All Chapters of A Thousand Lies: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
73 Chapters
Thirty-one: painted in red and blue
Temperance She put on a movie that I've never seen before. Incredibles 2, I think. I haven't even seen the first one. I haven't really seen any movies if I'm honest. And I can blame my father for that. She stands up to get something from the kitchen while I cover up with a blanket, still watching the movie. I don't know when the guys will be back, it seems like I never know. I don't know if Ella will let me go to bed alone or if she'd sit on the edge of my bed and watch me. Alec did order her to protect me, but sitting on the edge of my bed while I try to sleep seems excessive. My ears perk as a firm knock comes from the front door. I turn around, glancing at the door. My mind runs through all the people it could be. I stand to my feet and walk towards the door. Something isn't right, I can feel it. I open the door, and to my horror, I see two tall, male police officers standing in front of me. The red and blue lights flashed behind them, blinding me. I bring my hand up to my
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Thirty-two: Cement walls
Temperance Anxiety. My anxiety can go from one to ten in a matter of seconds. One minute I can be fine. The next, I'm on the ground shaking, trying to get the oxygen into my lungs. Anxiety is like a monster. It's a monster that doesn't go away. It's a monster that attacks you whenever it wants because it doesn't care about what you think. I say I need to go to the restroom for stomach problems. It's not the stomach problems everyone is thinking about. It's the anxiety making my stomach churn. Making me fall to the ground holding my stomach while I break out into a cold sweat, rocking back and forth on the ground. My heart feels like it's going to burst... it's all I worry about. Wondering if it's going to explode inside my chest and kill me slowly because it's beating so fast. Because it hurts so much. It's the thing that causes me to lose my breath and causes me not to form a simple word. It could be wonderful. Then the anxiety knocks on my door. I stay quiet, so it won't kno
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Thirty-three: A new place
Temperance "Who the fuck Is this?" My heart drops as I hear a booming voice. I turn around and come face to face with a large man that has features like my father. A young woman stands behind him. "Th-this is Temperance. Your niece." Kenli speaks up. I can tell she is afraid. My palms begin to sweat as I start shaking. My heart is thumping in my ears. Chris grabs my sweaty palm and squeezes it. He's like the big brother I've always wanted. The big brother I've always dreamed of having. Even though I barely knew him, I felt this sort of connection with him. Like I can count on him to protect me. Then my mind falls back to Alec. I miss him so much. My heart aches without him. I want to be with him in his arms. The man snaps in my face focusing my attention back on him. "I'm Austin. You will address me as 'sir'; if you forget, you will be punished. This is Vicki, my wife. You will address her as 'ma'am'." Austin's tone is harsh. He meant what he said. "Explain the rest of the
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Thirty-four: Something's off
Temperance Excitement fills my body as soon as Alec comes into view. He couldn't take me to school this morning because of something that happened with his gang. I had to walk to school. I jump in his arms, and he holds me tightly. Several people stare at us, their eyes filled with judgment. He places my feet firmly on the ground, his hands cupping my cheeks. "Did they hurt you? Are you ok? What's been happening?" His eyes are filled with worry. "I-I'm fine. Don't worry." I haven't had any fists fly at me yet but my mental health is something to worry about. Panic attacks are frequent and when they aren't happening I'm laying down staring into space. I can't do anything about it, though. I can't tell him. Or really anyone. Maybe one day I'll be able to get a therapist or something like that. I can't imagine myself opening up to someone who could judge me though. If I got a therapist they would think I'm disgusting from things that have happened to me. He hands me a backpack
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Thirty-five: familiar pain
TemperanceNervously, I drop my backpack on the mattress I sleep on and then make my way into the living room.In desolation, I process his harsh words.I will be going somewhere else for my school. My current school is too far from here for me to continue attending."I have to go somewhere else? I like the school I go to now." I don't like the school per say, I only like the friends I have.Austin turns towards me, wrapping his fingers around my wrist. I bite my tongue as his fingers press into my cuts."S-stop that hurts!" I desperately try to pry his hand off of mine.I feel a rip in my arms, signaling that my cuts have ripped open. I watch in horror as blood seeps through my sleeves. My sleeves aren't thick enough to hold the blood, causing the warm liquid to smudge onto Austin's calloused hand.He lets go of my wrist in disgust and brings his hand with my blood on it to my face. He yanks his hand away from me, studying the liquid on his palm. He glances at me, extending his hand
