All Chapters of Salty Sugar Baby: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
162 Chapters
The birthday party drained my battery that I remained on the bed from the moment we got home (we went back quite early actually but I needed to have an early night because of the tiring day) until the next day when his daughter woke me up with harsh kicks perhaps asking for food since I've been sleeping for twelve hours straight.It was still dark when I decided to leave the empty bed, and when I got downstairs, he was nowhere to be seen. Knowing my way in the kitchen, I filled a bowl with cereal and milk, eating while replying my mother’s text she sent last night when I already went to bed, telling her I'm going to be there in an hour to pick up the kids. The clock showed 6.50am but I would like to get a quick start today since I didn’t go home as planned; there’s a pile of laundry to be done, work clothes to be ironed, school stuff to be taken care of, all of these wouldn’t happen if I get to go home two nights ago. I’ve got to complete all the chores by today because it’s the last
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“Yeah I still remember I went to your house some time ago. I played the video games and watched Ironman movie with you and my lil’ brother,” Liam being the chatty boy, talks to Luca with a palm forwarded to the front, imitating Ironman’s signature move. He is casually dressed in a pair of jeans and black t-shirt, making me wonder where his coat is. I mean, this is winter, in New York. Do you know how harsh winter in New York is? Sure it’s not as bad as the one in Russia or Siberia but we’re at the end of November, when the temperature starts going too low to roam around without a thick outer layer. Don’t tell me he’s been walking around in just those thin clothes? Perhaps he left his coat in the car? “It was so fun. I really had fun with you that day, I wish I can come over to your place again and play video games.” The eleven year old sighs. “You can come anytime, buddy,” he replies without realising I’m standing a few feet away watching them converse, “I don’t have anyone to pla
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Pretty sure I heard him say he's moving in as in he's going to live here at this small two bedroom two bathroom apartment (which is like a quarter of the size of his current pent-house), located twenty minutes away from the office, foregoing his current residence that is right at the heart of the city, five minutes drive to the office. Uhh, come again? "I've been here a lot so I know there wouldn't be space for me," he continues without addressing the confusion that is obvious on my face right now with my jaw dropped to the floor, totally having a hard time digesting the news, "or for my stuff but I've settled that problem so I'll just move in one piece like this." First of all, I have a small bedroom that is very minimalistic with just the necessities; a Queen bed and a built-in wardrobe that is already full with my stuff. Back then when he used to stay here for a few days between his place and mine, he came with a small suitcase and lives with all his belongings remained in ther
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As usual, I dread waking up early in the morning. I’m certainly NOT a morning person but now that I’m being pregnant with a night owl, bothering me till 2am last night, I dread it even more since I’m not getting enough sleep. Every school day, I would wake up at six to get ready. At six forty-five, when I’m all dressed up, I would wake the kids up so they can get ready while I prepare their lunch box. By seven-fifteen, all of us would hop into the car so I can drive them to school, which later I’d go to my office and clock in at eight. When the alarm blares at five-fifty, because I need ten minutes to fully awake before starting my day, Luca who’s lying next to me in another thick blanket (I was adamant about not sharing mine) groans in annoyance. “What time is it,” his deep, hoarse voice enquires in the dark as I sit up, about to leave the bed because it’s been ten minutes since the first alarm. “Six,” I answer while trying my best to remove his heavy arm that is trapping my abdo
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I don't have time for drama. My day started pretty bad when it wasn't even six but I had to be reminded there was an ogre sleeping next to me, which then he continued being annoying especially the part when I found out he had an apartment upstairs- I'm sure if not for my question, he wouldn't share about it at all. All morning, I had to rush myself into finishing this one assignment just so I can review with my boss after lunch hour because this certain work needs to be presented tomorrow morning in front of the higher management. Luck wasn't on my side when my session happened right after Liz's. Everybody in the office knows how bad his mood would be if there's Liz involved but I wasn't aware of this little info, if I knew his previous appointment was with Liz, I would've scheduled at least an hour later to let him calm down. So there I was, sitting next to him listening to his comments that were quite harsh than usual, and I got a headache looking at the list of items I needed t
