All Chapters of ON A DARE: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
54 Chapters
Forty one
Vega POV.Getting a good night's sleep was not an option after Zach just showed up again in my life, because just some days before I'd been thinking that he was dead, so I was not surprised when I woke up from my attempt at sleeping with a riotous headache. I was so out of it that I didn't even ask about how Andrianna's parent visit turned out. I hated to make everything about me but with the way the past kept catching up to me, it couldn't be helped. I had Maya go through all the documents Zach's company had provided in case I missed any clause in the contract that could be detrimental to me. Zach knew I owned the company, so he, trying to help me after everything, felt very suspicious and even Andrianna's reassuring words couldn't take that feeling away. What could he possibly be plotting after all the time that had elapsed? He still seemed mad and I noticed that because I'd hopelessly obsessed over my memories of him and memorized all his facial expressions by heart that I could
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Forty two
Zach's POV."Argh!" I groaned as I tugged on my hair so hard that sharp bites of pain shimmered through my scalp. I stared at the door that Vega had walked out of, my head and mind conflicted between wanting to go after her to explain and wanting to crush her.She wasn't even fucking remorseful. It was as if my showing up in her life meant absolutely nothing to her, and she'd even had the audacity to call me a coward. She was wrong, I hadn't been hiding at all. I'd only been waiting for the right time. Her words affected me too much, but it was more fucked up that throughout our conversation I'd had to shove my hands into my pockets just to quell the urge of doing something crazy, like pulling her closer and pressing my lips against those pouty cherry red lips of hers, if only just to get a taste of her, to relieve a memory that kept me up at night with a desperate yearning.Why did I feel that way about her? Ugh! She was even more alluring than in college, she looked like a boss who
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Forty three
Vega POVStaring at the bottom of my wine glass didn't make me feel less edgy in the fancy restaurant that Zach had decided on.He was so calm and collected that it made me uneasy. I felt as if a rollercoaster was going on inside me. When I'd almost fallen in the office, he'd taken the hit so that I wouldn't get hurt, and because of that I almost had hope that he cared about me even tho that rarely seemed to be the case. I remembered our conversation in my mother's kitchen, and I knew all those things he'd confessed to me had been true... I figured they were even tho he said being with me had been all a game for him. "I don't have all day Miss Vega, so maybe we should cut to the chase".I sighed and dropped the piece of salad I'd picked up with my fork."Why are you doing all this Zach?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow. I know it was because I was calling him by his name but I wasn't going to retract."I thought you already had it figured out Vega. Do you need me to confirm it for
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Forty four
Ray stepped into his father's room, his jaw clenched as he tried to steel himself for his father's wrath since the old man had already given him a little taste of it during their call in the morning.His father came into view, his face contorted in rage and as soon as Ray was within touching distance, he smacked him across the face. Ray stumbled back, his hand clutching at his broken nose, the pain from his father ring cloaked fingers ricocheting through his brain as he tried to breathe."You're pathetic. You couldn't even keep our deal with the Lucianos. They called to call the wedding off, you made me look like a fucking fool".Ray straightened, the news hurting him more than the slap did. He hadn't realized that Andrianna was going to leave him since she'd taken care of him while he'd been in the hospital and even tho they broke up, he thought that she was just being rebellious, but from what he heard now, that was not the case at all and he couldn't look his father in the face bec
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Forty five
Zach POV."I don't care what she says, it won't stop me from taking the company away from her," I said, stepping out from the changing room and coming to face Noah, who had an exhausted look on his face."Man, I don't even know what to tell you anymore. She apologized to you for god's sake"."She didn't mean it" I maintained, refusing to acknowledge the helplessness I had felt days ago at the restaurant after she left. It had almost felt like she'd had enough and was leaving me for good, which was stupid since we were not together. Wasn't it my plan to hurt her? So why had I felt so shitty to see her cry? I hated her for what she did to me, but deep down I didn't want her to be in pain, I didn't want her voice to sound so broken as it did today, I didn't want her out of my life, or maybe I did. It was all freaking confusing. "If she's willing to allow you to get your hands on her company then I'm pretty sure she meant it. Look, it's been five years Zach, you need to stop being so fuc
