All Chapters of How To Order Pizza - Feisty Series (1 of 5): Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
25 Chapters
11 - Right Now
~Juliet’s Point of View~There’s nothing more official than an ultrasound picture, I thought as I stared at it. Right now it’s just a blurb, with a heartbeat.A heartbeat.I still just could not even wrap my head around the fact that there was a baby in my gut, I didn’t feel it, feel any different. But now that I did know, that I’d seen it … it was real. Really real.My mind told me I needed to immediately do a thousand things. Find my own place, make a nursery, start a college fund. Oh fucking hell, a college fund.To top it all off I was due to see Dante in a few hours and the idea of prancing around in front of him carrying another man’s baby was the biggest kick in the crotch I could imagine. My first reaction was to absolutely cancel but he’d take it personally, no matter what excuse I gave. He didn’t know I’d been with Jude, didn’t know anything about it. He knew I’d had a couple bad Tinder dates, I never elaborated if any of them ended in sex. But he’d take that personally too
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12 - Land Of Confusion
~Jude’s Point of View~ Last night I texted Juliet to let her know I’d be at the hotel early, hours before rehearsal even. It was obvious I hoped to see her before the show, but I wasn’t sure how she’d feel. I could only put the ball in her court and wait as I’d already been doing all this time. I was getting so much shit from the band about her, if not for Corey vouching that she absolutely was beautiful and real they’d all think I’d made her up. I was so close to getting her back in my arms I just couldn’t stand it. She’d been a bit standoffish these last couple of days and it was all I could do to not take it personally. I really knew nothing about her day to day, her family. I wanted to, we just weren’t there yet. After laying around most of the afternoon I had a light early dinner in Slade’s room. Two of the tour security guards were with us, they were both in the army for many years and then went to work for Slade’s security business. Gavin and Otis, both stand up guys but no
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13 - Loco
~Juliet’s Point of View~ My mind raced with a million thoughts. Whatever the hell I thought Jude might say, it wasn’t that. His guilt was obvious, and he didn’t look away or seem malicious in how he dropped the big bomb. The bottom line is … my body is my responsibility, and I’ve never seen it as anything else. If men could take birth control they’d feel the same… in theory. I looked out the window and laughed. I finally turned and he was literally right there. “When you think about all the weird little things that had to happen for us to meet and for us to be standing here right now, it’s pretty fucking crazy. Your guys could have ordered food from anywhere. Jada could have delivered the food, not me. The baby could have been born a couple of hours later. You could have been in the bathroom or looking at your phone when I was walking down the hall. I could have gone into Corey’s room when he invited me in,” I said, making weird gestures with my hands. He growled … like audibly g
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14 - Sweet Oblivion
~Jude’s Point of View~ It had been years since I had a specific female standing backstage watching me. Someone here just for me, because of me. Someone who would be waiting to go home with me and that just switched me on more than I’d ever felt. Throw in the baby she was growing that would have my talent and her beauty, I couldn’t stand it. When I asked Lukas to change the line up and add a song he didn’t even question me. He was all for it. As the first set came to an end the band cleared off, but someone brought out two stools and the crowd went nuts. Lukas and I were going to wing it, but we used to do shit like this all the time, before our stupid A&R guy got in our faces about sticking to his program. We agreed that he could go fuck his program and were stoked to tell the guys. This was our music, our art and our story. We were going to tell it how we saw fit. “This is uhm, an oldie but a song that has a deep place in our hearts. I’m not really sure why we ever stopped playing
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15 - Hot In Herre
~Juliet’s Point of View~ “Everything okay guys,” Slade yelled. “You wanna come face the bitches or go back and have me fuck your brains out? Oh but uhm, you’re keeping those shoes on,” Jude said, rubbing his nose on my forehead. I laughed. I loved that he was silly like me, I would have thought he’d be more macho, not so affectionate. But I had to admit the reality of this man … he couldn’t keep his hands off me. He’d proved to me tonight he was more than willing to do it publicly. “I want to take you to my place,” I said, blushing. I wanted my own bed, and I wanted him in it, some kind of weird primal urge. “Give me your purse so you can’t leave while I talk to Slade,” he said, and I rolled my eyes. I gave it to him and he looked ridiculous with it but he was just adorable with how he cared about me. He told Gavin to wait next to me. I had to get over myself. I was having his baby. It didn’t get much more locked in than that. Slade stepped into the door of the club as he held
