All Chapters of The Fallacy of Love: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
43 Chapters
The bright city lights felt like a soothing balm for Jessica as the taxi drove her to her hotel. She had come to the city for a short work seminar that would last one week, and had decided to contact Ella and catch up with her. She was surprised when found out that Ella was now a mother and was currently in hospital nursing a newborn. Ella and Jessica had spent a nice afternoon catching up and Jessica had left feeling like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She was happy to make things right with Ella and this made her feel like she had made up for the harm Kevin had done to her. Ella had supported her financially when she was really desperate and now she was happy that they were both settled and comfortable. Jessica finally arrived at the hotel and was walking to the lobby when she spotted a familiar face. “Eddie,” she said as she walked to the man who was talking to the receptionist. “Yes, Sorry I can’t remember you,” the man said politely.“”I’m Jessica. You helped me at
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Blake let out a loud laugh and stared at his parents as though they were aliens. “I saw Samantha when she was pregnant. We lived under the same roof and I saw her get bigger and bigger every month. I took her for every doctor’s appointment and saw every ultrasound in real time. I was even there when my son was born. Nothing you are saying makes sense,” Blake said. “I know it doesn’t but we don’t have the answers you are looking for. Ella is the only one who can unravel this mystery,” Clark said.“Did she put you up to this sick joke?” Blake asked as he pointed at his mother. He really loathed her at this moment. “You can test them all again if you don’t believe me. I have nothing to gain from this,” Aurelia said smugly.“Ella was not even in the country when Jason was born. I’m sure of that. She had left the country months before Jason was even conceived,” Blake continued. “Don’t be so quick to judge your mother son. Do the tests for yourself and then make up your mind. I will con
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“Dad, when did you find out all this?” Blake asked as they dragged out Ella. She was still shouting until one of the guards hit her. Blake fought all his instincts and restrained himself from attacking the officer. No matter what he had just heard, he still wanted Ella treated with dignity. “About a week ago but we had to verify everything from the facilities named. We were also following the money trail they left behind,” Clark said. “What is Clara going to do without her mother? And what will I tell Jason when he comes home from school?” Blake asked as he sank into a nearby armchair. He was on the verge of a panic attack. Although he was genuinely worried about his children, he was even more worried for himself. He had weaved Ella into every plan for his future and the future looked uncertain without her.“We will get the best nanny money can buy. She will be her responsibility day and night,” Aurelia said. “Why did you bring those officers here? Why didn’t you give me a chance t
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The last day of the seminar had gone well for Jessica as none of her colleagues seemed to have noticed her interaction with the governor and his son. However, she was experiencing mixed reactions about her return to her city. She wanted to help Ella apprehend Kevin so that he could pay for his sins but she also wanted to stay as far away from him as possible so that he couldn’t track her and her children down. Kevin brought out the worst in her and erased any trace of ambition that she had. She would forever regret being with him, and she hoped to divorce him as soon as she could. That evening, Jessica was packing her things in preparation for the return trip on the following day when a knock interrupted her.“Good evening madam. The governor invites you to dinner if you are free,” a man in a black suit said. Jessica had forgotten about the previous request to call him and she had even misplaced the envelope. She did not intend to have any more personal interactions with her boss or h
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Ella smiled as she looked up at the sky for the first time in months. The blue sky speckled with clouds felt like a holiday for Ella as she soaked in the warmth from the warm sun rays. This was the first time she was allowed out into the yard to interact with the other inmates. Ella had experienced the worst of this world and she had now learnt to keep her head down. That was the only hope she had as she had long given up on regaining her freedom. Ella looked back on her first day in this prison. It had been worse than any nightmare she could have envisaged her wildest imagination.“Where are we going?” Ella asked after another night sleeping on the floor in the small holding cell. Many prisoners had come and gone but Ella remained here with no one speaking to her.“To your new home,” the fierce looking police detective barked at her.‘New home? I don’t understand.”“You’ll understand soon enough,” the woman said to Ella as she roughly shoved her out the door. “Can I at least take a
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Ella felt like she had just fallen asleep when a loud bell woke the women up. It was still dark outside and Ella watched the women as they knelt down in a single file as they had previously. Ella followed suit and waited patiently for the head count to be over. The cold floor was hurting her knees just as the rest of her body was aching from the cold of the night. Once the head count was over, the women began to stack the mattresses and blankets against the wall. Others then headed to the bathroom area where dozens of toilets were lined up opposite taps and showers. Ella watched as the women used the filthy toilets without any privacy while others scrambled for the shower. She used the toilet and then walked back to the sleeping area where several of the women were sweeping the floor. She desperately wanted a shower but she had no soap or change of clothes.“Where can I get some soap?” she aske
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“Good morning,” Jessica said when she picked up her phone. It was early in the morning and she was not out of bed yet.“Good morning my dear. I wanted to catch you before you became too busy,” the warm charming voice of the governor Richard came through the phone. “I’m sorry I didn’t return your call,” Jessica said. She had been overwhelmed by the children when she got home and she had concentrated on their needs.“Motherhood always trumps friendship,” Richard said with a chuckle. Jessica had been honest about her life and Richard knew that she was raising four children on her own.“The kids had me swamped with all sorts of activities.” “So I guess lunch is out of the question?” he asked.“Actually, lunch might be the only time I’m free. Hopefully you will be in my location because I can’t stray too far from work,” she said with a raised eyebrow. The last time they had dinner, he had flown her to the coastal town and flown her back the next day. She had not made any plans to stay o
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It was 5am in the largest womens’ prison in the country. Ella woke alongside her inmates and knelt as was procedural for the head count. The day was proceeding well until the loud assembly siren rang throughout the prison. The women rushed to the assembly point and waited for the warden’s address. The last time they had been assembled, it was because several women had turned out dead after a fight had broken out. The officers had made an example of the culprits by public flogging and then the women had been confined in solitary. Ella hoped that nothing of the sort had happened because last time they had all been punished by withholding one meal. Ella always felt weak when she missed a meal, although her appetite was lacking. She forced herself to eat so that she could not faint and would have enough strength to withhold the coughing bouts.When Ella got released from isolation, she had been reintroduced into the public population through the hardcore unit. Here she had suffered variou
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It took Ella more than half an hour to understand what the distinguished guests in her presence had done. The prison commissioner had given the authorities this time so that they could raise a physical file that would prove her suspicions wrong. While she waited, she questioned Ella on the characters that had helped the warden to execute their plan. She mentioned all the leaders who had orchestrated her detention in solitary and all the people who had made sure she was subdued. They then asked Ella to explain the circumstances of her arrest. The three government officials listened keenly and even took notes of everything they said. Ella then watched in disbelief as the woman walked with her to her car and asked her to get in. Ella waited for a guard to restrain her but no one bothered her. The deputy warden watched from a distance while the warden was fuming as the corruption in her prison was uncovered. She watched helplessly as the inmate whom she had never seen walked out of the pr
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Jessica could not help but feel nervous as she was getting ready for her date with Richard. She knew that tonight was the night that he would make his intentions clear. What she did not know was what she wanted from this relationship. She had already had a long talk with herself and she was convinced that she had no feelings left for Kevin, the father of her children. She was also sure that she was not in a hurry to get into another full term relationship. Beina the other woman or a secret mistress was not on her list of things to do either. The thought of depending on a man for her needs would also send her into a panic mode. That left the prospect of Richard looking very grim. What would she do if he wanted to have a serious and public relationship? Richard was a spontaneous and charismatic politician that was known around the country. Most people including his close aides assumed that he kept his wife somewhere hidden away from the public eye. The truth of the matter was that his
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