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Forty Six
Zach POV.Today was the inauguration, and as I walked around, waiting for my family to get ready, the house I had grown up in felt almost foreign to me. I'd always been couped up in my room half the time for fear of running into my dad or mom, so some of the rooms in the mansion felt like a maze to me.I took a turn down to father's office, it was a more familiar territory since I'd been called there a lot after I did something wrong. It was also the same place I had told him to let me be with Vega, that I loved her and that I was not going to leave her. Well, we all knew how that turned out. I got to his door, going to push it open but pausing when I heard his raised voice."Don't ever call me Ray, we've talked about this five years ago and my answer is still the same as it was before… don't be ridiculous, why will I do such a thing, I'm an honest businessman… Well if you know all that then you should stop pushing for this. I co-own that property with Franco Vandenberg, you're never
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Forty seven
Arielle sat in her room, talking to the cops through her Ipad as they updated her about the case of Jenny and what they had turned up so far. It was the first time they were telling her something positive In five years and she could help her face-splitting grin. "That's freaking epic, I gotta say I wasn't expecting such good news from you, I'm glad you didn't let all the money I paid you to go to waste. I hope in a few weeks we'll finally have her behind bars"."You don't have to worry Miss Arielle, we're going to make sure you're satisfied with the result of this case. Jenny might have changed her face and her last name, but she's in the country and we'll have her in no time"."I'm glad to hear that. As I said, I'm just happy to know all those millions I spent didn't go to waste. Well thank you for the update"."It's no problem, I'll be calling at the same time next week"."Of course," she said and ended the call, a smile of satisfaction on her lips. Jenny was going to get what she
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Forty eight
Vega POVJake came up to me holding two glasses of wine, with an eyebrow raised as he noticed me staring at Zach as he made his speech."Keep your mouth shut about it" I hissed as I took the drink from him.Jake grinned. "I didn't say anything""But you were about to, and I'm sure it was going to make me mad"."I basically live to annoy you don't I"."No, you live to save me from all my problems". I sighed, then sipped the wine."You look amazing by the way, but the way you keep sighing is not going to get you a man tonight, or maybe you don't need a man since you've already set your eyes on that brooding male on stage," he said, his chin pointing towards Zach Dante."It's not going to work. He's here for his revenge". I wished he wasn't. Jake paused, turning to face me. "What do you mean revenge, for what exactly"."The whole thing that happened in college"."He's still not over that. I thought he said it was all a game for him. Look, you deserve better than him ok. You should just
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Forty nine
Vega POV.The standoff was nerve-wracking, so I subtly pulled out of Zach's arm with a nervous smile, my face burning. "Can we talk for a minute?" I asked Zach and he nodded even though his gaze was pinned on Ryan who was trying to match his stare and not tremble. "Excuse us then," I said and took his hand. It was almost on reflex but I didn't want to let go once I did, so I pretended that my heart wasn't hammering against my ribcage as I pulled him through the guest that was milling around. The camera flashed, and I knew this would be made into a ridiculous headline tomorrow.It was also surprising that Zach didn't try to tug his hand free from my hold. I looked around, trying to get a free space where we could talk but everywhere I looked, I saw people already occupying most of the spots. He suddenly grabbed my hand that was holding his and then he was tugging me toward the elevator. We stepped into it and as soon as we did, he punched in the number to the floor for his office."We
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Ray stepped into the hall, his eyes scanning through the crowd of people having fun as they mingled and danced the night away, but he wasn't interested in them, he was only there for Andrianna. He would talk to her and try to get her onboard the marriage because, without her and the land deeds, there was no way that his family could ever rise in the ranking. His phone rang in his pants pocket and he cursed, muttering under his breath as shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He answered the call with a snap. "What do you want""No need to be so annoyed, I'm just trying to make sure everything is moving according to plan. I waited for you to call and update me about what progress you were making but you didn't, so I decided to check up on you"."I don't need you watching my fucking back Jenny. Just do as you are told. I already said I had this under my thumb, so I don't have to call you every damn second to give you a report. I told you that I could handle everythin
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