All Chapters of CHASING TIDE. (MxM): Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
153 Chapters
Chapter: 40.******"Shit..." Easton gasped once they both made it to the hallway. "He's fucking heavy!" He cried and Alexander laughed. "How in the hell did you manage to carry him by yourself earlier?!""He was heavy and slimy but not as heavy as he is now, I think the more strength he recovers the heavier he gets." Alexander panted as they both moved down the hallway seeking the stairs."I didn't know you were an expert in Mermaids." Rolling his eyes Alexander corrected. "Merman now shut it.""I hope Mrs. Takahashi doesn't see us like this, she wouldn't let us through until she has seen what we are both hiding," Easton muttered under his breath and Alexander looked around in search of the older woman and when he didn't see her anywhere he met Easton's eyes."Let's go... hurry!" he whispered. "I escaped her when I brought him home and I think if we hurry we will escape her again."And they did, they didn't see her until the Merman was lying in the back of Easton's jeep"My seats ar
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Chapter: 41.*****Having settled the Merman in the pool both men walked into the living room from the back door both seated and looking out the glass door facing the pool. Easton stood up to go pour them drinks while Alexander kept watch."You know, because of you I missed work the whole of the day, I'm not entirely worried since it was Falcon who sent me off to go find you but I've been worried since bumping into him at the fish market especially with the warning he left me with.""Warning?" Alexander shot up to his feet and faced the other man. "What warning?""He said 'you shouldn't hide things from me, Mr. Easton, I will find out either way'..." He quoted the man."I don't know what to call this crazy obsession but it's starting to get on my nerves!" Alexander gritted his teeth.It was crazy, what's worse is he couldn't help but get excited knowing how the man wanted him. He just wasn't ready, besides, his brother... twin brother to be precise is in fact married to his ex. No mat
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Chapter: 42.*****Tide slowly rose from the water, it felt different from the sea water but it wasn't so bad. His tail hurt but not something he couldn't heal, he probably hadn't healed since he had been unconscious for who knows how long. He brought his head out of the water and looked around his surroundings, it was a strange-looking place.How come they have a sea puddle in the center of wherever this was?He wondered as his eyes wandered endlessly scanning the areas for any impending danger but there seemed to be none. It was quiet, too quiet. Then he heard the calm slithering sounds from under the water, one dip was all it took and he was grabbing a squid and biting hungrily into it. Both Alexander and Easton choked at the action, their disgusted faces like a movie displayed on a projector screen."Oh, wow, he just ate that alive," Easton's voice muffled from pressing against the glass. "Told you he could make sushi out of you.""Stop whining, he is a fish person of course he s
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Chapter: 43.******Tide turned to find the man standing at the edge of the pool. He watched him from toes to head, looking at him intently, watching the way his eyes blinked, chest heaved, fingers trembled, and legs slightly shook, the man was nervous. He looked behind the man to find the other pointing something towards him. He wondered what it was."H-Hi..."He returned his gaze to the first man who had just spoken to him. The pendant around his neck glowed once the second man had gotten closer, it was the same the Merfaires had gifted him with on the day he visited Atana's resting bed. He wondered why it glowed and so he watched its light grow brighter, so great was its brightness that Alexander and Easton covered their faces when the light became painful to the eyes. Then the pendant broke into thousands of sparkles, creating a cocoon around them and while both men watched in astonishment at the beauty surrounding them, Tide saw the face of Atana flashing from that of the man ho
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Chapter: 44.*****"You can't leave me with him." Tide disagreed."Why not?" Both Alexander and Easton demanded with a direct glare at the Merman."Look at him!" He pointed towards Easton who stared at him like he would poke him from the inside out."Please, behave, East.""I didn't do anything!" The other grumbled with a grimace."Why did you bring me inside with you? I can sleep in the water." Tide pointed to the pool."That's a pool, Tide... Our Kind, we use that to swim and relax since you have legs now, East, give him a room will ya!""I'm still a Merman, these are nothing!" Tide argued while pointing to the legs. "It's only so I can blend in with you, didn't you notice I shrunk down in size too.""You mean height?" Easton asked."What?""You know with the tail you were pretty long so when you had your legs it was as long as the tail but when Alexander pulled you out of the water you decreased in height and stopped at his length." Easton lectured, feeling proud of himself. Alexan
