All Chapters of Kismet...Rings of Truth: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
64 Chapters
Chapter 21: Kismet...Rings of Truth
CuriositySammy unlocked the door entering the apartment. She feels the imposing presence of Peter behind her. Apparently walking her to the door entails entering too. In all honesty though she don’t feel incline to be on her own.A child-like habit she was completely unaware as she kicked her shoes off while he closed the door behind them both. Walking towards the kitchen her bells tingling softly wondering what on earth to have for dinner. She was startled by the music softly reaching her ears. Going back towards the living room she found him stretched out on the couch.“Peter…” she called but she received no response. Moving closer she stood looking down at him but he appeared to be deeply asleep. Turning away she switched off the light going to the bedroom she was currently using.She quickly stripped then showered trying to clear her mind from the tiredness. Half an hour later dressed in her pajamas discovering she w
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Chapter 22: Kismet...Rings of Truth
Brave and VulnerableSammy stood looking puzzled a moment. She keeps circling the room before she comes and sits bravely across from him her legs pulled underneath her. She watched his profile mostly cast in shadows.“Your first question sir?” she suddenly teased.“What’s the deal with Victor?” Peter watched her, wondering about her truth.“Let’s drop the cat and mouse act of earlier. This silly plan of mine would probably explode in my face. You keep asking me why I married him. I don’t know. One moment he creates a moment of trust then I just follow that feeling but I quickly learn he would betray me each time.”“That’s a serious risk you are taking Sammy. The man can be unpredictable when you least expect it.”Sammy again smiles when she heard the worry in his voice.“I know. That’s a risk I decided to take. Like I said before, you walked i
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Chapter 23: Kismet...Rings of Truth
Home…Déjà vuIn her home as the woman suggested but having the definite sense of déjà vu as she slips from the house, practically sneaking away from the woman who was over loading her with attention.Every moment was like she already walked this path remembering the interrogation of her traveling through the country was too intense to her liking. It sometimes felt like the woman was on a fishing trip.“What was going on?” No answer to the question as she found herself in the middle of the street on impulse she simple runs the length reaching the middle of the town. Just like the house, a small building was pulling her closer. Moving towards it she just knew where to find the second key to unlock the place.“Whoever you are show your face. This is private property.” The voice is annoyed with the apparent intrusion. Again the moment of déjà vu…Sammy lifts her he
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Chapter 24: Kismet...Rings of Truth
CautiousSammy sneaked away from the house, strangely cautious that her godparents not be aware of her actions. Her whole behavior strikes her as very odd making her feel off balance. She stood in the middle of the road looking at the very ordinary house but all really isn’t what it appears to be.“I don’t know who to question?” she said softly to herself.The question has barely left her mouth when she has the odd notion to turn and looked up the road.“That car…” she whispered concerned.“It seems to follow me,” she turned and starts walking down the road. She stopped and quickly looked backwards. The car was definitely following her. Feeling frightened she run the length of the street turning the corner and quickly run into the graveyard seeking immediate cover.It feels like her heart was beating too fast while she waited.“Sammy Hoffman, why are you hiding from
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Chapter 25: Kismet...Rings of Truth
Suspicious“Something is wrong?’ she voiced her suspicion. “I am not sure how to go about discovering the truth but I have to know.” She rubs her arms trying to put a bit of warmth on her skin. Still alert she looked around just making sure that car wasn’t close to follow her again.“That’s also another thing, who was following me?” Again only her voice echoes around her.Sammy stands outside in the bright sunlight looking oddly at her left hand. It has become a habit of sorts for her to look at her finger then having the oddest notion she was missing something vital. For the life of her though she can’t seem to comprehend what it might be. Furthermore not knowing made her heart ache.“I know I am supposed to search for the answer I apparently had told TheoFista about. Amongst all my whirling thoughts though how would I discern between what is right and what is wrong?  The basic tru
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Chapter 26: Kismet...Rings of Truth
