All Chapters of Time Will Heal All Wounds: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
32 Chapters
Chapter 11
  Knock, knock.   A male doctor in a white coat came in.   Holding another report in his hand, he said respectfully, \"Mr. Fu, Ms. An asked us to do an amniocentesis for her before she lost consciousness. The results have come out. Would you like to have a look?\"   Zoey didn\'t even think about it. Though her body felt weak, she quickly grabbed the report from Jerome.   She turned to the last page. Zoey trembled as she read that Xyrille’s child and that of Jerome had a parent-child relationship!   Suddenly out of control, she raised the report in her hand and wildly waved it in front of Jerome. “Fake, both of these reports are fake! Jerome, Xyrille must have bribed the doctor to switch the report! This report should belong to me. This must be why she had kidnapped me!\"   Jerome\'s blue veins on the back of his hand bulged. His palms were hot. Suddenly, he reached out to slap her, but stopped himself mid-way.   \"Have you watched too ma
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Chapter 12
  Zoey stood at the door, covering her mouth, unable to accept the scene.   There were passers-by. She spoke to one of them, and asked what had happened.   The man answered, \"Do you mean to the Xu family? The father was an unscrupulous businessman who bribed the chief executive. He was exposed and arrested. It seems that their company has gone bankrupt,” he noticed that his impassioned reply seemed to have affected her.   “By the way, why do you ask? Young woman, I think you are pregnant. It’s bad luck to visit places like these. A woman in your condition shouldn’t visit this part of town.”   “My surname is Xu,\" she said simply.   Embarrassed, the man excused himself and went on his way.   Xu Zoey stood silently at the gate for a long time, then turned around and left. So much had happened in the three months she was kidnapped.   Didn\'t he let her family go when she signed the divorce? Why, Jerome? Why are you so cruel?   Time,
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Chapter 13
  Zoey\'s eyes began to take on a cold expression.   The voices she’d heard! It wasn’t a dream!   \"Were you sent by Xyrille?\"   Thelma’s heart jumped, but she asked, \"Who is Xyrille? Miss Xu, please calm down and conserve your energy. You need to rest and recover from childbirth.\"   Zoey pressed her. \"Where have you taken my child?\"   Seeing the anger in Zoey\'s eyes, Thelma left immediately.   \"Stop! Give me back my child...\"   Zoey wanted to go after her, but she could barely lift her legs, and they fell back on the bed with a plop. The quiet room was like a lonely dead city. She looked at the dead baby. She reached for her mobile phone and dialed Xyrille’s number.   Again and again, she dialed. The phone rang but nobody answered.   Finally, the call was answered, but instead of Xyrille’s soft voice, it was Jerome. \"Who asked you to harass Xyrille? Don’t you know she just had a baby today?\"   Learning tha
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Chapter 14
  A buzzing sound filled Jerome\'s ears. His eyes were clouded as he stared at the message. The words had blurred into one another. Zoey was dead.   \"What\'s the matter, brother Jerome?\" Xyrille was still thinking about how to explain the 500000 yuan to him for a while. Jerome\'s expression was strange. Was he suspicious?   “I\'ll go out for a minute!\"   He strode out and asked his assistant to prepare the car immediately, as he wanted to go to the police station to identify the body!   At the police station, Officer Wang was in charge of Zoey\'s case.   As he led Jerome to the body, he began, \"Mr. Fu, please be prepared. When the car accident happened, Miss Xu curled up in order to protect her child. Her bones have been broken in many places. Her body is going to look a little different than what she normally looked like.\"   Jerome’s emotions ran wild. Anxiety, restlessness, irritability, doubt. Like an abyss, it devoured him. Though this
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Chapter 15
  She tried a different approach. Tentatively, she asked, \"Jerome, Zoey has no relatives now. We must give her a beautiful funeral.\"   \"No.\" Jerome clenched her fingers. \"She had a bad reputation before she died.”   \"At least let’s contact the funeral home. Zoey was my best friend. I want the best service for her!\" Xyrille covered her chest and breathed heavily, as though she was having difficulty.   “You\'ve just had a baby. Leave these things to other people,” he said to her as he walked out the door. “Rest well.”   Hearing that he was concerned about her, Xyrille was satisfied. For now.   For now, she thought, I have nothing to worry about. She sure was going to rest well today.   Still she thought about any loose ends she might need to tie up before she can finally feel at ease. Mr. Xu was still in prison, while Mrs. Xu...well, she had gone missing. So far, none of the people under her payroll were able to find out where the old woma
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Chapter 16
