All Chapters of Bed deal: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
67 Chapters
Chapter - 50
Jeevika's Pov.:-My eyes gleamed looking down at the squirrels running down the tree and collecting the bread crumbs I offered them as I put the bread crumb near the tree. Currently, I'm sitting under the tree enjoying sunbathing. A book is in my hands regarding cautions to follow with a newborn baby and first-time mother. Antonio had brought me a couple of books at my request of course. It still felt like a dream because it's unbelievable to me that on my request he agreed to move somewhere else, here we are in Italy. As said he brought me somewhere far from the snow to where I could see and feel the love of sun rays. Here we are living in his mansion which didn't surprise me after all, he's a mafia, and he owns fortune everywhere. However, besides the environmental change nothing has changed in my life, I'm still obliged to follow the rules, or better say forced to follow the rules. I'm not allowed to talk to any house staff if I dare to then that person will lose his/her life at th
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Chapter - 51
Ira's Pov.:- Shock! Utterly shook to my core! Am I hallucinating? My popped-out wide eyes looked with complete disbelief! I felt tears blurring my vision. If I blink my eyes tears will for sure fall and I shouldn't be acting a fool when lives are at stake! Subconsciously, my hand went to my little flat belly as I looked around at the faces and wondered in the search for a safe place I ended up putting myself in another hole of danger, I guess. A sense of relief showered in my body when my eyes went to her big belly and I could tell just by looking, that she must be in her last trimester which clears it's HIS child! The baby is safe! This realization itself put the guilt off my shoulders. The more I looked at her the more I felt get off the guilt and my washing away my sins with holy water. Her surprised gaze was stuck upon me. She's as shocked as me. Just like me she's also rooted to the ground out of disbelief. Her eyes were as moist as mine. The only difference was she had the lib
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Chapter - 52
Jeevika's Pov.:-" You should take rest now. I'll take my leave now " Sofia hugged me for the last time before sitting in her car. Enzo was fast asleep. I kissed on his forehead and bid them goodbye. I saw their car moving and Antonio's car parking in the parking lot. I turned around and started making my way to my bedroom. I seriously need some rest now even though it's evening but pregnant women don't follow the cycle. Our cycle updates as our wish! " Someone seemed upset. No greeting nothing. Opening ignorance! You didn't like my surprise? " he whispered while following me and tried to hold my wrist but I yanked it away. I didn't give him any response and continued to walk while caressing my belly because my baby was moving joyfully after hearing his voice. My child recognise him and in his presence my child moves a lot as if he/she wants to play with him. I heard him sigh heavily while I walked inside my room and he too followed in before I could lock the door. My slow walk shoul
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Chapter - 53
Theodore's Pov.:-King! I wanted to become a bloody King of my kingdom! I wanted to build my kingdom and rule it! Power! Hunger for the power can blind any sane man! It did the same to me! Now I sometimes wonder why I chose to enter into this dark world in my teenage when I was already a price of my father's castle and not only that, I chose to become the king of the Underworld when the King passed away in a fight, and since I had the most powerful gang out of other gangs I rule over other and set on the throne of the Underworld. Other Mafia gangs had no other choice but to submit me their loyalty. Well, I was naive back then. I was a fucking teenager full of hormones and was thirsty for power like crazy. Of course, darkness excites hot blood and I was a hot-blooded teenager! Fights, gangs, guns, cars, and all illegal stuff used to excite me and made me curious as hell! Back in my teenage making my own kingdom was my dream. I was so naive to think it was an easy and joyful life full o
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Chapter - 54
Author's Pov.:- " Ready my chopper. We are leaving the residence with this intent! " Antonio said marching his way inside the residence while looking at the sky which turned dark all of a sudden. The sudden change in the weather made him worry because he wanted to leave the place as soon as possible. He had made this plan the moment he learned about Ira. Murdering Ira was his plan because he wanted to torture her and brutally murder her. It satisfied him to record her murder. He knows until now Theodore must have watched it and might be on his way here. An evil smirk came over his lips because subconsciously he was doing a happy dance. After all, today he's going to get rid of Theodore for real without any fight. Because he knows no matter how strong he is. He's no match for Theodore. Theodore is a God of fight. He can't win against him no matter what trick he uses. Reveling himself to Theodore was his plan, after all, the dying person has the right to know who's his killer. Yeah, as
