Semua Bab Monster Alpha Fenrir Book I: Bab 41 - Bab 50
100 Bab
What happened last night?
MarsaiI have been awake for most of the night.I heard and felt Fenrir breath. His amazing smell still covered my body, filling my head with every breath I took. I still couldn't believe we had done it. I couldn't bring myself to admit it. I refused to. It wasn't me but my mind was my very own enemy. Though there was absolute silence in the room, my mind was playing the wildest tricks on me. It keeps reminding me of my gasps, my unhinged moans, my unsolicited cries, and most unskinning of them desperate pleas.That I couldn't shove away. It recreated loudly in my mind, making me stir in the silk white sheets aggressively. I sniffed the second headrest beside me, his dull scent still hovering around it. It blended with the sheets, tingling my skin and memory.I felt like I betrayed myself, what will everyone think of me? My mind did its thing again, cooking up the most disappointed looks on my friends. I quickly shot my eyes to shake it all out of my head. It must have bee
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The escape plan
Marsai Striding out of the bedroom to stand in front of the only full length mirror in my room, it displayed a paler looking woman I barely recognised. So I left her there, deciding it was finally time to leave. To leave the suede walls and the expensive drapes.I rub some coconut lotion and apply some olive ointments to the "love bites", I laugh pitifully at the irony of it. I wasn't even close to caring for the Fenrir, yet he had marked me in more ways than life itself had scarred me. I put on one of the dresses my father gave me on my 18th, it was teal with black rose patterns and a white lace embroidery on the end the sleeves, the neck and at the tails of the dress.It was pretty and light. Enough to be seen as a normal day's outing like any regular day. I bring out the remaining of the clothes I have left in my chest drawer and throw them on the bed. As for my next plan, it was half baked at the moment. I debated on my choices as I sorted my clothes. Taking very light and simp
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Monster Unleashed
Elena POVWhy would she give me such a huge gift in the middle of the year? She definitely knew it was me, and not Leah, right?It wasn't my birthday and even when it was her time, I did nothing. The haste at which she handed it makes me think otherwise. Perhaps she was running again.I stare at her worried face and disheveled self with no pity. I couldn't understand what the Alpha sees in her. To a point, I can say she’s pretty but she’s not that thrust. Would she be able to handle his thrusts? How good is he in bed?There was nothing special about Marsai. I feel surprised to learn of their wedding until date. What was so special about someone that couldn't and wouldn't love you back no matter how hard you tried? I bet he even cooked for her every morning. I would literally do anything to have his attention such as this.But all of all, Marsai didn't respond to it. She was insensitive to his care which didn't make sense to me and it made me resent her innocent face more.Or is h
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The soiled plan
Marsai POVI can't just go back to my room. I also can't seek Leah’s help because I can't find her after searching for a while.The only way was to go to the Alpha's quarters. There was a fair chance that I would locate her on my way there or on her way back. I silently prayed in my mind that Fenrir wasn't back yet.I walk briskly in my long dress towards the open courtyard going through the back corridors. This isn't the convenient entrance but it had the least amount of guards and right now, it didn't even have any which was strange. The maids on duty had also vanished. Okay, this is strange. There usually was one or two around, performing one task or the other. The reason soon presented itself as I heard a growl, followed by a shill cry. Leah.My brain twitches and my legs instantly move with a mind of their own. I found myself sprinting to the front passage to make sure it wasn't what I was thinking. When I got there, Fenrir was dangling from his hands.Her hair made me rea
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Yearning for his mate
Fenrir" are..." I try to comprehend why she was in the same light see-through lingerie as our first time."Shush..let me entertain you.." her vocals came out soft like feathers tickling my ears.Her nipples stood erect, daunting and teasing every inch of my body as she sways her body in oceanic rhythms, moving towards me."You aren't the only one who has been thinking of that day. My body and mind have been craving for those rough hands all over me.." she says, her seductive eyes alluring into compliance."Aren't you mad at me?" I asked in confusion."I'm. But I can forgive you later. For now, just...make love to me. Explore my body like you did last time, let me scream into the night knowing no one would come to save me." Every word felt like the drop of honey from a honey stick."By all means, Angel." I reach out to grab her and bring her closer to me, instead she vaporizes into thin air.That was the fourth wet dream this week. The disappointment I felt every time I
