All Chapters of Driven Hearts: Driven by Desire: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
50 Chapters
Chapter 11
Several hours later, Riley was one of the last to leave the gaming bar. She was a night owl and loved gaming. It was rare that she got to hang out with her friends though, so when a chance like this came up, she liked to make the most of it. She waved at Lula and Roadkill as they got into a cab. Riley slid in behind the wheel of her Spitfire, having only drunk orange juice all night. She turned the key in the ignition, but nothing happened."Impossible," she grumbled with a frown. She kept all of her vehicles in excellent condition, but especially this one since it had belonged to her dad and it was the first car he ever gave her. There was no chance the engine wouldn't fire. She turned the key again. And again, nothing happened.She pulled the hood release with a sigh and climbed out of the car. She was forced to use the flashlight on her phone since she hadn't parked close enough to a streetlight to be able to properly see what was going on under her hood. Frowning, she checked the
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Chapter 12
Riley rubbed at the headache building in her temples. She shoved her office chair away from her desk, rolled toward the door and smacked the light switch, turning off the bright overhead lights. She closed the door while she was at it, muffling the shop noises. She sighed in satisfaction. That felt so much better. Closing her eyes, she sat in the darkened office and just enjoyed the feel of the fan blowing across her bare arms and shoulders for a few minutes. The accounts weren't going anywhere.Neither was the gift-wrapped box shoved to the edge of her desk. She was pretty sure it was the prospect of the box that was giving her a headache. The beautiful, tastefully wrapped silver box with a white bow had been distracting her from the moment it arrived in the garage. She'd quickly signed for it and whisked it away from the curious eyes of her mechanics. A quick peak at the hand-written card had confirmed her suspicion.Riley,Wear this tonight.Yours,SShe hadn't opened the box.
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Chapter 13
Finally, her headache was completely gone. Riley lay back in the tub enjoying the scent of vanilla and lavender candles permeating the steam coming off the hot water from her bath. Lorde's Pure Heroine album played from her phone through a Bluetooth speaker, filling the small washroom with music. Her hair was piled high on her head so it wouldn't get wet. Her shoulders and breasts were covered in vanilla scented bubbles. She was in heaven, which was saying something considering the day she'd had.She'd been pretty worried that Soloman would make good on his threat and show up at the shop to drag her away. Plus, the cops had come sniffing around about a stolen Mercedes SUV. Wendell had done his usual dog and pony show of giving them the correct paperwork for all of the vehicles in the shop. He was really quite remarkable at shaking his head in commiseration and looking innocent. The SUV had been in the part of the garage they didn't take the tourists to. Underneath the lifts there were
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Chapter 14
Soloman had never been a patient man. He was used to getting what he wanted and killing the things that stood in the way. The dance he had decided to engage in with Riley Bancroft was one of the most enjoyable things he could remember doing in recent memory. All of his pursuits thus far had been for power, money and stability. This was for him. He was amazed at the patience he was cultivating for this woman. Though his dick was begging him to get on with things. Every time he saw her, touched her, was like fresh torture.He took a long drink of A.H. Hirsch Reserve bourbon, neat, and watched the ebb and flow of a busy Tuesday night in his underground casino from the privacy of his screened office. Setting the glass down, he took a draw of his cigarillo, allowing the smoke to linger in his mouth. It was a habit he had picked up years ago to replace cigarettes. His dark and lushly decorated office was set on the floor above the casino, so he could see everything, including the beautiful,
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Chapter 15
He laughed cruelly and shook her with his grip on her jaw, bumping her head against the floor. "Pay attention, little girl, because I won't say this again. I have wanted you from the moment I laid eyes on you. And I have been very patient compared to my usual expectations. Cilia Bancroft is out there counting cards in my casino, we both know this. You managed to keep her secret well hidden, my gorgeous girl. No one on this town knows what she's capable of, but I have found her out."The breath whooshed out of her lungs and she froze beneath him. He leaned in and whispered in her ear. "Now what should I do about this information? Do you want to know what I would normally do to someone counting cards in my casino? Even with someone as beautiful and intelligent as Cilia."A tear trickled from the corner of Riley's eye, running across her nose and then down her plush lips. He ran his thumb over her lip, capturing the sign of her surrender. For the first time since his youth, Soloman felt
