All Chapters of Christmas Cove: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
111 Chapters
Chapter 31
Her voice cut off when he walked purposefully behind the counter, picked her up, and threw her over his shoulder. He started toward the door, but she called out, "Wait! My purse!" He stopped and waited for a minute.Kiki dug her purse out from under the counter and shoved it into her hand, laughing. "Have fun," she said in a singsong voice, wiggling her fingers goodbye."Caden, put me down!" Jocelyn yelled as she held on, watching Roxanne and Kiki share a laugh behind them. It was one of the first times she had actually seen Roxanne smile."Not yet." Caden pushed the door open and cold air rushed toward her, along with a few flurries. People on the sidewalk gave them a wide berth, laughing and pointing. He bent down and opened the passenger side of his car and then set her on her feet. "Where would you like to go?"Jocelyn let out a deep breath as she straightened her suit coat. "I can't believe you did that!""Well, what would you like to do?" He looked at her expectantly."Sinc
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Chapter 32
As he drove down the streets headed toward town, she wondered what she was going to do. After all, Mallory was her sister and she'd never do anything to hurt her, no matter how infuriating she was."You're overthinking again."She gave him a slight smile as she sighed.He shrugged. "I'll tell you what. Let's just have fun today. Try not to worry about anything, okay? Let's just enjoy the day."She sighed, relenting. What could it hurt to just have fun? She and Caden could just be walking down the street and have a blast. "Okay. So, what's on the agenda?""How about skiing?" One corner of his lips curled into a cocky grin.She laughed. "Yeah. You're a comedian.""Then how about a carriage ride? I haven't been on one in years. Wanna go? We could see the Christmas decorations."She smiled in disbelief. "You want to see Christmas decorations?""Sure! Why not?" He sighed. "Since I've been gone so long, I guess I've come to appreciate the town and what I've missed. Now, I don't want
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Chapter 33
A few minutes later, they passed by a sign that read North Pole with an arrow pointed toward the woods. "Driver, would you let us out here?""I'll do one better, madame." He looked over his shoulder and grinned. "I'll drive you there.""Where are we going?" Caden's eyebrows pulled together in concern."Why, to the North Pole, of course," Jocelyn replied.The driver looked over his shoulder and smiled again.Jocelyn laughed. "It really has been a long time since you've been back, hasn't it?""Too long." Caden watched the scenery pass by and Jocelyn wondered what he was thinking. The evergreens were covered in white snow, creating the perfect Christmas postcard. In fact, many photographers had used the winter landscape of Christmas Cove over the years for just that reason. Within minutes, the trees gave way to a castle made with huge white stones that shimmered in the sunlight. In the back was what looked to be ski slopes with white snow as far as the eye could see behind it. "Wow.
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Chapter 34
"Are those real, too?" Caden asked, inclining his head toward the presents.Jocelyn nodded, smiling. "Yes, of course. I think even the visitors keep buying presents for the children and putting them under the tree until Christmas.""It's a great way to spend Christmas, especially if you don't have family," Caden replied, taking in the ambiance.Jocelyn shrugged. "Even families come here to spend Christmas together every year. But, yes, it's also great for people who might be alone on Christmas. This way, they aren't alone. And the ones who come here every year get to know one another, becoming a family of their own, of sorts. Some have standing reservations from year to year."A mischievous smile appeared on Caden's lips. "How do you know all of this?""It's a small town," Jocelyn replied, and then added, "Plus, I worked here for a while when I was in high school.""Really?" Caden asked in disbelief."Yes. Is that so hard to imagine?" Jocelyn raised an eyebrow.Caden looked dow
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Chapter 35
"Looks great," Caden announced, bringing her from her reverie. "Let's eat."As they ate, Jocelyn barely tasted the pot roast, even though it was one of her favorite meals."What are you thinking about?" Caden asked, studying her face."That's a favorite question of yours. Isn't it?"He shrugged. "I guess it is around you."Jocelyn thought for a moment. "I was just thinking that this pot roast reminds me of my mother's."Caden reached across the table and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "Jocelyn, I'm so sorry about that- that you lost your parents. I had no idea."She nodded, giving him a slight smile. "It was a long time ago.""Not for me." Caden turned his attention back to his food.Throughout the meal, neither Caden nor Jocelyn said much, each lost in their own thoughts. Soon, it came to an end when Caden laid his napkin down beside his plate and sat back. "Wow. That was really good. I haven't had a meal like this in a while."Jocelyn took a sip of her hot chocolate and sw