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I don't think I have any trust issues. It's just that, when it comes to my kids, especially anything with regards to school (education in general), I have a hard time to let other people attend to their matters. Despite Luca's assurance and well planned itinerary of what's going to happen in the morning, I still wake up at six. "I just want to supervise." I need to make sure everything is up to my standard before I really hand over the task to him."Fine," he surrenders to my stubbornness, not wanting to lengthen the ten minutes argument because to be honest, it's pretty intense to start our day by fighting on the bed, merely seconds after we wake up. He pushes the blanket off his body, about to leave the bed when I say, "I normally wake them up at six-forty-five. It's still early."Groaning, he glances at his phone's screen to discover it's only six-ten, there's another thirty-five minutes to go. Going back to the bed, he then sits straight, facing me with a stern expression. "To
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It's only been ten days but I'm loving my new life. I'm still living in the same house, still work at the same company, and still have my kids and Luca at home, but with the help of Pete the driver, Elena our housekeeper, and Jean the personal chef, I love how I get to be a mother and enjoy the ample time I now have to focus on my children (including the one in my womb) instead of tackling those time-consuming chores like cooking and cleaning. "Dean will pick up the kids later, right?" He asks while we're on our way to the office. "Mhmm." I hum a reply, too busy watching a video on my phone. "So we don't have to rush home?" What did he mean by 'rushing home'? The traffic isn't that bad since we go home at 5 everyday, it's not like we hit the road at 6. "Or come home at all, if we don't want to?”Uhm why wouldn't we want to go home? Where do we go then? I pause the video and turn to him who's already grinning. "I'm thinking..." the grin gets even more playful that I raise an eye
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I knew it. Two hours ago, I texted him 'What time will Pete pick me up?' so I could get ready with my stuff, not wanting his driver to wait downstairs for too long. If it's up to me, I don't even want the man to wait and prefer to be there before the car arrives. He replied almost instantly, 'What time do you want him to pick you up? Twelve on the dot?'I have a relaxing work-day today since we don't really schedule meetings on Fridays knowing most of us opt to be on leave because we've gotten the half-day off by default so we just need to apply absence for another half-day to make it a full-day leave. [ I don't have anything today so yeah, twelve on the dot please. ]Luca Sinclair: [ On the dot it is 👌🏼 ][ At the same place you always pick me up? ]Luca Sinclair: [ Same place 👌🏼 ][ 👌🏼 ] Luca Sinclair: [ 👌🏼👌🏼 ][ 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼 ]Luca Sinclair: [ 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼]I thought he's a very busy man? And yet he replied so fast as if he had nothing to do but to play with his p
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You know how it is with kids- they barely can keep a secret. It's worse when you totally forgot about it being a secret that you didn't warn them at all until it's too late; they've spilled it to everyone! That's what happened the first week after Luca moved in. It was the first week of the month so I brought Liam and Cruz with me to my family's weekly gathering on Saturday. We were having lunch when mid-conversation on who's the tallest in the family, Cruz blurted out, "Noooo you're not the tallest, Grandpa! Luca is the tallest person, ever!" Everybody went on silent for a good five seconds until my Dad asks, "Luca? Who's that, buddy? Is he your friend?" Liam immediately jumped in before I managed to stop him, "He's Mummy's friend! He lives with us!"Abby looked like she was trying hard to stop herself from bursting out of laughter while the rest is extremely shocked, though my annoying brother was already raising an eyebrow, grinning at the new topic that would be his source of e
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“I told you I’m going to do it when I get back.”The trash bag that I was holding immediately falls to the floor the moment I hear that deep voice who is obviously annoyed with my anthem. And before I managed to turn around, or recover from the shock of his sudden appearance, a hand has already picked up that trash bag. Without saying anything, he surpasses me at the hallway and strides to the Refuse Room. I take a deep breath upon watching him from behind, that guy is looking insanely strong and manly carrying the trash, especially when he’s wearing this one winter coat that has becoming my favorite. I don’t understand how he can look good all the time, but when he dons that black winter coat, ohhhh I’m officially deceased.“You’re not even wearing your coat!” He says the moment he comes out of the Refuse Room, obviously still mad from my earlier attempt to throw the trash. He gave the helpers two weeks off for Christmas and New Year so we’ve been operating with just the both of us.
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