บททั้งหมดของ Cold Stone: บทที่ 31 - บทที่ 40
Thirty One
IVORY She wore a grey suit with grey flats and pearl jewelries, standing stiffly by the door, taking in my state. "I need to talk to you," she grilled out coldly."About?" I returned the cold. She gave a contemptuous glance to the other occupants of the room. "Alone."They immediately exited the room, except Jide was more hesitant. "I see you are improving faster in this cheap hospital," she noted, stalking the chair by my bed.I did not respond to that. "What do you want? I heard about how you were much of an ass the last time you visited." "I was suggesting what was best for my granddaughter who has suddenly turned against me. I see those barbarians had succeeded in transforming you to an animal. I thought I had done a good job in building your immunity. I am however so bdisappointed," she drooled while dropping her butt in the chair. I was angry at the terms she used to describe my African friends. "You froze me over and shaped me into an animal. Made me have hate and disresp
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Thirty Two
JIDEThe structure of the restaurant was almost ready. Ivory had no idea that we had begun construction. We wanted it to be a surprise when she got discharged. The restaurant was situated in the farm compound by a corner in the courtyard. I had suggested that its location be in the city and not in a remote area like the farm. But Ivory was of the thoughts that locating it in the farm would expose the farm more to the public, making us gain customers. She was so sure that a lot of people from the city would love to come to the serene environment of the farm to have our wonderful African dishes, especially when she was our public figure. We were decorating the interior at the moment. I was hanging Ivory's finished paintings at strategic spots on the bamboo walls. Tumpale and some other girls took care of the floor and ceiling designs while Kofi and other guys arranged the bar. I was to handle the sitting arrangements when I was done with the paintings. We vibed to African hip hop mus
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Thirty Three
"Grandmother. Where is Grandma?" I snapped at the fleet of guards that scurried behind me. Aunt Joan was coming down the stairs at that moment and I hurried to the landing, waiting for her. "Where is Grandma?" I queried. She looked confused and worried at my state, "She does not stay here anymore." My eyebrows drew together, "What? Why?" Aunt Joan shrugged, "Says she can't live with us no more. Thinks we spite her." I clenched my fists, "Now I do. How could she? What does she intend to achieve by perpetrating such wickedness?" "I do not seem to follow." Aunt Joan said, confusion etched on her pretty face. I recounted the farm incident. She shrugged and moved away from the stairs landing to the sitting room. "I would not know what this is about. I am as concerned as you are." "Where is she right now?" I asked, walking with her. "I have no idea, my dear. She did not inform me of her departure. I returned from work to receive a note from my chief maid," she replied, resti
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Thirty Four
IVORY Why and how? I had been pondering.I had not been able to sleep since last night after that revelation was made. Aunt Joan? Like Aunt the fuck Joan? Damn! I definitely did not see that coming. I got back home last night, totally ignoring her and finding my way to the the confinement of my room. The lawyer advised that I do not confront her. But that was making me go crazy.I crazily paced my room, my fingers raking through my hair wildly. I needed to see the look of horror on her face when she sees she does not fool me anymore. I needed answers, answers I would not get if I did not confront her. My lips itched for a smoke. My fingers itched to paint. I had no residue paint supplies here at home; Grandma had discarded them all. But I had residue cancer sticks in my drawer. I checked my drawers and found them. Quickly lighting one, I took a long drag; a long drag of relief, a long drag of immediate and temporary peace. Letting the smoke settle in my insides a bit longer, I
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Thirty Five
IVORYI spent the next two days at the farm, turning daft ears to Aunt Joan's pleading. She had not changed one bit. She was still that caring, motherly and soft spoken person I had always known. It made me wonder if she being a suspect in this whole case was not just a set up by Grandma. That old woman had not still returned from her hideout. I had horse duty this morning with some African boy I had not met before. We worked quietly, a respectable distance separating us both. I fondled with a horse's mane while I ran a brush over it. I had never stood up close to a horse before and I knew I should be scared but I was not. This was my fourth week in the farm and I was beginning to let go alot. Shit that really got me scared and rustled no longer bothered me. It was a great change. I got a call from Cassidy and swiped to answer it. "What's up?" I asked. "Mr and Mrs Khoza wants to have a word with you. We have set up a meeting by eleven," she informed me. I breathed out. "Why? Is
