All Chapters of The Complex Art of Rosie : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
54 Chapters
Unsaid GoodbyeAnthony stood in the doorframe of Rosie's room.He glanced around the mostly empty room. It felt unfamiliar, unrecognizable.The bare walls that lacked her artwork, the empty desk that was rid of all of her art supplies. He stared at the book-shelf that was missing most of Rosie's book. Everything that had once made this room Rosie's, was all gone.Anthony's eyes narrowed when he saw something lying on her desk.Cautiously, almost afraid, he walked to her desk.He grabbed the wrinkled piece of paper that had been sitting on Rosie's desk since she had placed it there days before she had left for Paris.It was the sketch of Anthony that she had finally drawn eyes onto.Anthony's heart clenched, unsure of what to think. What did this mean?"She stood right there, in that exact spot, holding the paper just like that and staring at it." Tamara leaned against the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest.Anthony swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat, clenchin
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Words of GoodbyeTamara offered Anthony a comforting smile, squeezing his shoulder lightly before walking out of Rosie's room and leaving him with the letter Rosie had left for him.Anthony took a long time, just staring at the envelope.He was afraid to open it, afraid to read whatever Rosie had written him. He didn't know if he was ready to read it, reading to hear her goodbye.The goodbye was what scared him.He wasn't ready to say goodbye but reading this letter would somehow make it all more real.After what felt like a very long time of blankly staring at the envelope, Anthony opened it. He was filled with swirling emotions that he couldn't pinpoint. He was overwhelmed and feeling many conflicting feelings all at once."Anthony,Maybe I am a coward for writing a letter instead of saying goodbye directly to your face. I'm afraid that if I look in your eyes and turn to walk away from you, I won't be able to leave. I don't want to know that I'm looking at you for the last time. I d
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The New BeginningsONE YEAR LATER"Rosie!"Rosie spun around, a wide grin breaking loose on her face. Tamara pushed through the crowd and ran over to her cousin, engulfing her in a tight hug.Rosie laughed as she hugged her cousin. "You're here.""Wouldn't miss it for the world," Tamara held onto Rosie's shoulders, leaning back to give her a look-over. It had been months since they had seen each other, the last time being when Tamara had come to Paris during her Summer vacation.Rosie looked like she was glowing.Although a few months didn't seem like a long time, it had felt like ages since Tamara had seen her. She took in her haircut, Rosie's once long hair being cut to her shoulders. She looked older, more mature.Rosie linked her arm through Tamara's, the two of them heading out of the airport."This city gets more beautiful every time I see it again," Tamara's eyes were glues to the window as she watched the sights pass. She was in awe of the city, being slightly jealous of the b
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A Piece Missing From the Final PictureThe art opening was everything Rosie could have imagined and more. She was occupied all night long with guests and friends, meeting new people and talking about her art for hours. She felt like she was living in a movie. Everything was perfect."Oh, Rosie..." Tamara walked over to her cousin when Rosie had finally gotten a minute alone, not having a dozen people already talking to her.Rosie narrowed her eyes suspiciously, noticing the mischievous smirk on Tamara's face. "What did you do?"Tamara gasped dramatically. "Why do you always thin I'm up to something?"Rosie laughed lightly, quirking an eyebrow. "Because you are."Tamara heaved out an exaggerated breath. "Fine. There is someone here to see you."Rosie's eyebrows pulled together in confusion. Her heart momentarily raced, not knowing who Tamara could be referring to, but, she didn't get to be anticipated for long."My precious."Coming from behind Tamara, Aatalo beamed a bright smile at R
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All Roads Lead to Home16 MONTHS LATERRosie's art career had grown to be quite successful. After her first showing, she gained a lot of attraction and with the help of the contacts she had made, she continued to grow a client-base who commissioned her for personal art pieces. The more her art got noticed, the more people would reach out to her. She had already had some of her work displayed at multiple different exhibitions in numerous cities.She was doing more than well enough for herself.She had now gotten her degree and stopped working for Eloise. She was on her own, continuing to build her career in the art world.Paris had become home to her. She made friends, she had a boyfriend, the small town she lived in knew all about her - as if she was the town's very own celebrity. The town was small and well connected, everything at a walking distance. She had grown to become well acquainted with almost everyone - the local barista she would get coffee from every morning, the libraria
