All Chapters of IN LOVE WITH AN ALPHA: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
76 Chapters
sniff your Alpha
Nadia walked into the room that her father layed without saying anything. Prince Philip and the queen could not help but stare at each other momentarily, not quite sure if the princess had caught them pants down or not.. They continued to stare at her as she passed and went straight to where her Father was lying, as though she was sure that he'd be awake."How is he doing?" The princess asked."Fine.. he is okay." The other two replied suspiciously.Then they sighed in relief as they adjusted their clothes properly, but stopped almost immediately as Nadia's eyes dangled back to where they stood. "You guys are acting weird..." Nadia had started to say when the king's voce sounded from beside her, interrupting what she was about to say next.She listened more closely to hear what he was saying as the Queen and Prince Philip also rushed in closer."Help me sit uprightly." Nadia heard the king mutter into her ears, she told the others as they hell her get him up to a more comfortable s
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Derek stood briefly in front of the abandoned apartment that he had seen the princess come out from the last time he had seen her, he wasn't sure if he should know or not."She probably doesn't live here with them.." he muttered to himself. " If she's not in and some strangers open the door for me, what the hell would I tell them? I don't even know her name.."He sighed briefly as several thoughts ran through his mind. But then he finally made up his mind to knock, but as soon as he raised up his hand to hit the door, the door opened on its own accord.He froze as his heart skipped a beat, he had never seen anything like this before."I knew someone was at the door. And the fool wouldn't knock." Selena shouted from the sofa where she was sitting on a sofa in the living room knitting something with a wool. She was the one that had opened the door using a spell, the moment she felt as though someone was spying on them."Oh come on leader.. you don't have to be that rude.." Lia stated t
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An open Request.
"Sodom, what the hell is going on? You do not mean to betray be do you?" Derek asked Sodom as he took a few steps backwards.Sodom sighed slowly, he turned to look at the other wolves who seemed to be enjoying the whole moment. He was begining to get impatient as he rushed towards Derek and gave the first blow, before the thought of changing his mind would overwhelm him."Way to go big man!" One of the white wolves hailed him as he rushed to take the second punch.But Derek frowned, it dawned on him that the guys standing in front of him was probably here to kill him. So he wasted no time as his eyes turned green and he brought out his claws - he turned into a half wolf not minding who was watching as he fought for his life.He easily flung the white wolves aside with his Alpha strength as he watched them struggle to come back at him.Soon enough, Harry arrived at the scene and saw that Derek had turned half wolf. He knew that if his soldiers arrived and found Derek that way that they
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Help me!!
" I'd like to speak with the princess in private." Derek stated as the rest of the crowed including the king smiled. They thought it was about marriage or something.. The princess rolled her eyes as she recorgnized who Derek was. She could not help but wonder what he actually wanted.**The next day, The princess sneaked out of the palace as usual, to go and train with the witches.She seemed to have noticed that the eitches where present with their disguised bodies when she was passing the judgement. She could not help but wonder how the felt about it. She was going to ask them but then she paused and changed her mind. Then she sighed."On a scale of 1 to 10 What would you rate my Judgment from yesterday?" She finally asked lightly as she dropped the rope that she had been practicing with."Are you sure you really wanna know that?" Lia asked as she sighed and went to sit on an empty sofa.Nadia raised an eyebrow. "Well ofcos, I'd not have asked if I did not want to know would I?"L
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A new Seed
(A Few minutes Before...)Derek layed on the bed resting tiredly from after the day's work. He hadn't slept up to a few munites (or s he thought), when he started to get several mind linking signals in his head. He rolled from one end of the wooden bed where he slept to the other end as he tried to ignore the signal, but it seemed as thought the more he tried to ignore it, the more intense it became."What is it?" He screamed in his head as he gasped, fully awake."I'm so sorry, if I have disturbed your sleep. But it's me.. Sodom, I really need your help.." Sodom pleaded eagerly through the mind link. As though he was going to die suffocating if Derek did not come immediately.Derek sighed in a bid to calm his nerves, and at least have a reasonable conversation with Sodom. "Why should I risk my life in order to save someone that actually wanted me dead?...""I never wanted you dead..." Sodom interrupted, his thoughts roaming eagerly searching for a decent lie to tell."I did this for
