All Chapters of Her Badboy Billionaire Contract Husband: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
35 Chapters
Chapter 21: Deception and Lies
Blair Monore Blair didn’t know it was possible to cry this much. She didn’t know that she had this many tears left inside of her. She didn’t know that it was possible to feel this much pain from just one lie and deception.He had kissed another woman and not just any woman. His ex.He definitely didn’t love her.She was obviously nothing to him.Damn it, she had fucking hoped she was so much more to him but too bad she was wrong.She sat on her couch in her old apartment, mindlessly eating a pint of ice cream, she haven't been able to swallow a thing since the hour of the Morning after the whole fiasco but she knew she had to eat something because of her baby..So she stocked her stomach with some dry biscuits and ice cream.She had thought Zeke could actually fight his demons and finally allowed himself to love but she had been wrong, the worst part of all this was she knew she didn’t even have the right to cry. There relationship was never real, she was just the dummy that couldn't
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Chapter 22: The Thumb Drive
Zeke Armani"Did you save a nation in your past life because if you did then you must be the luckiest son of a bitch I’ve ever met,” Diane said, walking into his office the next day.He’d spent the night trying to think of a way to make things right with Blair. He hadn’t come up with anything that felt right, so now he was out of ideas, exhausted, and cranky. He knew he needed to tell her what she want but the thought of remembering everything that happened years ago, the pain of the incident that destroyed him and destroyed his family... He couldn't, he just couldn't.“What do you want?”Zeke snapped at his PR adviser. She really needed to learn how to knock and not just waltz into his office.“Is that any way to speak to the woman about to save your company and possibly even your relationship?” Diane asked, crossing her arms. A cocky smile crossed her lips.“If you can do that, then I’ll change my tone,” he replied. He wanted another cup of coffee, but coffee always made him think o
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Chapter 23: Final Truth
Chapter 23: Final TruthBlair MonoreBlair had just finished watching the press conference being held by Zeke when she heard a soft knock on her door. She had expected Diane to contact her so she could be there with Zeke for the press conference but she had guessed wrong.. She had also seen the video clip being air and then she knew he had been truthful and hadn't lied to her, although a part of her was scared he had come to call off their arrangements. She just knew it. Blair slowly walked towards the door to open it without even checking. She knew it was Zeke."Can I come in,”Zeke says.i just want to explain everything to you"He says as she stared at him blankly. His eyes were red and he definitely looked stressed. "What truth?She asks slowly biting her lips.."The one you so desperately want to hear from me"He says and he definitely didn't wait for her to say come in. Instead he just waltzed into the room leaving Blair no option but to listen.."Am sorry I dragged you into all th
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Book 2: The Greek’s Marriage Proposal
This is the Book 2 of The BadBoy Billionaire Series.SpynosisShe was never his!She was his late brother's fiancee, But he had always desired and lusted after her from the day she was introduced, he has no idea why those green eyes sets ablaze a forbidden fire in him!He wonders if she felt the same way too!And now that one forbidden night between them seems to be the start of a road trip to consequences and guilt!Zion Zephyr Vasilakis is the eldest son of the Vasilakis wealth not the favorite of course!That title belongs to his twin brother Hermes Vasilakis!His parents favourite, the son they doted on the one they made him be responsible for!Hermes is like a bird while Zion was raised to be the fence around the building Hermes shouldn't fly out of.Now his brother’s fiancée is pregnant for him and that might just be the most ludicrous thing that might just happen to him!Now they are stuck together with a binding marriage proposal, Hermes parents believe the child belongs to th
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Chapter 24: Titillation
Laurel’s P.O.V.Is it possible for one to die of embarrassment!Or full on heart break?She had never considered seriously the idea that a person could die of embarrassment. But from where she was crouched currently, dressed in nothing but a black leather bodysuit, watching her boyfriend laying another woman down onto the bed, she was sure that she was close.And that, perhaps, should have been the first clue that it was actually a good thing that Hermes was cheating on her. Really, she should’ve known.She should have known that whatever patience he seemed to have for her desire to wait, he would not defer his own pleasure endlessly. She should have known he didn’t actually love her quite so much.And Laurel had always wondered why he’d been with her. She had always wondered why he was interested in her. She had met him when she was waitressing at a bar and she had been shocked when he’d approached her. He was tall and beautiful with arresting dark eyes and an easy smile. His Greek a