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Beginning Again"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"All morning Tamara had been offering to go apartment shopping with Rosie who kept turning her down. Now, Rosie, Tamara, and Aatalo sat at the local coffee shop just before Rosie was going to head out to see the first apartment on her list. "Don't you have plans with Josephine?"Tamara had the summer off before she would start her first real job at a law firm. She had every intention to make the most of the summer, spend every day with her cousin and friends.Rosie, on the other hand didn't have much time. She had a to-do list of dozens of errands she needed to start getting done - starting with finding an apartment. She had a meeting set with Michael later in the week, planning a surprise she hadn't told anyone about yet.Tamara frowned. "Yes but I can cancel. I gave your room away and now I'm sending you to find a new place on your own."Although Rosie had made plenty of friends in Paris, she also spent a lot of her t
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With Moving, Comes Baggage"Rosie?" Anthony's voice came out in a whisper. It was as if her were seeing a ghost, entirely unsure of what he was seeing and if he were seeing right at all.Rosie blinked. She opened her mouth but no sound came out. She was just as stunned as he was."Rosie?" Angela peaked her head out of the apartment, giving Rosie a confused look as she wondered why she was still standing in the hallway. "Did you change your mind about seeing this apartment?"Rosie turned to look at Angela, still gaping like a fish out of water. "I...""Rosie!" This time when Rosie looked over, Ryder was rushing up to her with open arms. He pulled her into a hug before she had a moment to register a single thought.Ryder had known Rosie was coming back because Aatalo had told him. He just didn't know when.Anthony, on the other hand, had no idea. He was in complete shock, confused by how or why she was here at all.Behind Rosie's back, Tamara had made it clear to the boys that they shou
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To or To NotDays had passed and Rosie had signed the lease to her new apartment - the same one she had seen Anthony and Ryder at. It was the best place she had seen while staying in her budget. Although she was worried that Anthony could potentially move in down the hall, she couldn't give up this apartment.She sat on the ground, unpacking boxes with the help of Tamara.Rosie reached into a box that was filled with some of her favourite books. She froze when she pulled out a familiar novel - the one Anthony had gifted to her.Rosie's mind had been all over the place since she ran into him a few days ago. She still couldn't understand what exactly she was feeling but she knew that all her old feelings for Anthony were only resurfacing. Those feelings never truly went away to begin with."You're in love with him."Rosie looked up to see Tamara staring down at her with her arms crossed over her chest.Rosie placed the book down and busied herself by continuing to rummage through the bo
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Old Company, Old Comforts"I'll admit, I was surprised you called.""You were? Why?" Rosie sat across from Blaze the local coffee shop, the two of them seeing each other after over two years.Blaze shrugged lightly. A carefree smile rested gently on his lips. "We didn't stay in contact much after the first year. I figured you moved on with life.""Moving on doesn't meaning leaving everything behind, Winters.""Good point," Blaze leaned back in his sip, swirling around his iced coffee in its cup. He peered at Rosie thoughtfully. "How is it been being back?"Rosie pursed her lips in thought for a moment. She sighed, shrugging her shoulders unsurely. "I thought it was okay. I'm not sure anymore."Blaze frowned. "Don't tell me Morelli still has your heart."Rosie's gaze snapped up to meet Blaze's eyes. She was taken aback. "Why would you say that?"Blaze shot her a flat look, tilting his head. "If there's something troubling you now that you're back, I'm going to place my bets on it being
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A New SideAs soon as Rosie stepped into the apartment where the party was being held, she wanted to turn around and walk right out. Music was booming so loud the walls were vibrating, lights flashed all colours, and the apartment was packed with so many people it felt like there was no air in the room.Blaze looked down at Rosie and saw the distraught look on her face. He nudged her lightly. "Maybe we should get a drink in you.""Yes, please." Rosie followed him through the apartment, squeezing her way through many sweaty bodies. This was anything but formal and sophisticated, the types of parties Rosie was used to."You've changed," Blaze noted. He leaned against the counter as he poured drinks into plastic cups.Rosie laughed softly. She knew she had changed. A year ago, she would have never stepped foot into this apartment or accepted a drink. "I'm trying to step out of my comfort zone.""How is that going for you?"Rosie gave Blaze a dull look. "I hate it."Blaze snickers, extend
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