All Chapters of Naughty #teXXXt: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
195 Chapters
Friday was, technically, the day I’d set aside for Jess, but he was a twin, and they chose to meet me together. That was their prerogative, and I agreed quickly. They’d made me dinner, a simple spaghetti sauce with spaghetti. Well, it wasn’t simple, it had taken them hours, obviously, because it was perfect and not from a jar. I’d snuck off to the bathroom to swish my mouth out with some of their mouthwash after I overindulged in the fantastic garlic bread they’d made. That was homemade too and it had been delicious. Now, after their own trips to the bathroom to brush their teeth, we were on the couch, with the intention of watching a movie. Only I couldn’t keep my hands to myself.Both of them were tall, well over six feet tall, with athletic builds. They were both baseball players, determined to go pro, and kept fit to aid that dream. They were identical in every way, unlike the triplets. They were both a little cocky, intelligent, and dressed in the same black athleticwear. I susp
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Jess lifted me into his arms, taking me to the bed to place me gently on the mattress. I let go of him and sprawled onto the covers to let him look at me completely naked and ready for him. I’d showered before I went down to make breakfast and I was fresh and clean, ready to go another round. He began to undress slowly, not to tease or be a tease, but because he could barely take his eyes off of me. He’d stop to let his eyes linger in different places every now and then.“I can’t stop saying it, you’re gorgeous, Tessa,” he said as he let his shirt fall from his fingers and joined me on top of the light blue comforter.I turned into him; my shyness long gone. Ted had left us alone. He’d given us his assurance that this was alright, so we carried on without him.Perhaps later I’d wonder if this was right or not, I might feel awkward later, but for now this man who had fascinated me so very much was naked in bed with me. I couldn’t leave him now if I tried. He was far too tempting. “Yo
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I went home last night, to rest, to let my soreness work itself out, and to let Cheryl and Kim see that I hadn’t been murdered. I’d forgotten to text them Saturday afternoon and once I’d had a nap, another shower, and dressed, I’d finally picked up my phone to see if I had any notifications. Cheryl and Kim both had started to freak out, so I’d texted them, had lunch with the guys, then gone home. Now, Sunday morning faced me, and I didn’t want to move, much less get out of bed. My bladder made that impossible, so I went to the bathroom, did what I needed to do, brushed my teeth, and then went out to the kitchen. The smell of coffee had filtered underneath the bathroom door and I knew one of them was up and had made a pot. “Look who’s not dead,” Kim said with a bitter note in her voice.“Don’t be mean, Kim, I’m too tired.” I groaned as she handed me a cup of coffee. She had a point, I was alive, but from the waist downwards, I did wonder if my pussy was dead. “And sore I imagine. Ho
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Sunday evening, I spent writing up my latest article. The experience of group sex, or sex with multiple partners at once. I did not give names, and that was driving people crazy. I turned the triplets into a guy I named John, according to my anonymous source. The twins were known as Hunter and Robert. There were enough male identical twins on campus that those two wouldn’t be easily identified. Rich was known as Jonas, and Carlos as Lee. I wrote about the last week of my life, how my ‘anonymous source’ had participated in sex with both John as well as with Hunter and Robert in the same week, what it was like for her, how it had all worked out, and that there’d been no jealousy. I wrote it up as if it was all past experience, not something that had only happened recently. ‘She’ explained what it was like to have sex with identical twin brothers, how it wasn’t freaky, but totally different to have sex with men who looked exactly alike. I went into detail about things they’d told me, a
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Archie went out of the room and came back in a few minutes later. “They’re here.” “Okay,” I said calmly, and looked at him. “Tell them to come in, then.” “Are you sure? I’m not trying to keep you to myself, just asking if you’re sure about this, that’s all.” “Yeah, I’m sure. I’ve been curious since you first told me you were a triplet. Ask them in.” “Alright.” His lips twitched up and then he walked away. They all came in together, but Ron and Pete were still dressed. “Hi, there,” I said simply as they walked in. Both Ron and Pete came to sit on the bed, and I leaned up to kiss each hello. “How are you?” “Good,” they answered in unison.“Ready for this?” I asked and looked at each brother in turn. “Yeah,” they all answered this time. “Okay, how do we start?” I asked.“One kiss at a time,” Ron said, and I was glad they at least had different haircuts. I could tell them apart that way.Archie came to sit on his bed, ready and waiting. Naked and perfect. It was the other two I’
