All Chapters of Arranged for the Heir: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
70 Chapters
Chapter 51
Chapter 51Hunter's POV"My back?" Esmeralda echoes my words as if to make sure if she just heard me right or not"Yes, your back" I repeat calmly like what I just asked for wasn't weird at all.I had ordered that particular dress for her all because of one reason and that was to confirm if she was Daisy or not by seeing if she had the same birthmark as Daisy. I've been so distracted all night by her beauty to remember the reason why I invited her to be my plus one for the gala though."Why?" She asks shifting away from me suspiciously."Not that you need a reminder but everyone seems to think you're Daisy even though the chances are slim and you're probably just a doppelganger" I pause expecting her to say something but she maintains her silence."But for the sake of clarity, I need to check for a birthmark on your back" I finish explaining but she continues to stare at me for a few seconds like I was crazy before she looks down mulling over what I said.I know the moment she make
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Chapter 52
Chapter 52Hunter's POVNo! It can’t be! I run my thumb lightly over the mark as if trying to confirm if it was real or not. Is this really Daisy?“You’re Daisy” I whisper to no one in particular unable to raise my voice for some reason.“For the last time, I’m not…” Esmeralda starts to say as she snatches her strap and pulls it back up her shoulder but pauses when she turns around and sees the shocked look on my face.“You have the birthmark” I whisper almost as if I was trying to convince myself that it was really Daisy.I’ve waited for this moments for almost a decade, now that it’s here, I just can’t believe it. Something’s not adding up though.Here she is, alive and well with all proof that she’s Daisy but yet, she shows no sign of knowing me, my friends or her dad.“And So? A lot of people have the same birthmark in the same place” She says shrugging and when I continue to stare at her in puzzlement, she moves her eyes around the limousine uncomfortably.“I think I should go”
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Chapter 53
Chapter 53Esmeralda's POVWorried.That is exactly how I'm feeling as we drive to the hospital. God, I hope Mr. Heart is okay.I don't really know the man that well but from the little chat I had with him at the gala, I realized he lived alone with his dog. What about his wife? His children?For some reason or the other, I took a liking to him and his comforting presence. At the same time, I find myself wondering how Mr. Stone is related to Mr. Heart. Family friends maybe?"We're here, let's go" I hear Mr Stone's voice ring out and when I turn to look at him, I see him already out of the car with his palm outstretched towards me to help me out.I fit my palm into his as he pulls me outside. I expect him to let go of my hand after but his grip tightens instead. I follow him as he walks through the hospital door and instead of stopping at the front desk, he heads straight to the elevator.I ignore the sinking feeling that this creates in my stomach. Does this mean that this happens o
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Chapter 54
Chapter 54Hunter's POV"Bloom, Blake, now is not the time" Mark says wearily.I still can't believe the whole squad is here. It's been years since I've seen Bloom, Chloe and Daniel last.Although Daniel and I still talk on the phone sometimes.Daisy's disappearance really hit us all hard and everyone dealt with it the way they knew best. A lot of shit went down and people got hurt. The ones whose lives were affected the most were Bloom, Chloe, Dean, Blake and I."What are you guys doing here" I ask again already knowing the answer.Lily was up to something. Again."Lily called us saying something really bad had happened and that we should all come quickly. I had to cancel everything on my schedule and catch a flight. I was worried sick. Is everything alright?" Kyle answers.Was I talking to you?I resist the urge to say that out loud though because whether I liked it or not, my friends consider him as one of us.I find it hard to understand why because he's fucking related to the psy
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Chapter 55
Chapter 55Esmeralda's POV"No, no! What are you doing? You're crazy!" I yell.."I refuse to go down alone! Now stop trying to open the door, it's locked" A dark voice yells back."Help! Somebody help! OH MY GOD, WATCH OUT!!" I yell just as the car swerves off the road to hit a fallen tree and becomes suspended in air before coming back down and tumbling a few times. I scream with all my strength in horror and pain when I see blood pooling on the floor beside me."Esmeralda, Esmeralda! Wake up. It's okay, I'm here for you" I hear a soothing voice say and I feel arms wrap around me.I snuggle closer to the warmth and calm my breathing before slowly peeling my eyes open.It's just a nightmare. It isn't real.I look around and notice that I'm half sitting, half lying down on Mr. Heart's hospital bed with my head resting in the crook of someone's neck. What happened? Where is Mr. Heart?Raising my head up to see who it is, my heart starts beating fast when I see Mr. Stone staring at me