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Thirty Six
MIRAThe next day, I took a cab at the bus stop after walking the path away from the farm. It was lights out and I was supposed to be in bed but here I was, on my way to the hospital with the finished painting of beloved Mother.I felt so bad and guilty for hating on her when all she did was love both me and Father. I wondered the emotional and psychological trauma she must have gone through because of Grandma's stoic attitude. Mother sacrificed her health for Father. Did Grandma actually think anyone would accept to marry Father with all his riches if they found out he was infected with HIV? Grandma really did not know the blessing she has had.I got down the bus and stalked into the hospital building. Getting to Ward 5B, I checked into the hospital register and found my way to Room 11. She was on a wheelchair by the window, watching the stars. I watched her frail form. The wrinkled skin shook feverishly next to the chair. Her hair ridden head looked ragged and unkempt. "Are you go
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Thirty Seven
JIDE I discreetly watched her as she supervised the restaurant's decor. She looked breathtaking in her orange and white chiffon top and bright green palazzo trousers. Her blonde hair was swept to the right side of her hair and I imagined the strawberry scent that would hit my nose if I got close to her and nuzzled the exposed neck. "Breathe man. Breathe," Kofi nudged me. I found myself exhaling. I was not breathing? How long had I been staring?"She literally took your breath away, Jide," Kofi chuckled at his joke. I ran my palms down my face and rubbed my eyes. What the fuck was happening with me? I rolled up my sleeves and carried a chair. Kofi followed me. "Why are you following me around now?" I asked him, irritated. Kofi could be an ass when he wanted to. "To constantly remind you to breathe, lover boy," he answered gleefully. I dropped the chair at a table and dusted it. "You really do not have to. If you are that jobless, I could find you something to do," I cut out
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Thirty Eight
IVORYMy brain cells delved into overdrive as I stared at him wide-eyed. I wondered if he could hear the erratic thumping of my chest. My blood sang in my veins and I felt strangely warm. Jide was fucking kissing me. Oh my gosh! Jide was fucking kissing me. And oh it tasted so good. His lips were like soft pillows and tasted of melted candy. I loved the tingles that spread through my body and I did not want them to stop. I did not want him to stop. And yet he did. His lips froze and his eyes found mine. They held uncertainty and dread. Uncertainty that he had acted without thinking; dread that he had done something wrong.'Oh no no. I loved it,' I wanted to say. 'Do not stop,' my subconscious screamed. But my throat constricted as bubbles lodged in it, impairing my speech. I frowned at the distance he put between us, his eyes looking every other place but at me. He cleared his throat to speak. "Y...you do not like it. I am so sorry coming unto you like that. I was not sure what
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Thirty Nine
39IVORYMother was laughing at a joke I made. She seemed truly happy to have me over. Unlike when I first met her, she seemed to have purpose to wake up every morning since I began visiting. Today, we chatted while I used her face as a practice doll for a make up session. It was her idea. I always had the maids do my make up, so I did not see the need to learn. "How was it growing up with Candice?" She asked me while I drew pencil across her left eyebrow. My hands stopped and I thought for a while before shrugging. "It was not as bad as a lot of people might think. I had always lived to please her. I wanted to live up to her expectations. I wanted to make her happy. So I did anything and everything. I endured every shit so she would turn me into a great masterpiece.""How did that come out for you?" She enquired. I smiled self derisively. "Honestly, it was great. I enjoyed the fact that I could get anything I wanted. And I did not have to work so much for it. I loved the respect
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40IVORYI took a bus to Bexley and alighted at the Stone Culturist's bus stop. This would be the first time I was coming here without my personal ride. The workers gawked at my unusual casual clothes but I had always been one who cared less. I made my way to my office where Aunt Joan was inhabiting for now. My receptionist scowled at my entrance at first but plastered a fake smile when I approached her and she recognized me. "Good evening, Miss Stone," she greeted. I smiled at her genuinely and she was taken aback, "Good evening Tressa. How are you?""I...I...am...You know my name?" She finally stumbled out. I smiled. "Yes. It is on your ID."She blushed and looked down at the company's ID pinned to her shirt. I knocked on the door once and opened it. Aunt Joan was on the phone. She gestured for me to sit before ending the call and flashing me a warm smile. "How are you, Ivory?" She asked. I shrugged. "I am fine.""I see the farm treats you well," she stood and walked to my sid
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