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Thirty-six: surrounded by strangers
Temperance "No offense but what kind of name is Temperance? I mean it's pretty... it's just odd." A body appears next to me, bumping their shoulder into mine. With furrowed brows, I look up at the culprit who has ruined my focus on keeping myself from wobbling. A girl stands beside me, she's tall so she looks down at me. She gives me a small smile, not making any effort to get out of my bubble. It's my first day at this damned school and I already have someone bothering me. "How do you know my name?" I question, not remembering her face from either of my first classes. "My friend shares the first block with you." She tilts her head, moving a hair out of my face. I pull my head back, my back hitting the lockers behind me. I wince in pain as her arms extend for me, ready to yank me away from the lockers. "Are you ok?" She asks me as I swat her hand away from me. "Why are you talking to me so early? Can't you see I'm upset by your presence?" I can't help my outburst, the irritatio
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Thirty-seven: survival
TemperanceA month has passed since I was forced to leave Riverblossom high school.Since my departure, I haven't seen any of my friends. It's been a month since I've spoken to anyone aside from Chris and Kenli.I have no friends in this place. I'm alone like I did a 180. My luck has to be rotten. How can I be back to how I was before I met Alec? It's as if I went back in time.Sometimes I contemplate if my meeting with Alec was real or not. Were the happiest months of my life an illusion?Even if it was, my want for freedom is strong. I cant make anymore friends in a place I won't stay at forever. Even if everyone I had met a few months ago was an illusion, I can still have my false memories to lean on.When I first got to this school several people tried to talk to me. I would give dry responses to their attempts at befriending me. When they gave up I returned to solitude. I guess it's my fault that I'm alone now.The only thing I can be thankful for is the fact that there isn't Sab
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Thirty-eight: The form
TemperanceI sit at my usual desk at school, in the back. And wait for the teacher. I adjust in my seat as the teacher walks in with a stack of papers.With a sigh I lay my head down on my desk, closing my tired eyes."Alright, class. So some exciting news. The school will be taking a weekend-long field trip. Partnering with two other school districts." I listen to Mrs. Trevors go on about a trip I probably won't go on.I lift my head back up like a sheet of paper lands on my desk.The info for the field trip and the signatures.Fairview high school is proud to announce that we will be hosting a field trip with our two partnering school districts, Riverblossom high school, and Westring high school.My heart drops as the form mentions my old high school, Riverblossom.Where all my friends are. Where Alec is.I will have to avoid him. I can't get caught up with him again. I can't get caught up with ANY of them.My heart wrenches thinking of them. Thinking of not talking to them. Having
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Thirty-nine: Alec's family
Alec7:15 am FridayI load my things and the guy's things into the trunk of my car. All the main guys would be going with me.Zander, Damien, Ethan, and Connor. The rest of the men had to stay here to guard.Once I get everyone's bags into the trunk of my car, I slam it shut.Then to my surprise, two cars pull up in my driveway. We aren't expecting anyone. The cars stop. I can't see inside.Then I feel my heart drop.It is my parents. Picture perfect parents.No, not just them.I watch as my parents got out of the first car. My mom has a big smile plastered on her face walking over to me while my father goes back to get their luggage."What are you guys doing here? You weren't supposed to get back from Hawaii yet." I ask my mom as she engulfs me in a bear hug."We just missed you too much. Not to mention your father was worried." She let me go with a sigh. My father is like that. Never trust me with MY gang for too long. It was once his until he handed it down to me. He doesn't have t
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Forty: ski resort
Temperance Once we got to the resort, everyone put on their coats, scarves, beanies, or whatever they had. The teachers push us all off the bus and into the freezing snow. We are forced to stay in place as our teachers conduct a head count. I shiver and put my gloved hands on my nose to keep my face partially warm. I look around. Everything is covered in snow. Great. I hate the cold. I stand in front of the resort, taken aback by how big it looks. It looks WARM. Then without warning, the teachers usher us into the building we will be staying in. I look around. It is beautiful. It is fancy. It is so warm. But it isn't just my school. No. There are two other schools already here. My eyes widen in fear that everyone I once knew could be here, watching me. I make my way to Chris and Kenli, who happen to be standing together. Many people push around me to get to various places.I look at my cousins frantically. They look at each other, then back at me in confusion. Chris grabs my hand
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