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Chapter: 45.******"Sir," The man turned from his computer to meet the caller at his door. "May I?" He asked, still very aware of the frown sitting on the man's face. Matthew's frown deepened as he looked for the second time but again he didn't bother to reply. He had requested that he bring the information quicker and he is only returning three hours later. He had called Easton but after the fourth time, he realized that he was avoiding his calls and so he had to stop calling. Whatever games he played with Alexander he was sure to find out sooner or later.Jacob stepped fully into the living room where the man was sitting. His eyes didn't miss the empty bottles of whiskey and bourbon, littered about the glass table but he knew better to hold his tongue... Matthew isn't always sane when he is drunk which would explain why he ignored his calls so the man got closer and without a word offered him the tablet he held towards him and Matthew took it and immediately began to scroll throug
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Chapter: 46.*****Standing in the colorful room, his eyes scanned the mystical treasures he's kept for so long, he was even starting to doubt all he knew, all he was made to believe until now. The second his eyes landed on that video, he felt it, that burning sensation as it rippled through his veins, causing his blood to pump faster and his heart termored.When he was six he had thought his great grandmother mad when she would often tell these tales of Merfolks, dragons, fairies, elves, whispering ghosts, who lived in a beautiful city under the sea and how they were real… she said the whispering ghosts often lure men and women under the sea…. trap then suck their souls, they would sink ships and flood trespassing islands. As a child, he enjoyed these tales whenever they visited, she liked him best among his other siblings, it could also be to the fact that even as a child only he bothered to listen to her fairytales while the rest just laughed at the ninety-eight-years old woman an
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Chapter: 47.*****There is also this sudden calmness he gets whenever he is around these wonderful women. Michael would say… “You’ve got the Grans complex!” A part of him always calms whenever he is around the older woman, and that part of him often believes in the fairy tales she often fed his mind. He didn't mind and never judged her. Rather he listened attentively and enjoyed the stories mostly because they often left these senses within him with a feeling he hasn’t been able to explain until now. He could have sworn on one of their visits to the ocean he had seen a mermaid but that could only be his imagination, having fed his consciousness with tales for so many years his mind is bound to create these scenes every once in a while.Pulling those dusty old bags he waved dust off his view and coughed a few times but once all four bags were out in the open his grandmother slowly sat up in bed and helped him untie the bags which were sealed by some form of magic. It was mesmerizing t
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Chapter: 48.*******"It's stuck!" He cried as he watched the burn mark heal."Not, stuck, little Matthew, it chooses you and It won't leave your protection until another who is to bear it arrives, she needs to return to the safety of her home, my love, we have waited for years for the one who will take her home to come but none has come and now it's your time, little Matthew, you must promise me to protect these treasures, they must never be sold or traded for money and keep them away from all… you never know who is out to get them.""I promise." She smiled. "But you haven't told me how you and great-gran knew about these things… how you got them." He needed to understand that, it confuses him. He's heard stories but now that he could associate these stories and places with actual treasures, it made it a lot more real, more convincing."I will show you what my mother showed me the day she passed these treasures down to me." She sat up fully on the bed and picked up the stone, then pl
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Chapter: 49.******He took them and settled them beside the bed and whilst he did so he heard her begin to speak to him again. "Know this, little Matthew, just as the descendant of Bell the daughter of Atana walks the earth today, so does the descendant of Downy, the one who betrayed his mother.""But, grandma..." he called and when he looked up to her bed she was lying peacefully in it with her eyes wide open but her breath was no more, he still had too many questions to ask, too many he would still wish to know but for now he needed to bring these bags home safely. He was convinced now, without a doubt, that it wasn't just a fairy tale they told him. He informed the nurses of her passing and thus returned home with his treasures to store them away for safety. And since that day his pendant had only heated his skin once which was when she had wrapped it around his neck and today once he saw that merman cosplayer in Alexander's hands. Now, standing in the presence of all these myst
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