All Chapters of Lyon: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
181 Chapters
Chapter 41: LYON
Six of us went out to the designated spot. For all that it was only a few minutes right outside of the city, it was a desolate, barren landscape perfect for our purposes. We had a little practice run through making sure there was enough space for what I had in mind. The rest of the day was spent relaxing and being as normal as possible. There was no reason for anything to fall back on us, but I wanted to make absolutely certain that we were in the clear. After Angel had been gone for a good three hours with no contact, I broke down and called her because I missed the fuck out of my girl. She answered with a laugh in her voice. Good I wouldn't have to fuck Tina up for hurting her, looks like. "Were your ears ringing? I was just about to call you, I miss you." "Yeah me too, you good over there, baby?" "Uh huh, we're just catching up." Fucking women, they talk everyday on the phone, but they still have something to catch up on, go figure. "Okay, sweetie, make sure you don't
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Chapter 42: LYON
We made it back in time to catch the girls' act. My angel sounded just like her namesake as she belted out the lyrics to Wallflowers' One Headlight. I put shit behind me and got lost in the beauty that was her.Zack passed me a beer as we took our seats at the table and fell into the conversation as though we'd never left. I searched my feelings for a moment to see if there was any remorse or guilt for what I'd done, what I'd asked others to do.Truthfully, I felt a slight pang that I'd had to get my hands dirty, that I'd had my crew get theirs dirty, but I felt no loss for him. He was a parasite who would've continued destroying lives in his path without retribution.He'd fucked himself over the night he decided to go after what's mine and though at the time she hadn't been mine she still bore the scars from his attack and probably will for the rest of her life that made it my problem.I'd made sure we hadn't left, not even a shadow of our presence behind at the scene. The chains
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Chapter 43: LYON
"Cyrus my man you ready to go?"We found Cyrus in the hotel room we'd rented for him with his few meager belongings all packed up and ready to go. I like the spark of excitement I saw in the old guy's eyes as we gave him the keys to the rental we got him to follow us home in."I haven't handled a vehicle in years son." He played with the keys in his hand."It'll come back to you and if you feel nervous one of the guys will be more than happy to take the wheel no problem.""No-no, I don't want to put you out anymore than I already have you're already doing so much for me as it is." He looked like he was about to cry."Cyrus buddy, cut that shit out yeah. What I'm doing, what we're doing we're doing because it's the human thing to do you get me. There's no need to feel beholden, look at it this way, if you believe in what goes around comes around, then somebody upstairs must've put in a good word for you for what you did for your wife. Consider this a debt paid, now let's go, my guy
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Chapter 45: KAT
Does he have any idea what it does to me when he says things like that, how it makes me melt inside? Sometimes I have to literally pinch myself to make sure I'm awake, that I'm really here and this is really happening.Especially these last few days since we've been back, he's been extra attentive and sweet, even more so than usual and that's saying a lot. Sometimes I'd catch him looking at me like he was studying me or something. Hopefully he was thinking the same thing I was, how awesome it was that we'd found each other. It's hard to believe that my life had taken this remarkable turn, I'd gone from almost total despair to being the happiest I'd ever been in my life; it's almost scary. Like waiting for the other shoe to drop or something, but somehow I knew Colton would be there to pick it up if that should happen and that was the most amazing thing of all.***LYON***I held her hand as Stacy started on her back. My baby is just a little bit squeamish when it comes to nee
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Chapter 47: LYON
Turns out it didn't take much to encourage the douche to move on. Vanessa's oldest had kept him at bay until we got there and had pretty much let his old man know at the age of fifteen that he wasn't going to put up with his shit anymore.It's a shit thing for a kid to have to do, go up against his parent, but it showed some of what type of man he was going to become.He kept his mom and his two sisters safe one more time. All that was left for me to do was reinforce with just a little muscle power that his family was off limits.I had a nice little chat with Vanessa about maybe relocating. She lived in a remote location where her nearest help was about fifteen minutes away, not good. When she let it be known that money was the deciding factor, the main reason why she and her kids were stuck there that's where Lyon's Crew came into play, this is what we do best. I made her promise to get in touch with Cynthia so that after I work out the details she could be moved in a week or so.
