All Chapters of Mermaid And Her Bad Boy Alpha: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
64 Chapters
#Chapter 31 Secrets Revealed
Viviane’s POV“Viviane, what is this?” Kiera asks, twisting around in bed to observe all the pearls scattered among the sheets.“I–” Fresh tears hover on my lashes. Now that my cover is blown, I can’t seem to hold back my feelings anymore. Pearls drip from my skin like luminous stalactites. “I wanted to tell you.”“Tell me what?” Kiera asks, her cheeks flushed with color, “That you’ve been lying to me from the day we met?”“I didn’t have a choice.” I hiccup, “my mother made me promise never to tell anyone.”“Parents always have stupid rules like that.” Kiera brushes the excuse aside. “You were supposed to be my friend.” She reminds me emphatically, “Friends don’t keep secrets!”“You don’t know what it was like.” I explain desperately, “When we first came here it seemed like every shifter was against us.”“You and I were never like the others!” Kiera insists, rising from the bed and flipping on the bedroom light. “Do you think it mattered to me whether you were a cat or a mermaid?” She
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#Chapter 32 Hunting Mordred
Chase’s POVMore than any other member of the pack, it is a Beta’s job to transform; to change shapes according to the moment at hand. We do not serve any one role, or know any limits to our responsibilities; we simply become whatever we have to be for the best of the pack. Our transformations go far beyond man and wolf, extending to mediator, guardian, enforcer, disciplinarian and anything else the Alpha might need.One day I will serve as a key negotiator between quarreling pack members, as well as a diplomat to our allies and enemies in other territories. When that time comes, I will also become the foremost proponent and enforcer of the Alpha’s rule within the Nightshade pack. But now my most frequent job is tempering Caspian’s violent mood swings and wild aggression.Caspian is no different from any other Alpha in this regard. The indomitable strength required to lead a pack of the Nightshade’s renown overflows in excesses of anger and hostility so volatile most shifters could no
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#Chapter 33 Caspian Comes
Viviane’s POVHeavy footsteps pound up the stairs, and I jolt into a sitting position. Despite my mother’s advice, I hadn’t been able to call Caspian and tell him I disobeyed his orders. I couldn’t bring myself to face him yet. Instead I curled up on the couch and buried my face in my pillow, disappearing beneath my blankets and pretending I didn’t exist.In the grand scheme of things it wasn’t the best strategy, but it did give me a few hours of peace.A heavy knock lands on the door, and my heart races in my chest. The fact that Caspian hasn’t already greeted me through our bond is a bad sign. He must be even angrier than I anticipated.Mom swiftly opens the door, anxious for news. “Hello Caspian.” She says softly. It’s very odd to see them on good terms, and even stranger to think they’re allied against me. I know that isn’t a fair assessment, but I can’t help but feel ganged up on with the two of them standing side by side in the doorway, staring me down.“Marina.” He returns her
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#Chapter 34 Moving In
Viviane’s POVIf I hadn’t already been sitting down, I surely would have fallen over.Caspian’s velvety voice wraps around me like a warm blanket, lulling me into a false sense of security as I try to process this latest shock. I can’t believe what I’m hearing, and I don’t have the first clue how to respond to the young Alpha’s invitation. Dazedly I wonder if my mother is still in the hallway. Wherever she is, I’m certain she can’t hear us, or she would already be back here screaming her head off.Unable to find words, I stall for time. “What are you saying?”“I’m saying I want you to move in with me, Viviane.” He repeats.“This is crazy.” I protest. “We haven’t known each other long enough to even be thinking about moving in.”“When it comes to mates, we measure relationships in feelings not time, kitten.” Caspian declares, his warm hands sliding over my body in slow, calculated caresses. “I want your beautiful face to be the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning and be the
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#Chapter 35 Mates
Caspian’s POV“What?” The sweet creature in front of me looks more like a deer in the headlights than a naughty little mermaid trying to pretend she didn’t just admit her true feelings for me.“You just said I’m your mate.” I inform Viviane smugly, dragging my knuckles over the high plane of her cheek. I’ve been waiting to hear her tell me I’m her mate since the first moment we met. I wasn’t expecting my victory to come so soon, and I certainly didn’t foresee it happening in the middle of an argument – but no matter how it happened, I’ve never heard such perfect words.“I did no such thing.” She lies, biting down on her lower lip with punishing force.“Careful, sweetheart.” I warn, plying her swollen lip free with my thumb. “Lying to your mate has consequences.”Viviane opens her mouth to argue back, then closes it abruptly, her turquoise eyes flashing while my fingers continue to stroke her lips. Our connection allows me to feel the sentiments she wished to throw back at me, though s
