All Chapters of Her Unwelcome Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
50 Chapters
Chapter 11: I Won't Submit To Something As Crappy As Fate
'I'm not trying. It's just what it looks like when I'm trying to be nice.''That's even worse,' Ran said drily. An unusually serious expression came over him. His eyes glowed blue again for a moment. Static crackled ominously between them.'Have you heard about bonded mates?'.She took another sip to distract herself from the change in atmosphere, but her cup was empty.'It was a thing in the past. Sort of like werewolf soulmates.'Caph nodded. His eyes turned green as he turned to explain, 'Yeah. Our ancestors used to only marry their bonded mates. But we don't do it anymore. Because there's too many werewolves, too many packs now.'Where was he going with this?Was he implying that he was looking for his bonded mate?Was that why he accepted her proposal of a fake arrangement?'Yes,' he answered her thoughts. His green eyes pulling her in like quicksand.He was flirting with her again! There's no way to make him have a serious conversation with her.Ran brought her empty cup to her
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Chapter 12: What Happens During 'Couple Time'
Caph was a fast learner.In the day, he followed Acamar to various parts of Punggol and learned about every inch of Eridanus's territory. In the evening, he would hole up with Ran in her father's study for what Cass dubbed 'couple time'.As much as Ran disliked the thought of Cass coming up with more illicit rumours to spread about the both of them, she needed the cover it unwittingly gave her to show Caph what her father had been up to without her uncle getting suspicious.'He was not a brute force kind of person,' she said, unrolling a large ancient-looking map on the darkwood desk. 'He preferred to talk instead of fight, which you know is unusual for a werewolf.'Caph smiled. He peered over her shoulder at the map, his warm breath making her neck tingle.She resisted the urge to elbow him backward.'My father would negotiate with both werewolf and human, instead of burning bridges and declaring war. As a result, Eridanus territory shrank over the years. He gave up disputed land to t
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Chapter 13: Hidden In A Book With A Red Moon
One evening, Caph found Ran in the study surrounded by a pile of books on the floor, frantically flipping through pages in search for something.He was late tonight, which would usually make her snappy, but today she was too preoccupied to even notice his presence in the room.She flipped to the end of her book without finding what she was looking for, grumbling to herself in annoyance. Then, she dumped it unceremoniously on a wobbling tower of books behind her and repeated the process with the next book on the shelf.'What are you doing?' he asked. Usually, she handled the books in her father's study like they were ancient relics.Ran slammed the book in her hands shut and growled.It was banished to the top of the highest stack.'Searching.' She pulled out another book and began leafing through the pages at a rapid rate, crinkling the yellowed pages as she went.Caph crouched next to her, taking in her flustered and bristling profile. 'For your father's collection of erotic books?' H
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Chapter 14: The Red Moon Summit
Ran didn't expect Caph to notice the subtle change in her demeanour, much less pinpoint the exact cause of her anxiety.Werewolves could sense a person's emotions more easily than humans but they often ignored such sensations and considered them a distraction from the important stuff.Having the ability to see something didn't necessarily mean you would pay attention to it.But Caph noticed and did not brush aside her frantic overturning of her father's study as something meaningless.He also noticed that she missed a prime opportunity to make sarcastic remarks about him.'It's my first time going,' she answered gruffly. 'I wasn't Beta yet four years ago.''You'll be fine,' Caph said, resting one hand on her shoulder.Ran glanced up at him to check if he meant it.He did.His blue eyes were glowing with pride.'These past two weeks, I've been learning about what your pack has accomplished here in Punggol. Every member of your pack I spoke to thinks highly of you. You have done a lot fo
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Chapter 15: An Unidentified (And Definitely Unwanted) Emotion
Dingo was once a member of the Eridanus pack.And when Ran was ten, she declared that she would marry him.After the rogue attack, Dingo vanished. He was an orphan. His mother died at childbirth and his father had long been banished from the pack, so the previous Alpha raised Dingo alongside Ran.He had been the one everybody thought would become the next Alpha.Ran also liked him very much.They were inseparable—until the attack.The pack mourned him just like they mourned her parents.Yet here he was, alive and well, in the arms of another woman.Ran frowned. Surely she was mistaken. Maybe she was still asleep.She had not seen Dingo for ten years. How could she be sure the man before her was her childhood sweetheart?He might be some other werewolf named Dingo.But the woman clearly called Ran his first love.And his chocolate brown eyes were the same as the ones in her memory.Uh the memory she boxed up, locked three times and threw into the furthest depths of her brain t
