All Chapters of The Alpha's Human Twin: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
152 Chapters
Chapter 11
Chapter 11.*Both women exchanged glances before turning to look at Cora, who was staring back at them, seriously."Hey, Cora. I am Nurse Madison. Nice to meet you" Madison said as Mrs. Anderson walked up to her, flashing a fake smile."Nurse Madison is a very nice lass. I told you, right? She will take care of you" She said, but Cora still kept the somber front."I need that necklace. It is the only way I can get back home" She began again as Mrs. Anderson turned to look at Madison who was just eyeing Cora closely."I told you so" She mouthed as Madison nodded."Psychosis it is" Madison murmured. "I have to go. Be careful" Mrs. Anderson motioned to leave, as a male Nurse stepped into the ward with a worried expression on his face.He walked over to Madison while Cora watched them closely. He murmured something to her, which made her facial expression sour."Excuse me" She said to the male nurse and turned to look at Mrs. Anderson, who sensed something was wrong."Could you please h
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Chapter 12
Chapter 12.*"I said, why are you following me? What do you want from me?" She inquired again, her delicate blue eyes turning to meet Cora.Cora assumed this lady hadn't gotten enough sleep since her eyes were weary and puffy.As the lady continued peering back at Cora with enormous projecting eyes, Cora observed her lips were pale white and had little blisters around the rims."Are you okay? You appear to be unwell," Cora said."What do you even care?""I just watched you puke in that thing." As the blonde huffed, Cora remarked again, "And you don't look very good.""I have no idea who you are or who sent you; just keep the hell away from me," she fumed."Excuse me, I just needed some clarification, okay?""You're looking at the wrong woman. You should not be seeking someone like me" She wiped her hands with a hand towel and signaled for Cora to leave, but she refused."What exactly are you up to? They'll be on the lookout for us very soon." The Blondie spoke out once more."Why are
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Chapter 13
Chapter 13.*"Can you tell me where she is?" Madison inquired as the chubby cook blinked her eyes and stuttered."She's... She was over_" she paused as a young kitchen helper approached her and whispered something into her ears."Alright," the obese chef muttered as the Assistant walked away, with Madison maintaining a deadpan expression."What is it?" Madison inquired"Her hazelnut soup is ready" The fat chef said."And where is she?""I'm not sure, she walked back to the dining room." "OK," Madison said as she grabbed the glass of water and moved away from the counter. The blonde who had been observing them knew they were talking about Cora and wanted she could hear what they were saying.She didn't like the astonished expression on the obese chef's face. She had seen that chef cry once when she watched a patient inflicting harm on himself. And she had labeled her as the sensitive kind."Cora, where have you gone?" Madison muttered under her breath as she surveyed the dining room
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Chapter 14
Chapter 14.*"What woman?" Cora turned to gaze in the same direction as Tessa, but there was no one there."That hefty cook was simply looking at us and then she went away!" Tessa was enraged, knowing what would happen if the chef spilled."So?" Cora was having none of it."You don't get it, do you? If she reveals that, two patients who were meant to be insane were communicating! Particularly when it comes to you and__""What is it about her that has you so heated up?""What? You still don't get it? Do you?" Tessa came to a halt and looked at Cora, who simply shrugged."Okay, OK. I'll take care of her.""Does that imply we'd kill her?" Cee inquired of Cora."No, absolutely not! We're just going to frighten her.""That sounded a little more elaborate." Cee breathed a sigh of relief.Tessa was looking at Cora as she glanced into space. For the first time, she observed her face's lovely features and felt it was a shame such a beautiful person was a maniac."You still haven't answered my
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Chapter 15
Chapter 15.*Tessa couldn't handle the shock any longer and collapsed to the ground, spilling both her and Cora's half-eaten lunch.Cora was shocked at this as her eyes dimmed and her rage faded.This prompted the guards and carers to rush to Tessa on the floor, leaving Cora to stand there and watch as they hauled her away.*WOLFDOM.Since the luna left for the human world, Master Arcade has not had time to visit the rogues in the cave.And he knew Nile would be furious since he despised being kept in the dark. Mountain How Pack placed several werewolves on nighttime patrol, around the fortress, under the leadership of the pack Beta, Max. Trespassers would have a harder time besieging the castle, as they had done previously, causing the pack's unrest.Master Arcade looked out into the deep, dark, and freezing night. He peered up, out the window, but the forests covering his view made it difficult to see the sky...He took a step away from the window and toward the wall. Picking up