  He was still here and yet the nanny dared to threaten Ruirui like this, how much more when he was away?   \"Mr. Fu?\" The nanny turned to look at Jerome. She almost dropped Ruirui in her hand. She bowed her head and apologized.\" I didn\'t mean it. The young master is still young. He can\'t understand...\"   Jerome took Ruirui and cradled him. Looking at him, he realized that his son was born full-term, but he was weak and sickly.   Suddenly, his eyes fell on Ruirui\'s small arm. There was a blue and purple pinch mark on his arm, and some of the marks were the shape of fingernails. Although the marks had scabbed, it was quite fresh.   Ruirui has been abused!   \"I don\'t think you should continue to work in this field,\" he said to the nurse.   The nurse trembled and fell on her knees. \"The wound on the young master\'s arm wasn’t my doing. When I came here in the morning, the young master was already like this. I just lifted his sleeve to cl
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Chapter 17
  Jerome grabbed her wrist and pinned her to the wall. Without warning, he kissed her on the lips.   \"No!\" Zoey screamed as she moved her head to the side, trying to evade him. She tried as hard as she could to pull away from him. but he was too strong for her. He held her wrist above her head. He continued kissing her, and slowly began groping her ass.   Zoey continued to struggle, and managed to scream once again. \"Let go!\"   Her tears began to fall uncontrollably and brought Jerome back to his senses.   He slowly withdrew as Zoey wiped her face with her sleeve. \"Jerome! I\'ll sue you for sexual assault! You’ll hear from my lawyer!”   Though he was happy to hear her voice, he playfully mocked her. \"I\'m not afraid to go to prison, and I\'m not afraid of your lawyer.\"   To Zoey, his words and his mocking tone brought a deluge of unpleasant memories, and she promptly got back to screaming and hitting him. This time, he caught her wrist a
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Chapter 18
  Jerome didn\'t go home. Leaving the party, he sat quietly in the back seat of his car, waiting for the assistant to send the information to his mailbox. Soon, he had leaned back and was fast asleep. In his dream, Zoey was 17 or 18 years old.   Standing under the peach blossom trees, she brushed away her hair which was blown to her face by the wind, and said shyly to him, \"Hello, Mr. Fu, I\'m Zoey Xu. I was born in the blooming season of crape myrtle, so I was named Zoey.\"   In his dream, her face suddenly aged, and now her black eyes looked sad. Her thin fingers stroked his face.\" Jerome, close your eyes, count to ten, and I will give you a surprise.\"   In his dream, he obediently closed his eyes. However, when he had counted to five, he opened his eyes. He was shocked to see that she had been hacked to pieces. Her face was totally different, her wounds were numerous, and her chest seemed to be transparent. Inside, he could see her heart beating slowly.
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Chapter 19
  A few years later, he happened to be vacationing in China when he learned that the Xu family had fallen upon hard times. What goes round comes around, or so they say.   In fact, any resentment that he had harbored was simply swept away when he saw her face. He noted as her pictures were handed to him by the detective he had sent to follow her, that she was so beautiful, even while pregnant. Once again, he was smitten by her.   Jerome had let Xyrille work for him in the company after Zoey had died. People were expecting to see Xyrille promoted quickly, but Jerome didn\'t even regularize her. Soon, she left her job.   Xyrille was wearing a simple and elegant dress suit, and her makeup was light and natural. She held a thermos in her hand and smiled to welcome her up. \"Jerome, you’re back!\"   \"Didn\'t I tell you not to come here? Who will take care of Ruirui at home? You should take good care of him.\"   \"You always stay up late and work overtime a
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Chapter 20
  Thelma\'s heart went out to her mistress. \"Mr. Fu, how can you blame your wife? Usually you often go out on business or work overtime. She manages everything at home. Ruirui is getting bigger and bigger. Toddlers are much more difficult than infants, and sitting in the children\'s seat upsets him. His voice gets hoarse from crying too much. Who knew that this was going to happen?\"   After a pause, seeing that Jerome was agitated, she added, \"It\'s all the fault of the driver who hit the car!\" Thelma and Xyrille’s eyes met.   Xyrille saw that Jerome’s eyes were downcast. Thelma had skillfully shifted the blame. \"I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have raised my voice, sir.\"   \"No, you were right.\"   The past few months, he has seen that his son has been properly cared for. He never had any more marks on him, and he seemed much healthier. He had gained a lot of weight and was growing fast.   The woman who had caused the accident soon arrived.   The
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