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Chapter 16: What Happened Before Dinner
The ballroom was sparsely decorated. Aesthetics was wasted on werewolves after all.Chandeliers lit up every inch of the large space and there was a buffet running through the middle of the hall. Unlike the tables at Septrion County's Full Moon Gathering, these tables were firm and tall although they stood on slender metal legs. They were draped with white satin cloth and laden with dishes in neat silver compartments.It was extravagant.But that was to be expected. Every pack contributed to the Summit funds after all.It was the one day every four years that werewolves celebrated the flourishing of their kind after all.'Close your mouth,' Caph whispered.Ran clenched her teeth and scowled at him. 'It's already closed! Close your own.'He grinned at her.He said that to get her to relax.She took a deep breath. Caph held up the gift bags in his other hand. 'Where do we start?'Ran recalled her father's notes and Acamar's instructions.First, they greeted the Alphas from their own coun
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Chapter 17: Divine Restraint
'God cursed the most perverted and bloodthirsty city of man and handed them over to their feral desires.' This was how the first werewolves came to be. They were banished from human civilisation and made slaves to violence and deception.But once every four years, God gave them a chance to learn humanity. When the moon was stained red with his blood, they lost the urge to fight and made peace with one another.Slowly but surely, the Red Moon Truce was how the feral werewolves recovered their humanity and they were able to shift back into human form at will. It was also how they built this orderly and domesticated pack system for themselves.What Ran tried to do—holding Dingo down by the collar on the floor of the ballroom, one hand raised to strike— threatened to undo a millennium's worth of effort spent unravelling the curse.The hand she had lifted to slap Dingo never struck his face. Rage roared in her ears but her hand hovered in midair, held back by an invisible force. The clamour
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Chapter 18: She's Mine
Ran stared at the mark Caph made on the back of her hand. It had already begun to fade.'It didn't hurt, right?' he asked.His blue eyes were glowing, his lips smiling at her. She was mesmerised by the sound of his breathing.When she didn't answer, he straightened up and took a step back, looking very pleased with himself. 'You didn't do anything wrong tonight. So don't worry.'Her ears turned red again.He wasn't doing this because he liked her! He was just distracting her from what happened.How could she of all people mistake his playboy habits for actual feelings?She berated herself with a low growl.Caph turned when he heard it. 'Hungry? I'll get something for you to eat.'She didn't correct him.He returned to the ballroom to get plates of food for her and to report to Acamar. Just as he had predicted, the werewolves had been baffled by what happened and had decided to pretend the incident never happened. Most of them crowded around tall cocktail tables, eating food from the bu
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Chapter 19: Why Aren't You Doing Anything?
Acamar raised himself to his full height, his black eyes glowing with dominance. 'Our Beta has spoken,' he declared. 'Leave and do not return.'Dingo took a one step back, then another, his gaze fixed on the current Alpha of Eridanus. The Alpha who had taken his place as soon as he left and rebuilt his old pack into the powerhouse it was today.He regretted his betrayal.He regretted leaving Ran and becoming Alpha of Leo when he saw her again at the Summit.She had grown up well.She was hot.That was the reason he came after her. He wanted to make amends, rebuild ties with his old pack and possibly elevate the status of Leo by becoming close allies with Eridanus.But Ran saw through him in a flash. She humiliated him in front of her pack—retribution for what he had done yesterday. There was no emotion in her black eyes when she called him a traitor. The traces of fury, of betrayal in her eyes at the Summit had vanished.If he could not pander to Ran's emotions, then convincing Acamar
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Chapter 20: He's Different Now
When Caph was first sent to college in Septrion County, he hated it.He wanted to go back to The Citadel in Polemon County where he knew everyone and could get them to do all the annoying chores for him.Now that he was home, sitting around the antique dining table with his parents and three older brothers in the ancient castle that had been passed down about a hundred generations, he wanted to go back to Punggol.To Eridanus.To where Ran was.Where Acamar treated him like a son—ironically.Where Ran would scowl and nag at him because he was late for their evening studies. Again.But he was here in Cassiopeia with his blood family, and he didn't belong anymore.It was dinner time but his oldest brother, the Beta, was discussing disputed Cassiopeia territory with his father and second brother, the pack Delta. His mother, Jelsie, argued with Cam, who was only two years older than he, about whether farmed vegetables was better for purebred wolves than store-bought human-grown vegetables.
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