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Chapter 16
Chapter 16.*Arcade adjusted his weight away from Nile, ensuring that the flames' reflection did not fall on his face, masking his horrified expression."You're as involved in this as I am. We both want the same thing" He talked, his voice quivering undetected, and he was amazed at how he could do it."That's something I'm aware of, Arcade. But I despise being kept in the dark. I'm also curious about what's going on over there!" He became enraged."That, I understand. But, you know, if I continued leaving the fortress, it would raise suspicions, and no one is meant to be suspicious of me at this point in the plot "Arcade spoke up, his fears gradually calming."You do realize__""I understand. Just tell me the specifics immediately" Nile was eager. He's been aching for news for days and doesn't want Arcade to boring him with useless information."Right," Arcade mumbled."The luna is still with the witches and may return with the Alpha in 7 days." "How long has she been gone?" "3 da
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Chapter 17
Chapter 17.*HUMAN WORLD.Cora hadn't seen Tessa since the incident in the dining room the day before, and she was concerned about her well-being.She sat in the chair adjacent to Tessa's unoccupied seat, which was flanked on one side by another female patient."Do you think I was too harsh on her? I didn't actually hit her "Cora murmured to Cee."Cora, you've been fretting over this since yesterday night... I think you should let it go." "But I still feel horrible. I'm to blame for her absence. What if she's already passed away?" Cora's demeanor had shifted to one of despondency."As you well know, the humans are fragile creatures," Cee observed."So aggravating," Cora murmured, clasping her fingers in her laps and tapping her feet anxiously on the floor.Nurse Madison observed Cora as she gazed into space, conversing with Cee.Madison was convinced that Cora was withholding something, and she was determined to find out what it was.She was unaffected by the medicines, and the dos
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Chapter 18
Chapter 18."It's time for a bath," Madison remarked, her gaze fixed on Cora.The caregivers entered the ward and began assisting the patients as they lined them in three rows.Cora jumped up and entered the line, Tessa at her side.Sean stepped into the ward just as they were leaving with the carers. Madison's face lit up with delight as she saw him."Right on time," her lips arched into a slight grin as he approached her directly.By this time, the patients had been escorted out of the ward by the caretakers, leaving only a few cleaners to clean up the premises, as well as Sean and Madison."It's all about the full moon in here. What exactly do you intend to do with it?" Sean shrugged and tossed the document on the counter, which Madison snatched up without even giving it a second glance."You'll find out soon enough. For the time being, we need to discuss.""Yes, you informed me over the phone.""First and foremost, let's talk about the basics. How is the necklace coming along?" Sh
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Chapter 19
Chapter 19.*Sean had carefully listened to all of Madison's details regarding Cora as he attempted to decipher all that had been stated.Madison had now passed the ball over to him. It was up to him to determine whether or not he wanted to participate."Let me clarify something. You administered an overdose to a patient?""Not just any patient, but the enigmatic one for whom propofol and medications are ineffective. I have no idea what she is or who she is, but I believe I want to learn more about her "Madison stated her opinion."As much as I'd like to learn more about this patient, I'm not sure it's the prudent thing to do!" He drew his brows together."Sean, you should be ashamed of yourself for holding such a high moral standard. I've seen you do horrible things to patients; don't be a hypocrite!" She exploded."That was in the past, Madison. I'm a different person now." He grimaced, annoyed that she brought up his history."Okay, let's not go there. But, on the other hand, have
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Chapter 20
Chapter 20.*Cora handed her the broken molar mic, which she accepted with a grimace on her face, inspecting it to see if what Cora had stated was right."I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with how those things function."Tessa wasn't paying attention to Cora's apologies as she finished inspecting it and noticed that it was completely damaged."So, what's the point? They'll undoubtedly send someone in here, and it'll be dangerous." She muttered under her breath and walked over to the Water Closet, where she tossed the broken molar mic. Then she flushed it while Cora stood there watching.She was still facing Cora with her back to her, absorbed in thought as Cora glanced down at the blond wig Tesa was holding.Cora felt uncomfortable looking at Tessa without her wig on. Tessa stepped up to the mirror and studied herself before re-draping her wig."Who are these folks you're talking about?" Cora maintained her composure.Tessa took her time putting her wig in place before eventually spea
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