All Chapters of Love Finds A Way (MxM): Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
23 Chapters
Lordee took out a pack of Benson cigarettes and a purple lighter from his pockets. He lit up one smoothly, rolling up his sleeves and steadying his oversized hoody. Inked images of ferocious looking cats graced the back of his arms, up his biceps to his shoulders though it was mostly hidden by the thick fabric. His eyes were bloodshot, hovering over his victims with the preciseness of a cat. He squatted down, exhaling softly, the smoke whirling in fine circles into the face of one of the boys who was now sobbing quietly, dreading the verdict. The guy gasped and choked on a cough, tears streaming down his cheeks as he wheezed hard but didn't dare move an inch. It looked like a public execution and I knew I couldn't let things escalate past this point. The police chief was Lordee's uncle so involving the cops would have gotten me nowhere. Besides I had a personal beef with George Adams years back when he'd tried to talk me into drugs and I reported his fat arse to the Sheriff. Threatenin
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“You think I'm kidding?” I asked coolly, trying all I could to look tough and not give myself away of how scared I suddenly felt. “Let them all go now before I involve Sheriff Palsby. You very well know what shit went down the last time he came running.” I added that subtle threat hoping it'd bug him a little. He was neutral at first, but then when he took a step forward and I saw the menace burning in his irises, I suddenly realized that I was the one in fact getting threatened. His eyes were black and void; an empty space filled with doom and anger threatening to pull me underwater. I strengthened my stand and tightened my fists, raised my chin up to him defiantly. Crap, this was happening. I was standing up to Lordee Adams once again. “You think I'd budge under your flimsy threat?” he barked out a burst of maniacal laughter. “Do it, fucker. I fucking dare you. Go ahead and test me. I'd love you for that. It'll get you faster behind bars and I wouldn't have to see your sour-ass fac
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I spent the entire weekend wondering what happened to the poor bastards the Kingfishers had interrogated at the lake and whether my meddling with football politics by instigating a face-off between Lordee and Ryan would change the pact between me and my fuckbuddy. I had his number, and absolutely nothing was stopping me from texting him. But I also knew it was risky. Texting would lead to obsessing, and obsessing would lead to complications, and complications would lead to..well, the end. Was I mad at him? Was that incident a wake-up call I desperately needed to remind me that we were worlds apart? That we were so different to become a thing even if we wanted to? He was still a budding teenager, taking small baby steps towards becoming a full-fledged man and there was simply a whole shitload of questions I didn't want to deal with. No. I was counting my days, clinging by a thin thread of hope that before the weekend would be over, distance and time would wash away the fog of lust and
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The boundaries between us expanded after that day, cause the next morning I looked up as my phone beeped with a new notification on my desk. It was Ryan, which was to be the most surprising thing ever but I half expected it going with how close we both were getting for the past couple of days. Texting made it easier to form a new bond aside from fucking, making it easier to plan more things involving fucking. More hot dates on the floor of my bedroom. More new, crazy sex positions on the said bedroom floor. More sex after dismissals and lots of other new things. The list went on, and I felt good. At the end of the week, Ryan sent me a photo of him wagging his six inches four-hardened length at the mirror in their locker room. I almost didn't open the message, as I was running late for a class and didn't want to disrupt my mental coordination cause Ryan was fond of sending his nude to me a lot these days. But then I got it into my head that I should at least take a harmless peek in. It
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A couple more days passed before I finally admitted to myself that yes, indeed, Ryan Churchill had claimed not just my body but stolen my heart as well. Ironically, it was the day I was stepping down as substitute teacher since my Dad was stronger now. And it was also the day that I moved from home. Not wanting to sit around any longer and bear the scathing scrutiny of the Todos Santos locals, I'd found a small place in a beach town just on the outskirts of Todos Santos. Since I no longer taught, I had a lot of time to pack up my things. However, I couldn't miss the smile that crept up Witch Principal Churchill when I turned in my resignation note. She didn't even fake her dislike for me and happiness at seeing me leave in front of my father. But I couldn't care less. I knew she saw me as a threat to Ryan's bright future ever since he lied to her about running me over. Well, guess what, I didn't want to see her horrible face any more than she wanted to see mine. Since I didn't want t
