All Chapters of Love With the Devil On Earth: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
88 Chapters
LEO'S POV"Why would she think I was going for a burial, like black wasn't a cool colour?" That was all that kept on ringing bell in my head while I was driving to Jack's house. He called me earlier that day, informing me about how his dad was attacked and was hospitalized so he had to run things in the Mafia but he didn't know how so he needed my help. I was surprised when I saw my phone ring and it was Jack calling, I remembered what he did and chucked I didn't want to pick his call because I was still mad at him. Jack kept on calling so I thought it was an emergency, he was still my friend anyways, he had always been there for me anytime I needed him. After promising him that I was going to be there soon, I ended the call sent for Clara. By the time she came I was already done preparing, already heading to my car when I saw her coming to my room. She paused when she saw me and that was when she asked me if I was going for a burial, I was shocked by what she mean but I decided
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I didn't even noticed when they came back, not until their foot steps got loud. I looked up and saw Jack holding Clara on her waist while his other hand rested on her shoulder. I gave him a frowned, and he responded with a confused look on his face that was like asking me what was wrong. They finally sat down on the chair opposite me and Jack was still holding her waist, I wondered what his problem and motive was. Clara wasn't helping either, she rested her head on Jack's shoulder comfortably, not minding the fact that her boss was there. " Why do I care anyways? " I thought and rolled my eyes at them, crossing my leg fixing my eyes on my phone, but I wasn't doing anything instead I kept on taking glances at them. I could tell Clara was enjoying the slight cuddle she was getting from Jack. For a moment, I imagined how it was going to feel if I was the one actually holding her waist like the way Jack was doing, and if she rest on my shoulder like that without resisting. I smiled,
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CLARA'S POVI was surprised that Jack and Leo were close friends, In school Leo acted like he didn't even know Jack and now he is in his house. Nevertheless, I was mad at Leo for how he embarrassed me in Jack's house, he even called me a thing. If I was a thing why did he bring me along with him? Why did he hug me the other day? Why did he punish ma'am Lauretta after what she did to me? I knew I met nothing to him neither did he mean anything for me anyways, but based on what Renata had told me about him, he has never treated any other maid or anyone the way he treated me. I felt so bad because he openly called me his maid and a thing, but I didn't want him to notice so I held back the tears that was struggling to flow down my cheek, but I flopped when I couldn't bare it anylonger. I cried in front of Leo and Jack, it was so embarrassing, but as usual Jack was there to console me. He took me to his kitchen and used a wipe to clean my face while he kept on patting my head. "It fin
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LEO'S POV. I couldn't explain how I felt after hugging Clara, it was something I long for from my loved ones but I ignored it allowing my emotions take absolute control over me all these years. I also just realized that I also needed someone to care, appreciate and cherish my existence. Most especially I needed someone also love me just the way I am. I never thought of this things not until today after hugging Clara. I cried under my sheets, remembering how lonely I had been all this year, I literally shut everyone out of my life because of the anger that had been burning inside of me this past years. I cried until I fell asleep. The knock on my door the next morning woke me up, I stretched out my hands still lying on my bed tiredly. This was my first time of having such a good sleep, I hadn't slept like this in years, everything was just feeling so good at the moment. I was still smiling awkwardly, lost in my thoughts when I heard the knock again. The thought of the person knock
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************"Shoot well Leo, you can't become the leader if you keep on shooting like this. What are you? A child? " Dad hit my head with the tip of the gun and I let out a loud cry, I tried running to mum but he slapped me and kicked me. I fell on the floor holding my right leg in pain, hot tears rolled down my cheek while I hope for this torment to be over but it seemed like it wasn't ending anytime soon.It was my ninth birthday, and dad had promised to give me the best birthday present that morning. I remembered how I anticipated greatly, looking forward to dad's gift, I didn't even have friends to celebrate with, the only friend I had was Jack but he went for holiday in his uncle's house, so It was me and my sister only. My mum and sister came to my room that morning with a cake, they sang a birthday song for me and hugged me tightly. I made a wish in my mind and blew off the fire on the candle."What did you wish for darling?" Mum asked me, running her hands gently on my hair