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Chapter 48: KAT
Colton and I are at a standoff; it's a little unnerving but liberating all the same. I know now that there'll be times when we disagree but that doesn't mean he'll leave me, which for some reason was one of my biggest fears.I've never been in a relationship before obviously so I'm not quite sure how these things work. My parents had called it quits before I came along and I've never had the opportunity to see the inner workings of one up close and personal. I have no frame of reference to draw from.Colt on the other hand comes from a solid background with two parents who were still very much in love with each other though I tended to think he played by his own rules and not by anything he'd learned growing up in that household. I can't imagine Daniel being with Elena the way Colt is with me.The phone rang just as I was about to head out to the shop to see about an order I'd placed. It was Carol calling to see if I wanted to go to the next town over with her and some friends. It w
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Chapter 49: KAT
After I told myself to relax the night wasn't so bad. Carol and her friends were a little different to what I was accustomed to, they were more reserved in some respects being society types, but they were still cool.I told them about growing up as a skateboarding tomboy in Arizona which they all seemed to find fascinating and they shared fashion tips and more. Turns out these girls were no blushing debutantes. Halfway through dinner they were letting it all hang out. I've never heard such bawdy talk in my life and quite a few of them thought my man was the hottest thing on two feet. They had me blushing which was weird considering the things I liked to do and have Colton do to me weren't for the faint of heart."I have to go to the restroom be right back.""You want me to come with?" Carol offered."Nah I'm good." I'd taken off my jacket while sitting so no one had yet seen my tattooed back but as I stood they all exclaimed over the art. Carol was the only one to make mention
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Chapter 50: LYON
The next day I cornered Jared to pump him for information. As much as Katarina and I had grown together there was still a lot I didn't know and since I wasn't about to ask her father he was my best bet. I guess he knew what I was after when he saw me coming because he separated himself from the others and met me halfway."Everything cool boss?""Yeah, but tell me man, was she always this fucking stubborn or is it all reserved for me?" The idiot laughed."Nah, that's always been her way. Before that whole bullshit went down Kat was what you might call a free spirit. My dad used to call her his little daredevil, girl had no fear; I have to admit I'm glad to see her getting back to normal even if she's giving you fits. I also know I have you to thank for that.""Fuck bro I want her out of that shell all the way but she has to learn to watch out for danger. Rossetti is fucked in the head; I've known that for a long time. Since I've been fucking with him on these business deals he's gon
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Chapter 51: LYON
I got us home in record time and was undressing us both as we made our way up the stairs. How we managed to kiss and undress as we climbed without breaking our damn necks is a mystery but we made it to the bed in one piece."Sit on my face babe I feel like having dessert after all." She climbed on the bed still wearing those fuck me heels. Taking her hips in my hands I brought her pussy down to my watering mouth.Her pussy was crying out for my attention again. "Ooh, your tongue feels so good."I teased her with my stiff tongue, squeezing her ass cheeks together as our eyes held over my head.I flicked my eyes down once and she understood, good girl; we've been practicing that shit. Reaching behind her, she stroked my cock to fullness."Fuck me." I growled at her. She scooted down my body and sat on my cock, her face scrunched up in concentration as she struggled to fit all of me inside her."Give me one of your legs." She stretched one leg up to me so I could play with her ankle
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Chapter 52: JENNY
I can't believe how the Lyons have embraced that thing into their circle; the latest word is that Elena Lyon one of our society's leading women have been touting the girl.Somehow they'd got the video removed when I couldn't; of course, couldn't have their precious son's little floozy seen in a bad light. I wish I'd broken her fucking face when I had the chance."I thought you said you were going to take care of her James what happened?""Some chick came up to us and spirited her away what did you want me to do wrestle her to the floor in the middle of a busy restaurant?""Why do I have to do everything myself?" He's such an idiot ever since mama and daddy cut the apron strings he's been a fucking burden; you'd think he was the younger of the two of us instead of the other way around."If I remember correctly you're the one that got her ass kicked all over the Internet I don't see you doing anything to fix the situation; in fact if you hadn't fucked up with Colton in the first pla
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