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Chapter - 55
Rudra's Pov.:-Never in my wildest dreams, I had ever thought that I could be careless. Even for a second. What am I supposed to answer here? My sister, my only family, her death destroyed something that can't be repaired. Her death was a lesson to me to be always cautious. But what went wrong that caused my concentration to slip from my work? It never happened before. Run! Run! Run! Rudra Run! I could hear my little sister's panicked voice requesting me to run. I was aware it was just my imagination since it couldn't be my sister's voice. She has been dead for several years. It's been sixteen years since her death but to me, nothing has changed. I still miss her the same way when she died. I still expect her to wait for me as she used to when she was alive. But can I die? I wanted to die like her but I couldn't, why? Because she took a promise from me to always protect Mr. Wright because she was in love with my Boss, yeah my seventeen-year-old sister Komal Agusti was in love with my
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Chapter - 56
Jeevika's Pov.:- The soft and warm comforter seemed so good to me that I didn't want to wake up. The comfort I was experiencing inside it was pure bliss. The warmth seemed to take away all my soreness and pain from my body. However, unlike the heaviness in my belly today something is strange here. There is pain all over my lower body, especially in my lower belly, and a troubling pain between my legs. Out of habit, my hand went to my belly to feel my child and touch my baby's movement, however, I didn't feel my baby bump. Where's my child? My eyes shot open as my body shivered in fear. I tried to sit up but couldn't. Automatically due to the brightness in the room, my eyes squeezed shut. Adjusting to the brightness in the room I opened my eyes and then started wondering while looking at the room. It wasn't my bedroom. Where's my child? I looked around and found a small crib right beside my bed where I could see the small forehead of a child. Instantly I felt emotional and tears fell
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Chapter - 57
Ira's Pov.:-" Awhhh! Awhhh! Awhhh! " I heard my son's cries coming from far away. My head was blasting due to a headache. Tiredly I opened my eyes but everything was blurred. Adjusting to the brightness I looked around and gasped. I tried to recall and then I realized that I had lost consciousness because that was the last memory I recall. My body was feeling light, however, ignoring the pain in my body I removed the comforter and gasped again. Was it a dream? Or truth? Was it Mr. Wright or my hallucination? Did he for real find me? But wait a minute, it was him who wanted to get rid of me then why would he rescue me? It was him in the first place who pushed me into that hell! " Awhh! "Oh God! Jeevika! It's not time to have thoughts debate! Your son is calling you! Hurriedly I climbed down from the bed and looked around as my son's cries increased. Antonio! Oh God! Please protect my child! My breath caught in my lungs as Antonio's scary face flashed before my eyes. He had promised m
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Chapter - 58
Author's Pov.:-" huh? Mrs. Wright! I'm Mrs. Wright! Your wife! Hahaha... It was a good joke! Hahaha... Get out! I said get out! Get lost from my sight! You bloody cheater! Huh! Well, you were always a cheater! I was blind all this while to see your true color! For your profit and gain you can go to any extent without any shame! A bloody monster you are! A spineless creature! God knows what wrong deed I had done in my past life to deserve this in this life! " Ignoring the sudden pain in her chest caused by the surprising exposure and the goosebumps erupted by the news, Jeevika cursed Theodore gritting her teeth in the process. Her face was red so her eyes. Her fragile body was trembling. Fat tears were running down her eyes making Theodore clench his chest looking at her with glassy eyes. More than her words the look in her eyes stabbed his heart bloody. Nevertheless, he didn't say a single word to her and accepted that indeed he wronged her whether unintentionally or not! He wronged
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Chapter - 59
Jeevika's POV. :- I can feel my body moving. Slowly I opened my eyes and the first blurry image captured in my eyes was a chocolaty shirt. I moved my eyes more and saw a very familiar manly chest where my head was resting. Slowly moving my head away from there I tried to sit away from him but the uncomfortable pain in my lower belly bothered me. Also, he instantly woke up from his sleep and took my face between his palms with a frown crowning between his bows. My eyes started getting moist as I felt my all worries and fears melting away. Just a mere touch of his is enough for me to rest assured and take all my worries off my shoulders. " What happened? Do you need something? " He asked making me blink my eyes and shake my head as no. Just a hug from him. Deep down I seriously need a long and tight hug from him. Just to believe, it's not a dream. He's here for real, I want to trust it. A hug from him is enough for me to get my strength back. His embrace has something mysterious that m
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