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CLARA POVAfter leaving Leo's room, I went over to the kitchen to see if I could find anything to eat, I was really famished and tired. One thing I wished for was Renata not to be there because, she was definitely going to stop me but my mind was made up to confront her if she did. I haven't been eating well for days just because I have been trying to avoid having any issues with her and I was sick of it already. When I got to the kitchen she wasn't in there, I was felt so relieved. The maids there were already eating so I walked over to the pot to serve myself and none of them spoke a word. Their behavior towards me had suddenly changed. They didn't gossip about me any longer, neither did they glare at me each time they see me, instead they just remove their faces each time my eyes met with any of theirs'. I guess it was because of what Leo did the last time. After serving myself, I turned to leave the kitchen to my room instantly, because staying here to eat was definitely going
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When I got to the meeting venue, everyone had arrived and were siting waiting patiently for my arrival. They all stood up immediately they saw me and remained standing until I sat comfortably on the chair. The meeting began and some of top member complained on how there drug trafficking business were crashing and other members complained about one thing or the other. By the end of the meeting, I found out that some of our most trusted members were betraying us, which was the cause for the recently attack we had, but I didn't let them know because I wanted to handle the case myself. I also let them know about my plans to begin training with the young upcoming members, they were all startled immediately I broke the news and I didn't explain any further. The abstruse meeting came to an end and I left, ignoring anyone that wanted to speak to me privately. On getting home, I felt so relieved and maybe excited, I hoped on seeing Clara this time around. When I got to the living room, I wa
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CLARA'S DIARYSpending about twenty two hours with mum and Jenny eased a lot of stress for me, I was so relieved and happy about the decision they made to pick me up yesterday night. I and Jenny spent the whole night talking about everything we had missed, but I never mention anything about Leo to her and I felt bad for hiding it from her because we never keep any secret, but it was for the best. My room was still the way it was, my bed had my favourite bedsheet placed on it, Jenny corner had just changed a little because of the pictures she placed on the wall. Mum didn't go to work on Sundays same as Jenny so we ended up spending the whole day indoor, I didn't want any of friends or classmate to see me, but stubborn Danielle got to know one way or the other through Jenny and dropped by the house while coming back from the store. No doubt I had lot of fun and was close to forgetting about going back to Leo's magnificent mansion. Mum, Jenny and Danielle escorted me to the park wh
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LEO'S POVI was awaken again by the loud buzz from my phone which was just at the edge of my bed. I sigh angrily and ignored it just like the knock but the caller kept on calling non-stop, I became mad and took my phone to turn it off. With my eyes partly opened, I glanced at the caller, it was Jack. I wondered why he was calling me by this time, after much deliberation I decided to pick up considering the manner in which he had been calling, it must be something important. "Jack! Why "" Where is clara? Have you seen the news? Put on your television now! I just hope Clara is save" Jack interrupted me the moment I was about to question him. He made mention about Clara being safe which frightened me and I ran to get the remote and put on the television which had been in my room just for decoration because I barely watch it. I was devastated in the state I saw Clara in, she looked scared, sad and confused as the reporters rushed to her asking her questions. Blood was dripping from h
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For the first time I let a girl sleep peacefully on my bed which was still unbelievable to me, it felt like I was sharing my body with someone else and maybe the other person had carried Clara from the gate to my room and placed her on my bed. "But why am I not reacting?" This was the question I kept on asking my self but there was no answer. I had been sitting by the edge of my bed watching Clara while she was sleeping and now I was also feeling sleepy, I needed to rest. For a moment I thought of sleeping on my bed, beside Clara but Immediately I shook off the idea off my head and decided to sleep on the couch instead. I got up to leave but she turned and I froze, my heart began to beat fast like I had done something wrong. Luckily She faced the other side of the room and within a second, she was fast asleep again. I walked to my wardrobe, took out another blanket and went to lie on the couch, though I wasn't feeling comfortable because the couch was quite small and hard. I jolted
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