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16 - Headstrong
~Juliet’s Point of View~ After making Jude breakfast and convincing him I’d be okay to handle Jada on my own we said our good-byes. He was playing at a show in Charleston tonight anyhow and really had to be off so I wasn’t going to keep him. We exchanged actual phone numbers so we wouldn’t just be talking over social media and I let him know when my next doctor’s appointment would be. I gave him one of my ultrasound pictures and the look in his eyes nearly had me in tears. He was excited, he was interested and already talked about buying baby books since he had no clue what he was doing. “Jadaaaaaa,” I called as I fumbled into the main house. I had already heard Janelle crying the moment I walked in so I knew she wasn’t sleeping. I found my sister in the nursery, in a heap of laundry, trying to sort socks. “You know, I’ve told you for years that I literally only buy black socks, the same kind. Why does everyone make it so damn hard? It just doesn’t have to be … no one cares about
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17 - At Last
~Jude’s Point of View~ “I’ll give you all the cash I have if you’ll drive me to Charlotte tonight,” I said, jumping into my Uber. The kid turned around, he couldn’t be more than 20. “What are we talking about dude,” he said, interested. I fumbled around in my wallet and counted out $800. It was probably cheaper than a last minute plane ticket. I hadn’t told Juliet but I had planned to come back, I left all my crap mostly at the hotel in Charlotte and extended my stay by a week. I just had a small backpack with me. “You got it man, must be going to see about a girl huh,” he said, laughing and grabbing his GPS. “Absolutely, and she’s more than worth it,” I said, leaning back. I was still way too keyed up from the show to drive myself, and I’d had a fight with Slade about bringing Gavin with me. What the hell would he do while I was with my girl? He’d heard/seen me with women before but with Juliet? No way, some things are just fucking private. The band and everyone called me nuts
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18 - Photograph
~Juliet’s Point of View~ RING RING RING “Excuse me,” Jude said, looking down at his phone. He got up and wandered outside, looking every bit a model even in an old Anthrax t-shirt and basketball shorts. Still absolutely mouth watering. “Helllllo,” Jada said, waving her hand in front of me. “Yep,” I said, turning my attention back to my dear sister. “You’ve fallen for him like a fucking body sleeping with the fishes,” she said, making me laugh. Jada is always graphic, in the weirdest but best ways. It certainly breaks up the day. I watched as Jakob took the baby away to get a bath. “I’m just nervous you know? There’s not been anyone you’ve been serious about since Marcus. It’s been a long time since you looked at anyone like that. I’m just--” I cut her off. “You don’t think I know? Of course I’m terrified he’ll break my heart. But what can I do? He’s asked me to keep an open mind, to be in the moment with him. I’m sure he’s on with his manager or publicist right now finalizing
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19 - Choke
~Juliet’s Point of View~ For me, going back to my hometown is always a good idea … until I get there. Jada had to be at the shop since Monday is one of her busiest days and it would have been weird for Jakob to come without her. I instead brought Janelle because I felt like I needed something. Some buffer. Who doesn’t love a baby anyhow? Okay maybe it was a cowardly move, but I needed someone else. Even a non-verbal drooler that would likely sleep the whole time would do. “Why do I feel absolute panic and stress radiating off of you,” Jude asked, as he drove. He said it was too weird for me to drive him, and I wasn’t complaining. It was taking some getting used to having someone open my doors, think and plan things along with me. But so far I was loving it. Okay it’s not like it had been all that long with his help and input … but still. I was glad I at least got a new car last year, if he was behind the wheel of my tiny ass Ford Fiesta that would certainly be something. He looke
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20 - Cat's In The Cradle
~Juliet’s Point of View~ “Wanna talk about it,” Jude asked, as we pulled away from the grocery store. He held my hand and stroked the back of it. I made a face but went ahead and gave him the low down, more than the condensed version I’d already told him. I explained about that last day, how I felt empowered. I felt like I was taking back control of my life. While I had spent all those years convinced I was in an equal partnership, it was clear I wasn’t. I was completely a housewife to Marcus the whole time we were together. He never washed clothes, dishes, or cleaned up. I had grown up so used to seeing my mom do all those things, maybe for a while I just assumed it was the woman’s duty. Or some shit. But he used me, all the time. He used me to look cool to his friends, he used me so he wouldn’t be alone. So he wouldn’t have to do all that shit for himself. Looking back now I realized we always went where he wanted for trips, even for dinner. I just went along with it all and ne
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