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Chapter 36
Caden threw his arm over his forehead the next morning and closed his eyes. But the sun was peeking through the curtains as he lay in bed, alerting him to the start of a new day- a new beginning.There was one thing that she asked him that bothered him. What was he doing? It was a good question and one he kept asking himself, too. He picked up his pillow and put it over his head. One thing was certain: He had to see Jocelyn again. He had no idea what he was going to tell Mallory, but the truth was a good start. He had no intention of seeing Jocelyn behind Mallory's back. Despite everything, he was a gentleman. Then he had an idea and reached for his cell phone. No matter what happened between them and no matter what the future held, they still had today. If his time in the military hadn't taught him anything else, it was to live life today, for none of us know if we have tomorrow. Although he knew he was probably setting himself up for heartbreak, he wanted today, this one more day, w
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Chapter 37
Caden took her hands, skating beside her. "Jocelyn, you're so easy to skate with, so fluid on the ice. You could have gone to the Olympics." He smiled at a personal memory. "Every time I watched the Olympics, I always wondered if I would see you there one day."A delicate blush colored her cheeks a light shade of pink. "That's very kind of you to say."He turned, skating backward and took her hands. "Tell me something. Didn't you ever think of leaving?""Christmas Cove?" she asked.He nodded."No, never." She shrugged as she let his hands go and skated to the center of the pond. "I guess I never felt the need." She spun around in a tight spin, going faster until she extended her arms and came to an abrupt stop. "Christmas Cove is my home. I never want to leave."He nodded, understanding. If he had it to do all over again, he wondered if he would have ever left, too. But then again, he guessed he wouldn't have appreciated it as much as he does now. Caden knew it took moving away b
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Chapter 38
"You added the bit at the end, but I like it," she whispered.He held the pose for a moment, enjoying the feel of her in his arms a bit too much as he looked into her eyes. At that moment, he could see a life with her. Caden could see eternity in her eyes, as well as their future. He never wanted the moment to end. In that moment, he felt more love for her than he had for any other woman."Caden?""Yes?""Are you going to let me up?" she asked, breaking the spell of the moment."Oh! Yeah- if I must," he teased. And then helped her up."Thanks." She started to skate away, but he took her hand and looked into her eyes. "Caden, no," she said, her voice merely a whisper.He nodded and let her hand go. "So, are you hungry?"She shrugged. "I could eat. What do you have in mind?""Santa's Café?"Jocelyn laughed. "I thought you said nothing too Christmassy.""In this town?" He held up his hand. "We'd have to try real hard not to do something Christmassy.""Sounds good. Let me go in
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Chapter 39
"What can I get you this afternoon?" Angela asked. It was two o'clock in the afternoon, between lunch and dinner. He couldn't believe they had skated all morning, but it was another memory to add to the many he had of Jocelyn."Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and corn on the cob for me," Jocelyn replied, closing her menu. Then she looked over at Caden and stage whispered, "They have the best."Caden's stomach growled at the thought. "Make it two." He closed his menu and handed it to Angela. "Will do!" Angela tucked the menu behind the other. "I'll be right back with your meals.""So, what are you doing tomorrow?" Jocelyn took a sip of her hot chocolate.He shrugged. "I'm not sure." He didn't tell her, but he knew that talking to Mallory to break things off was definitely on the list. "I might volunteer at my parents' tree lot.""That would be nice." Jocelyn wrapped her hands around her mug of hot chocolate.Caden sighed and then took a sip of his hot chocolate and swa
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Chapter 40
As they were driving, he made a mental note to take back the ring he had bought for Mallory and exchange it for another ring for her. He knew he wanted to marry Jocelyn, but he didn't know how she felt about him. But then again, when he kissed her in the limo, she had kissed him back. So, maybe-At the movie theater, Caden paid for their tickets and they walked inside. "Popcorn and soda?" he asked her."Sure. Even though we just ate, you can't watch a movie without popcorn." Jocelyn shoved her hands into her coat pockets.He placed a hand on the small of her back and walked with her up to the concession stand. "Two large Cokes--""Diet for me," Jocelyn added.Caden chuckled. "Correction: One large Coke, a large diet, and one large popcorn." In the mood for something sweet, he looked over the candy counter. "Candy?" he asked Jocelyn. She laughed. "Where do you put it all?"He shrugged, ignoring the question, and turned to the teenage boy behind the counter. "A bag of M&Ms and a
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