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Chapter 25: Denial
Laurel's P.O.V.The word shocked, disappointed and Preplexed can't even begin to describe how Laurel feels right now!Laurel felt like she was made of stone, and she’d said these four words countless times in the past few weeks. Now here she was, standing in the great corridor of the massive Vasilakis home all decorated in black, the gloomy atmosphere making me feel faint.She said it to herself. The staff was walking around brusquely, Herme's mother had taken to her bed, his father was in his study.Zion was...As if her thoughts had conjured him he appeared, dressed all in black, as she was, his dark hair brushed back off his forehead, his eyes like chips of obsidian, glinting in the dim light.“You came?” he says with a surprised look plastered on his face. Which is a first since he was the type not to show his emotions on his face.“Of course.”I say, thanking the gods my voice didn't tremble nor shake the way i was shaking inside like a leaf.“My parents will be glad.”He murmurs.“
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Chapter 26: A Mistake or Reoccurrence
Laurel's P.O.VAll the bones in her body were screaming the word "No"!She knew whatever was going to happen will be yet another terrible Reoccurrence!With their history together she doubts this was just a simple ride home, she knew going with him was a mistake. He wasn’t just going to give her a ride home.Or maybe he was. But considering their history together he wasn’t going to simply drop her and leave her and this was something she knew, something she knew innately now because she’d crossed that threshold from innocent to woman who knew now.The question now is does she have the power to deny him! Could she say no to him?Few minutes later they arrived at her place he did drive her home without saying a word.“My apartment is quite small compared to what you're used to,”She says as soon as they were out on the sidewalk.But her words were cut off by his kiss. Hard and dark and she wanted to weep because this was what she’d needed all day.She knew it was shameful, she knew this w
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Chapter 27: Scandal
Few months later....Zion's P.O.V."Have you seen this?”His father loud voice resonates loudly in his study as he breezes in like he owned the damn place. Well he did technically!He slammed the magazine brochure on his desk, just as he was about to engage in another heated banter like he had been doing his eyes caught the headlines on the Hot Gossip section and his blood ran cold.“The Late Hermes Vasilakis Lover Tries to Hide Baby Bump"He was taken aback "This can't be true"He murmurs to his father but his father looked so happy and excited and all Zion felt was stillness.. Zion was frozen, For one moment, he had seen her and he’d forgotten. Everything. That she had been Hermes and that she was not only his.And he had possessed her even if it was just a night or two!For just a moment a sense of total possessiveness had drowned out everything. There, she was pregnant looking confused and devastated!Is she okay?And that night of the funeral loomed large in his mind. His hands on
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Chapter 28: Faux
Laurel's P.O.V.She had to let him in, she was so dumbfounded by what Zion had just said.."So you were pregnant with Hermès baby and you refused to say a word nor inform his family about it"Zion says angrily, She had never seen him this angry before.His brother’s child?Is that what he thought this is?But surely he knew...She looked up at his face, and it was clear that he didn’t know. "You're coming with me”He says."My parents were thrilled when they found out you were pregnant and now they want you home"He says sternly.."Home?"She stutters..."But this is my home..."She says preplexed and shocked, her world was literally reeling."We saw the news article about you"He continues to say, suddenly all his words seems so rushed. Aurora could barely understand what was going on.“An article?, What article?“It was in the tabloids just yesterday.”He replies, suddenly his facial expression changed from anger to worry. Probably he noticed how white faced she was looking now.“So you h
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Chapter 29: The Legacy Of The Dead
Zion's P.O.V.Zion knew he should let the man see to his business, but he could not help himself. He wished to be in the room. He wished to be there to hear everything. And he told himself it was a necessity. A responsibility. One that his parents had left to him. Along with the innumerable other responsibilities that fell in his lap.The business, everything else.But he just wanted to be there. That was the truth of it.When he led the man up to the room, along with the nurse, and the ultrasound equipment, and knocked, it took a while for him to get a response.And then when he did, he could not hide his reaction. Not even in front of the doctor.Because when Laurel answered the door, she was bright red and scrubbed clean, as if she had been in a warm bath. And she was wearing nothing but a white robe.When she saw him, her eyes widened. “Oh.”“The doctor’s here,” he said.“All right.” She blinked. “I see.”“Do not worry, child,” the doctor said. “I have a great amount of experience
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