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#Chapter 36 Living Together
Viviane’s POVI wish I could talk to Kiera.It’s been a week since we spoke, since Caspian moved Mom and me into the Pack House despite my fervent objections. I’m still angry with them both, but keeping up the silent treatment is infinitely more difficult when I don’t have my best friend to lean on.I’ve tried calling her dozens of times, but she never answers. At school she walks past me in the hallway as if she can’t even see me, which would be bad enough as it is. With Caspian’s added security measures, no one but Kiera is allowed to come within ten feet of me and even if they could, who would possibly be brave enough to try with Caspian’s guards tailing me at every turn.I’ve tried to tell him countless times that his precautions are only going to draw more attention to me, but he won’t listen. No, while my teachers watch me with sharp eyes – sizing up the Pack’s future Luna– the other girls glare at me through the lenses of green eyed monsters and the boys try to pretend they are
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#Chapter 37 Mending Bridges
Caspian’s POV“You’d better come inside” Despite her harsh tone, Kiera gestures for me to enter her home, and for the first time in my life I hesitate. Would she be offering me the courtesy if I were anyone else? Are her actions signs of true interest, imposed respect, or fear?“Do you really want me to?” I ask, not moving forward.Kiera pauses, assessing me again. “No.” She quips honestly, “But I also don’t want to stand in the doorway for the neighborhood gossips to overhear our conversation – so you might as well.”I glance around, realizing she’s right. Shifters of all breeds and walks of life are hovering in our periphery, looking on with curiosity as I stand in Kiera’s doorway.Reluctantly stepping inside, I wait for the young woman to close the door behind us and circle in front of me before further invading the space, “We might not have sound-proofed walls and all the high-tech amenities of the pack house,” Kiera explains leading me down what can only be a basement staircase,
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#Chapter 38 Nerissa Keeps Her Promise
Caspian’s POV“I can’t forgive him. Not until he stops treating me like a toy, and starts treating me like an equal.”I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.Well, that’s not entirely true. I did intentionally stay within hearing distance of Viviane’s rooms after bringing Kiera to her door, but only as a precaution. I wanted to be near, just in case things went poorly.Of course, I got what I deserved. My stomach is in knots after hearing Viviane describe our relationship in such a way. Apparently even recognizing me as her mate didn’t change the mermaid’s perception of my character. The worst part is that I know this has nothing to do with my being a wolf, and everything to do with my personality.I thought I was doing all the right things: loving her, protecting her, providing for her. That’s what mates do, isn’t it?My wolf whines in my head, objecting to the notion that we’ve treated Viviane as anything but the treasure she is. I know. I respond silently, but it doesn’t matter what we intende
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#Chapter 39 The Mermaid Settlement
Caspian’s POVThe world goes still as Chase speaks the words I’ve been dreading for weeks. Viviane is an unregistered mermaid. I suppose it was inevitable that some of my men would figure it out eventually, but I’d still hoped the secret would remain between my mate and me.“What makes you think that?” I respond, not confirming or denying his assertion. My wolf’s hackles are raised, a sensation I have never experienced with my best friend.“For weeks you’ve been sending us all over the territory, trying to sniff out traffickers and refugee settlements in the city. That’s all fine – those are things we would want investigated anyway, but it always seemed strange that you were only using us: Never the enforcers, never coordinating with Jasper’s team.”Chase crosses the room as he speaks, hands gesticulating to emphasize his solemn words. “This whole time, I’ve been asking myself: Why the secrecy? Why the sudden interest in mermaids?” He asks simply, “But I never questioned you because I
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#Chapter 40 Mordred Returns
Viviane’s POVI’m shaking so violently I feel like my bones must be rattling in my skin. “he’ll smell me.” I whisper desperately. We’d been counting on any rogues we’d meet to be strangers, but Mordred is no stranger, he knows my scent as well as anyone.Kiera whips her head around, looking through the dark space for anything to help. She swiftly rips the crooked grate off of the long-doused fire pit in the middle of the space, digging her fingers into the thick black charcoal and coming up with heaping landfills. She darts back to me with feline grace, smearing the chalky substance all over me.My friend works fast, returning to the pit and repeating the process until there is nothing left to spare. It felt like hours, but it was probably only thirty seconds.We press our backs into the wall as his footsteps near, holding our breath and praying to the Gods her quick thinking would pay off. The footsteps stop on the other side of the tin wall, and I can actually hear him smelling the
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