. He barely paused to catch his breath. Before rolling me onto all fours and mounting me from behind. His ches
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My Choice
I swung my back end around and knocked the door closed. Jerking it from his hand. He freely let it go. Giving me severe study. “You understand what you’ve done, She-Wolf?” I bobbed my head. Walking further in, I lowered to my chest on the pile of clothes. Dropping the front of my body but leaving my backside up in offering. He didn’t hesitate. Turning he lunged across the room. Black fur peeling through his skin along his arms and shoulders then up his neck and along his cheekbones until those blue eyes were entirely surrounded by midnight fur. Just as striking as I’d first guessed he would be. He loped the last couple steps and climbed over me. Catching my scruff in his teeth as he slid into me again. The night was rough. And I was sore. My mate returned to human form just as daylight crested. He was exhausted and disheveled and barely managed to slump to the floor. Fur falling away and skin smoothing i
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“I’m a very good Healer.” “Yes, you are.” Killian remarked. “I envy the Asara for your presence.” “They’ve been very good to me.” But she was already looking off into the distance. Looking for Fury. I realized. Wondering if her suffering under the Mating Moon had been as great as the rest of ours. “Come, Jade.” He lifted me into his arms. “I want to get you back indoors until you feel a bit better.” “What are you going to do?” “First I’m going to send my sister and those vicious mates of hers, after the NightHunters trail.” “You want her to get out of this camp before Detry gets here.” I called him on the truth of his intentions. He gave me a chiding look. “You know me a bit too well.” “I know how protective you are.” “I wish I could send you ahead.” “I wouldn’t go.” He snorted. “I know.” “Which is why you wanted to lock me indoors.” I gave him a pensive study. “
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Into Battle
“What is she doing?” Callum coughed. The young knight fighting to breathe as he sent the older knight, Roderick a worried look. “Making the perimeter. They won’t be able to breathe if they try to leave.” “We have to ride through that!” “We can get through faster than they can. We’re on horseback. Just hold your breath boy.” “This is foolish.” Callum jerked his horse’s rein. Tempted to turn back. Despite all his brave words from the night before. Rodrick didn’t argue. “Forward.” Detry waved. But he waited for Roderick, Callum and many of the others to go through first. There was much coughing and gasping. And many knights immediately turned back. Afraid of the place where breathing became nearly impossible. “What are you waiting for!” Detry bellowed. Drawing his short sword to point in the direction. “Get through!” They were surely creating enough racket that the wolf pack would be sure to know they were
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“I cursed myself.” Irasus proudly admitted in answer to Killian’s question. “To what?” She smiled evilly. “To feel nothing.” He murmured. Eyes widening on her. Sensing she was about to strike, he moved before her. Sending lashing strands of smoky magic out to devour her. But she bent the trees to her will. Forcing them over to weave and intertwine before her. “No, you don’t.” She heard a feminine whisper somewhere near her right but didn’t give it the credit she should’ve. Suddenly the trees ripped from her grip. Leaning away to weave behind her. Pushing her forward and out into the opening. Despite all Irasus’ efforts at using magic to hook into them, they no longer obeyed her. She spun her head and saw the pretty young woman touching a tree far too her right. She sent rocks flying that direction but that smoky magic struck first. Blocking them with an invisible barrier. So, they toppled haplessly to the ground.
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It was nearly too much for King Detry to bear. “Irasus!” He roared. Expecting her to skitter from the trees for the sound thrashing he’d execute on her. He was faintly surprised when she didn’t come out with her head ducked like a whipped hound. He called for her again. Slowing his horse. “Do you think she’ll come back?” Callum asked. Helping his mentor onto a horse. “She’d be a fool too.” Roderick whispered as he mounted. “What are you looking at?” Callum asked. Seeing Roderick staring over his head at the bleak mage still standing in the center of the camp. “I suspect, our future.” “What are you thinking?” “I’m thinking that is a King that I’d serve.” “Why?” “Did you see the way the others rushed to defend him. His own willingness to be in the thick of battle?” He looked over his shoulder at their retreating King. “I did…” Callum said thoughtfully. “You’re thinking on joining h
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Send Word
Lyra Lani was holding her arms out in welcome. I noted that her arms were slightly bloodied and there was another splash marring her delicate chin and silky blonde curls. But both women were heedless as Vanna Rae embraced her. Clearly old friends. I was a bit jealous. Having never had a she-wolf to confide in like that. Only those that raised me. But now I had a mate, and it would be nice to discuss what that meant with someone. As if sensing my thoughts, Vanna Rae peered back at Killian. Returning to hug him as well. Then she turned her attention to me. I was astonished by how truly striking she was this close. With gorgeous blue eyes. Smooth light blonde hair and a figure that one as skinny as me was sure to envy. “And you,” She shook my shoulder lightly. “You I must thank for helping bring my brother back to me.” She smiled up at Killian. “Am I to understand you are his mate?
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