Missing someone“What happened, Charlie?”“You were not in Cape Town. I didn’t know where to go. I thought home would be the safest place. I was mistaken however.”“I had an accident. I lost some of my memory. What on earth is going on? Who was in the car following us?”Sammy watches her intently waiting for her answer as truth between them.“I lost my way again, Sammy. I made such a mess and saw something I shouldn’t have. You are always the safest place to run too but now I have put you in jeopardy. You really don’t need that.”“We’ll figure things out, Charlie.”“When I went to search for you I found a man and messed in his private life. If he catches me there will be hell to pay. However he certainly is handsome.”Both women become quiet when they hear footsteps on gravel. Charlie pushes Sammy deeper into the overhanging
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Chapter 27: Kismet...Rings of Truth
What’s missing?Sammy step into the Top of the Town restaurant. Earlier in the evening when she at last sneaked home she found TheoFista and David waiting for her. They are quite insistent that she should go out with them that night.Since she discovered a lie told by Harold and Margie she decided to avoid them as best she can. When she rummaged through her rucksack she come upon this black number she is wearing now. The moment she saw it, she had the irresistible urge to wear it. Her thoughts circled briefly around her mysterious man hidden within her.David stands agape when he sees her. He kisses her on both cheeks before pulling out her chair. It is clear she didn’t even realize she was stunning.“I am the jealous fish wife type but I must say you are gorgeous. I am telling you again, you are perfect for my brother. Of late he is so grumpy I just can’t handle it anymore. I am certain when you handle him we will see lau
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Chapter 28: Kismet...Rings of Truth
ThoughtfulSammy become aware that someone was looking at her. Sitting upright in the middle of her bed her eyes searched the bedroom carefully. The space was darkened except for the moon that peeked through the half drawn curtains.Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary but she still feels the intensity of the eyes. She definitely wasn’t alone. Throwing the blankets from her body she reaches out to switch her night light on. Pulling on her gown she stands in the middle of the room frightened but strangely stubborn. She tries sensing from where the ominous looks are coming from. Her door was shut so there must be something else out of character in here.The watchful eyes continued looking at her. The very arrogance of it all made her angry.Looking around in her bedroom, everything was basic in its necessity. Moving towards her wardrobe she opens the door wide clothes that apparently were hers was hanging there. Reaching deeper inside she
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Chapter 29: Kismet...Rings of Truth
Storm Sammy watches the approaching storm. She found herself agitated and worried into a sense of stress. She keeps looking at her closed bedroom door. She instinctively feels a lurking darkness waiting for her. Meanwhile… “Peter, the storm is coming.” Charlie brushes the goose bumps from her arms the worry ringing clear in her voice. “So its nature,” “It’s a time of fear for Sammy.” “What do you mean?” “She associates storms with fire. Before her brother died, she nearly lost him in one.” Charlie looks him straight in the eyes for the first time. She hides nothing in her gaze. “I messed up. I brought danger into her life. I know where she is. Go to her, please.” “Give me the address.” Peter stand. It is clear her worry found an echoing corner within him. Sammy sleep huddled in the bed. The storm was still in the distance but already she feels its effect on her. She covers her he
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Chapter 30: Kismet...Rings of Truth
Fragmented memoriesLifting her head she listened. She heard the crying of a baby. Her stumbling feet took a walk into the depths of the smoking house. She saw through child eyes the furtive movements of two adults trying to flee from the house. Her mind took a spinning tumble, her eyes turned towards the lightening kaleidoscope within the darken sky. For what felt like an eternity she just stared into the sky…Her mind was spinning again finding her as a teenager in her bedroom, intrigued with the picture against the wall. A closer look and she saw two eyes looking back at her, their intent clearly menacing. Their hands were reaching for her wrapping around her throat. She struggled before she saw her body rolling down a hill before landing in a ditch. She stood once she scrambled back onto her feet. Everything was blindly dark then too starkly white. This makes the confusion spin rampantly through her mind. Looking at the twirling world she tried her best to
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