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Chapter 56
Chapter 56*Hunter's POV*"I'm ready when you are, Mr. Stone" Mike from beside me and I take a deep breath before nodding."Let's go" I say and follow Mike as he steps out of the car.We're currently outside Esmeralda's parents home and nerves that weren't there before start to rear their heads. What if I've been wrong all along?Can I handle the truth?There's only one way to find out.I glance at my wrist watch and notice that it's nine thirty; a pretty inappropriate time to have strangers visiting but I just can't find in me the patience to wait till tomorrow.In a few long strides, we're at the front door and Mike rings the doorbell. For a few seconds, it seems like no one heard us but footsteps approaching the door halts Mike from ringing the bell again."Who is there?" A deep male voice asks."We're here to see Mr and Mrs Griffin" Mike responds almost immediately."That doesn't answer my question. Who's asking? Provide a direct answer or I'm calling the cops""It's Mr. Stone, t
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Chapter 57
Chapter 57Esmeralda's POVMr. Stone didn't come back that night but Keesha kept me company till morning until she had to leave for work.I wake up from my peaceful sleep when the door opens slowly and Mr. Stone walks in looking as perfect as ever. I pretend to still be asleep as his footsteps approach the bed making my heartbeat speed up.Dammit, what's wrong with me?I hear him gently dragging the chair Keesha was previously sitting on closer to the bed. My breath catches when I feel him tuck my hair behind my ear and I forget how to breath altogether when I feel something settle on the pillow my head is resting on.I finally open my eyes and try to pretend I'm just waking by attempting to let out a fake yawn but that yawn gets caught in my throat when my eyes meet hazel ones.The owner of those eyes currently has his head on my pillow and is staring at me!The corner of his mouth turns up in a smirk as he continues staring and waiting for me to do something."I knew you were awake
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Chapter 58
Chapter 58Esmeralda's POVIn a flash, Hunter flies out of his car and storms towards us looking ready to kill. Before he can reach us though, I push Jack away and punch him. Hard."This is the last warning I'll give you Jack. Don't ever touch me again and stay away from me! The next time you come near me, I'm kicking you in the balls and getting a restraining order" I puff out secretly shaking my hand that was stinging.Why the hell is his cheek so bony?Jack gapes at me suddenly speechless as he holds his red cheek."I- Okay" He says turning around and walking to his car that I hadn't taken notice of.As soon as his car pulls away, I turn to face Hunter hesitantly. Why do I even feel guilty? It's not like I kissed Jack back. Even if I did, it shouldn't matter because Hunter is my boss nothing elseI'm surprised to find him looking at me in amusement though. "Damn..." He drawls out as he takes a few steps towards me and I take some back. He continues this until we're inside before
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Chapter 59
Chapter 59Esmeralda's POVThe week following the day I was discharged from the hospital got stranger as the days went by. And by stranger, I mean the way Hunter treated me got sweeter progressively.He even invited me to lunch with his friends before they all flew back to their respective homes. The lunch consisted of me partly feeling left out because they all seemed close and partly fangirling over Bloom Gates.Every morning since then, he has had his driver pick me up for work. This morning, he was even in the car.Unfortunately or fortunately, he hasn't made any more moves to touch me since then. "Excuse me, I have an appointment with Mr. Stone" A female voice snaps me out of my train of thoughts.I look up to see a beautiful young woman smiling sweetly at me."Your name please?" I ask opening up Hunter's schedule folder on my computer."Dr. Keller" She responds making me scroll up and down trying to find her name."I'm sorry but your name isn't scheduled here. Kindly call ahe
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Chapter 60
Chapter 60Hunter's POV"No...I mean aren't there other tents available?" Esme shrieks."Why? Are you scared you won't be able to resist me?" I tease making her glare at me."Yes, because I totally have no self control and you're just so handsome" she replies sarcastically before her eyes suddenly go wide."Oh my God, I'm so sorry sir" she apologizes."I think we're way past all the formalities Esme, stop apologizing and speak your mind" I say unable to hold back my smile any longer. "In that case, I refuse to share a tent with you" she says folding her hands across her chest and staring me squarely in the eyes."And I'm asking you why?" I question putting both of my hands in my pockets and taking a step towards her."Because you're a man and I'm a woman" she blurts out not relenting."How does that affect anything?" I ask again enjoying myself more than I should."Because you know, we... it" she hisses glaring at me before stomping to the bed.God, I've missed her a
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