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Chapter 16
He was sitting behind his desk, watching her as she slowly stripped her T-shirt over her head. She had already kicked off her Sketchers. Riley closed her eyes, trying to block him out. How had life gotten so fucked up and out of control that she was doing a striptease for the most dangerous mafia boss in town, right in the office of his underground casino? She could feel the heat of his eyes on her and knew he was tracing every inch of creamy flesh she revealed. Her mind frantically scrambled over the problem of which piece of clothing to take off next."The sweats," his deep voice instructed, reading her mind.Her eyes flew open to meet his. When she saw amusement written on his face in the curl of his lip and glint in his eye, she wanted nothing more than to stalk over to his bar and start hurling expensive liquor bottles at his arrogant head. She would have done it too, if her mom weren't right downstairs within easy reach of a dozen knee-breakers.Narrowing her eyes, Riley reach
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Chapter 17
Riley was pretty sure Soloman wasn't planning on letting her go home that night, despite his assurance that he meant everything he said. Except someone set fire to his car. The wild look in his eyes as he stared down at her freaked her out. No one had ever wanted to possess her the way this man did. Sure, she had been lusted after, but this guy took the whole 'me Tarzan, you Jane' thing to a new level.He was in the process of reaching for her when someone had banged on his door, yelling that there was a fire in the parking lot. With a growl of frustration, he told her to get dressed and wait for him, then stalked out of his office. Riley didn't need to be told twice. She'd run immediately toward the private washroom in his office to clean herself up."Fuck," she whispered, taking in the vulnerable look on her face as she wet his hand towel and used it to clean the evidence of his release from her skin. Her heart thundered in painful reminder of the erotic scene that had played out m
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Chapter 18
Soloman sat back in his leather chair, staring at the exact spot that she had stripped off her clothes and stood gloriously naked in front of him. His eyes moved from that spot to the edge of his desk where she had come for him, responding even more beautifully than he could have hoped for. But she had left. Despite knowing he would be back for her.Rage burned in him. He glanced down at his phone. She had yet to respond to any one of his calls or text messages. He had first tried calling her over an hour ago, after the fire had been brought under control. He knew the moment he reentered the club and realized that Cilia was missing that Riley would also be gone.His fist crashed into the desk. Fuck. He just wanted to know that she was safe. He was done playing her fucking games. He picked up the glass of whiskey and downed the contents before slamming it back down. He had men waiting for her at the shop, her condo and her mother's place. So far, she had shown up to none of her usual
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Chapter 19
"Okay Scuttles, I don't particularly like seafood, but I'm willing to make an exception if you don't calm the fuck down and just get in the damn bucket," Riley growled at the angry, snapping creature she'd managed to corner in her mother's kitchen.If she didn't already know Cilia had serious issues she would consider having the woman committed for allowing a crab of this size and ugliness to free roam in her house while she went off to count cards at an underground casino. Riley swallowed a scream as Scuttles lunged at her, snapping at her shoelaces in an attempt to drive her away from his prized corner. She drove him back with the BBQ tongs she'd snatched from the counter and swung her bucket at the claw the little bastard was waving at her.She quickly glanced over her shoulder at the shadowy doorway of the cottage-like bungalow and held her breath. There had been a guy watching the front of the house. She'd seen the flare of his smoke as he sat in his car. She guessed he wasn't b
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Chapter 20
"Is the Reaper actually wringing her hands at the sacred Sparrow Hawk?" Katie asked with a laugh, hugging Riley around the neck with one arm and hanging onto her popcorn for dear life with her other hand. "Don't let the other participants see that crap or they'll think you're some kind of candy ass wuss."Riley glared at her best friend and reached for a hand full of popcorn. It was a weird quirk that Katie had to have popcorn for all of Riley's races. She adored popcorn more than the average person. She would actually go to a movie theatre just to purchase a bag of popcorn and then leave without watching a movie. She pulled a face and snatched the bag away when it looked like Riley would eat more than a few bites. Katie was also viciously protective of her buttery treats."I'm not wussing out over here," Riley defended herself. "I'm wondering where the hell your brother got to with my car. He better be parking it up at the starting line."Katie shot her a mischievous look and said,
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