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Shudders shook me as I felt two sets of hands slipping along the sensitive skin of my inner thighs and Pete’s mouth and fingers worked on me. Pete’s gentle finger slid into me, his thumb circling around my clit as Archie’s rougher fingers moved to hold me open for Pete’s mouth to delve deeper. Sensations surged through me as Ron and Archie’s lips tugged simultaneously at my hard nipples. Gently rough tongues rasped at my nipples, strong teeth nipped and held them, in that place somewhere between pain and bliss. My senses couldn’t take anymore, and pleasure jolted from my lower regions and my entire body pulsed, a ragged gasp of release strangled me for a moment, torn from a suddenly dry throat.Three men took me to heaven this time, in a moment of pure ecstasy that I knew I’d never forget.I tried to force my eyes to stay open, I wanted to watch them all as they worked on me together, to see how hard they worked to give me the pleasure they were giving me but the surge of pleasure th
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I spent time with the triplets up until Wednesday evening, although I’d gone home Tuesday night. I’d needed some time away from the sexual tension that was always there, and by Wednesday night I was too sore and tired, to do much of anything anyway. It was exhausting, keeping up with all three of them, and doing my homework, as well as all of the things I did for the paper, the blog, all of it. I was tired. So, Thursday morning when I got a text from Carlos asking if I’d like to go out for dinner, I wasn’t exactly excited about the idea, because all I could think about was catching up on my sleep. I felt terrible about it, I’d devoted so much time to the triplets that I’d barely thought about what I’d do Thursday. I agreed because I felt I owed it to him. He’d finally decided we should meet in person and that was next to a miracle. I put on an old Placebo song later that evening as I got ready, Pure Morning, one of Mom’s favorite songs, and got ready. I put on makeup, my black swea
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It was time to go home, I couldn’t wait to catch up with Mom, and I was thinking about telling her about my new life at college. I didn’t know how she would take it. Would she be proud that her little girl had grown up? Or would she be disgusted about the whore that Carter accused me of being, even if he didn’t know it was me? He’d called polygamous relationships nothing but porn, nothing but an excuse to have loads of sex. I rode the bus, and I waved as I saw Mom standing and motioning for me. Welcome Home, Tessa!She had a sign-waving it in front of me, and I felt proud of the fact that she’d gone to so much trouble until I saw him. The man standing behind her. I realized that I’d hold my little confession, because I was going to have the best week ever, not only with Mom but with Dad too. I waved crazily to them as I got off the bus, like a kid going home after summer camp. Happy that camp was over, and I got to kiss the one boy that I had a crush on and even happier to back hom
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“Mom, I’m so proud of you, and I hope that you keep up the good work!”She laughed. “Who’s the mom? You or me?”She was right, I did sound a little patronizing, even though I didn’t mean to sound that way. I just wanted her to know that all those years of her sacrificing to be at home for me, making sure she was both parents when Dad wasn’t around, which was most of the time. This was her time, and I wanted her to shine. Whenever she talked about work, she had this big smile on her face. It was amazing, she talked about me changing, but she should compare her closet before and after this promotion. I was pretty sure that she’d dropped a couple of sizes, and her knee-length skirts were now half-way up her thigh.“You never know, when you come back, I may be blond. I don’t want you to have a shock. After all, they say that blonds have more fun,” Mom said as she pulled away from my embrace. Something Grandma always said. I didn’t want to let her go. I should have been excited to go back
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I spent Monday with Archie, and we went to dinner, and Archie confessed that he wasn’t much of a cook. There was something crazy about Archie. He had the confidence of a bull. He said exactly what was on his mind all the time. I loved that part of him, the fact that he had no fear, and he was ruthless about it. I told him that I just came back from home, seeing my parents had set-up all sorts of his emotions. I expected him to want to go down and dirty, but he listened. Told me exactly what he thought of the situation, the same thing that I did at the time. “Your parents seem to be in a good place. Just like you.” He smiled as he briefly kissed me on the lips after dropping me home.I was dreading coming back to CU and splitting myself in seven. But I realized that it was because I was worried about disappointing the guys by not keeping up the sexual relations. They wanted more from me than that, and I nearly led Archie on, by turning our innocent kiss into a quick romp in the back
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