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“Let's play Truth or Dare,” I suggested after what was bound to be my fifth beer bottle for the night. The world seemed to tilt as I sat up and leaned back in my drunken state. God, I was so fucked, and horny. “Okay,” Ryan agreed almost immediately as if he'd been contemplating a suitable distraction from the shitty 80's movie we'd been watching. He leaned over and switched off the TV, rubbing his thighs. “Whoah, you seem drunk. I'd suggest you head up to bed instead.” “No.” I belched, brain fuzzy. “I-I'm completely fine. Let's just get on with the damn game. You ready to milk my secrets out of me?” He chuckled, leaning back and giving me room to crawl up onto his thighs. I purred as I rested my head against his chest, while he pulled his arms around me, drawing me even closer. “How did we get this far, Ryan...” I mumbled out of nowhere, small dots appearing in the line of my vision. “How did we end up like this?” “The answer to that, Sir Sam is simple. I blackmailed you to it.” I
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"You need to get back to football,” Ryan said amidst sloppy kisses, his fingers untangling the elastic rope holding my shorts together on my waist. I moaned as he cupped my arse cheeks, squeezing hard. “Oh fuck.” I muttered, tightening my arms around his neck and grinding down on his groin.“You're all fine now,” he pulled away, leaning back with his arms at the back of his head and staring up at me in childlike adoration. I huffed at the loss of contact, holding back a sniffle. “I'm twenty-three, Ryan. Even if I manage to get in, the chances are slim by the way, I'll be retiring in less than three years. I'm old.”He chuckled, pecking my lips. “Don't say that. You're far from old. Well, seeing as you've made up your mind, I'd suggest you settled for something outside football. What other passion have you got?”“Hmm,” I gazed up at the ceiling thoughtfully. “Lately, I've been thinking of going into know, smut?”He quirked up a brow, holding back a laugh. “You wanna be
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A few more days tickled by. My relationship with Ryan became alarmingly intimate and too promising to bother if we'd be caught. But we still took precautionary measures, even though it was difficult, seeing as we couldn't keep our hands off each other. He moved most of his personnel stuff to my place since he spent most of his time there and slept over ninety-nine point nine percent with me in my bed. I could not tell him no after he'd professed his love for me and promised to be beside me if shit went down. And damn right I felt right, cause while we carried on enjoying full mind-blowing sex, pizza and ice-cream dates, movie nights, and what the near future held for us both, we certainly weren't being discreet enough — and the hypocritical, surprisingly observant locals of Nowhere, Todos Santos were beginning to raise their brows.Lordee caught us pants down, blowing each other off while hidden behind Ryan's vehicle in school after dismissal a Monday ago(We hadn't expected him to lur
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There was no way my cranky, old jalopy wouldn't be spotted across the road overlooking the dirtied, almost hidden path that led to the lake, so I parked it at the back of a deserted gas station on Devil's Hyde Street, near the water and bolted into some thick beanstalk through which I had a good view of Ryan jogging towards some shadows discussing in low tones on the lake's bank. I couldn't make out Lordee's features at the hem of the gang's circle, the swirl of smoke pouring out his nostrils and ascending slowly upwards till it disappeared.The tough beanstalk was the only closest place I could hide, observe and hear every little detail they were saying. It was so conspicuous and thick that even if I made a sound, the boys would dismiss the noise as a rabbit hopping off somewhere. But I stayed quiet, internally justifying my spying on him.He's my boyfriend after all. And he left me in the middle of our amazing sex with no reasonable explanation whatsoever. I deserve some answers. I
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“Mr. Sam, I need you to come down to my office in the next five minutes. It's urgent.” Principal Churchill's voice was curt and clipped at the other end of the line. Almost like she was thunder about to crack.My brows shot up as I swung my legs off the sofa to the floor, pushing the bowl of ice-cream I had on my lap on the center table. “Wait you're serious? I don't work for you anymore.”“This isn't about working for me, I need you to get the hell down here as fast as possible. You've got a lot on your plate to explain.”As soon as she'd said that it dawned on me. That the reason for this urgency could be connected largely to the fact that I witnessed her son commit a serious crime last week, and did nothing about it. She was going to serve up a whole shit-storm on me the minute I stepped into that office and I'd be dumb if I allowed her treat me like dirt even after I was no longer working for her. I'd already applied for jobs in New York and had interviews piled up next month.I t
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