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The sun had started to retreat through the western horizon giving way for the moon and the darkness of the night. Derek knew that it was time for him to carry out his rescue mission. Perhaps he could hid in the darkness and would not get caught. "But would the darkness alone prevent me from GETTING CAUGHT?" He wondered... unknowingly saying the last part aloud." Get caught doing what?" Harry asked as he came out from where he was. Fully dressed with his whole amour into the place that seemed like the Living room of his house. Then he walked straight to where Derek sat.Derek shrugged in surprise, he had not expected Harry to hear what he was thinking about.. he could not help but wonder how much he had heard. However, he searched his mind to see if he could find the best reply to give to Harry. "Uhm.. well it's nothing, I was just imagining how I would have been caught earlier today if it weren't for you." He finally stated with a smug smile on his face.Harry sighed as he rolled
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Mystery guy
King Alexander appeared to be sleeping soundly on his bed. Put there was almost a kind of physical tension in and around his room at the moment, that was what made him wake up earlier than usual on this day."Hmmmph!" He mumbled as he looked around to see his palace guards standing all around his room with some of the knights. "What is this?"He sat uprightly on his bed as soon as he had made the last statement. The guards had probably been standing there for a while with something important that they had to tell him. But since no one dared to disturb the king in his sleep, they all stood there waiting for him to wake up on his own."Speak at once! What's with the hovering?" The king asked again authoritatively when he saw that they had been hesitant to answer him the first time. "I'm sorry my king!" The chief guard who had been on duty the previous night stated apologetically as he bowed down with one knee. "One of the wolves escaped in the dark of the night. We tried our best to st
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Make a baby
"What the fuck?" Nadia gasped as soon as she recorgnised Derek.He was sitting right at the witches door post with Sodom..."Oh I'm definetly going to kill this guy" Selena muttered as she ran towards Derek and Sodom. With Nadia and the rest of the witches running and calling behind her.Derek and Sodom stood up with a startle when they saw the strange people running towards them. Derek had probably not recorgnised them because they were in their disguised bodies and not in the ones that he had met them in the last time that he had seen them.They where about to run when Selena whispered a sharp spell that made them to stop on their track and started to groan in pain."Blusmedia arestelusm!" She had shouted as she ran towards them. "Can you feel that?? It's your bloods starting to boil and Its going to continue that way until you die."" Stop!!" Nadia shouted almost completely out of breath as soon as she and the rest of the witches arrived at the scene. "Please stop!! Don't kill the
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an Ally?
The princess and Derek sat just outside the abandoned building facing each other in awkward silence.. Nadia just kept on looking at Him, expecting him to say anything to defend himself about stalking her to the extent of waiting for her at the door post of her friends with a prison breaker.Derek on the other hand wasn't concerned about all these other things, what bothered him the most was the fact that she had found out that he was a werewolf in the most awkward way. He should have just told her everything about himself the first day he had seen her or perhaps the 2nd day or the 3rd.. but he hesitated.Probably because she didn't really give him the time to speak or... - but he had his chance - when the king gave him an audience with her... "Why didn't I tell her" he wondered."I know this is a very awkward moment... But I never wanted you to find out about me in this way. I wanted to tell you by myself." He stated audably to her, breaking the silence.She looked at him, raised an e
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the Killing spell
Nadia smiled as she secretly sneaked out of the palace gate - or so she thought. She walked as fast as her legs could carry her with veil-like hoodie cloth above her head as usual. As she passed through the city's market heading to the direction of the abandoned building that she had given to the witches, she felt as though she was being followed.This weird feeling made her turn backwards a few times as she moved but since she couldn't notice any stalker, she continued to move on towards her destination. Momentarily, she arrived at the mansion, but surprisingly Lia was waiting outside."You're late.." Lia stated as soon as Nadia got to where she was standing. Nadia raised an eyebrow wondering what Lia was doing outside and why she had said that she was late. They normally started to train whenever she arrived because they knew that that was when she must have been able to sneak out of the palace."When am I ever late? And why don't we go inside?" Nadia asked gesturing towards the
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