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Elena making her move
Fenrir POVI decided to visit the training grounds today.Usually, I would stand and watch from the vast balcony as the men train so as not to put fear in them than I already did. I believe they would stay their best and show no form of weakness even though they lose an arm. But my reason for being on the mainground today was because of a good source who told me about my Luna's whereabouts. How she had been busy with her Luna duties; watching over the pack comrades' training, food supply, and refills of the concrete walls on the north park. Her supportive actions made me smile, though a bittersweet smile because I knew I could have been there by her side. She wouldn't even let me touch her."Good afternoon, Alpha. My apologies, there are no canopy set up for you Alpha, we weren't-"I raised my hand and he went mute. He is one of the comrades and he's apologizing for something I didn't really care about. I wasn't here for them at all. They could all burn in crisps of Valhalla and I
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A week plague
MarsaiI never thought avoiding Fenrir would be easy. He somehow knew everywhere I was going to be, so I made sure I was always engaged with my duties. I spent a whole week overlooking the development for the nursery for the young ones.Various projects took my mind away and exhausted my body against thinking of him. And when I didn't have any pack project to run, Leah and Rudolph raced in our wolf forms to the hill for sightseeing. But no matter how active I was, physically, it didn't deter my mind from going back to that night. The details were still vivid in my head. It was crammed in my brain and my treacherous body wants to relive it again. I haven't known him for up to a month, so I knew I wasn't emotionally attached to him. How could that even be possible?This stimulating erotic feeling must be influenced by the mate bond, and I knew the best step was to desert him till it stopped, but it didn't.It was embarrassing to know that my body still craved for him even after I pro
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A night out
Marsai"How else do you explain landing the carriage for a day out?" I squint my eyes at her."Woah...The Alpha's paranoia is slowly rubbing off on you, I see.." She shakes her head in disappointment staring out the window."I'm not paranoid. Just curious." I decided to correct her choice of words."Love, you are. Or at least you are getting there. Because if you weren't, you would remember that you are The Luna. I mean you second rule this entire park and you are worried that he's putting me up to get you back to him?" Leah cleared up the air and my heart flustered. She was right, I was getting paranoid."I'm sorry...that's not what I meant." I apologized realizing how angst I came off."It's okay. Besides, if he was trying to get to you through anyone, It would be Elena. If he was going to use me, this carriage would be heading towards the Alpha quarters right now and you would be tied up." Leah chuckled, nudging me by the shoulder."Hey. Forget Fenrir for today, it's you and I now
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A troubled Alpha
FenrirMarsai came back. My anger lost its purpose every night I stayed up drunk to wait for the sound of her door followed by her scent. Tonight was not going to be any different. This horrible period taught me self-evaluation since I was always alone in my thoughts.Self-evaluation was something I wasn't used to. It felt like self-degrading because proud people like me don't do it very often. I do not have memories of me being like this but it all seems so natural to me. The only memory of myself that I have, I refused to accept that it was me. I couldn't be that weak werewolf. But then, he seems like me. Maybe I have to find out more. I was still confused if I really needed to? What if it was true? What if I was really the weak Alpha Heir who his mate left him for Beta and his position was given to his younger brother? I refused to believe it, so I pushed it to the back of my mind.Thinking of the people I hurt while I experience that familiar blood rage made me more solemn t
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Preparing breakfast
FenrirI woke up with my head feeling like it was a 6ft hole down my pillow. The bright light of dawn made me groan and my mouth tasted like a dirt road scorched by the desert sun. Thankfully enough, it didn't last long as my body readily fixed itself. I took a quick, glad to finally get rid of the alcohol stench. Glad I woke up early, I walked into the kitchen once again to try and prepare breakfast for Marsai. This time, I kept a watchful eye on the eggs so as not to burn up too much. I added condiments like carrot, green peas, and lastly bread. I placed a cup of fresh milk on the side onto the tray and walked to her room carefully.I felt proud of myself as I looked at the tray. It came out better than I expected and I hope she liked it. No, not just like, I hoped she would fill her stomach up with it. My heart started racing and I steadily recollected the times she had appropriately rejected or ignored the food and let it go sour. My heart sank, making me feel hurt. If she l
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