All Chapters of The Untouchable Alpha's Unhinged Luna: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
72 Chapters
A Debt Paid
[Ivan’s POV]I watched in amazement as Arissa remained expressionless. Her mother was bleeding out in front of her and the woman wasn’t even batting an eyelash. Something about it made her look so powerful and strong. However, I knew that despite not seeming phased, Arissa was most certainly feeling something in this moment."Arissa, please..." Tania whispered, collapsing against the ground. """Sure." Arissa responded, kneeling down. "I’ll help you."In one swift movement, Arissa’s hands were wrapping around Tania’s throat and squeezing until an audible crack filled the room around us. Seemingly satisfied, she loosened her hold and then let go entirely before standing back up."Can you call someone to come clean this up?" Arissa asked, turning her gaze towards me."Sure.""Great." Arissa sighed, beginning to make her way out of the room. "Be sure they just throw her in a hole somewhere to rot.""If that’s what you want, my love." I responded, looking at where Tania lay mot
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Travel To Doragon
[Ivan’s POV]My gaze narrowed as I watched Arissa snuggle up to Nazhoni right in front of me. Sure, I knew that I probably deserved her cold shoulder after keeping something as big as the prisoners escaping from her. But did she really have to treat me as public enemy number one?It had taken most of the previous evening to calm her down once I revealed the recent happenings, and when she allowed me to sleep next to her, I had thought that things were settled, but when we woke up this morning and packed to leave, she didn’t say a single word and even headed out before me. And when I finally managed to load up and join the rest of our party, this was how I found her. Snuggled against Nazhoni with a "you deserve this expression" on her face as she watched me seethe with jealousy.As I continued to watch her, the carriage around us came to a jolting halt. Confusion flaring, I got up and prepared to investigate what was happening, but stopped as arrows burst through the windows around us.
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A New Form Of Play
[Arissa’s POV]"Was it necessary to manhandle Nazhoni?" I asked the minute Ivan joined me in the carriage I was currently in."What, are you upset at me for it?" Ivan asked.A shiver rushed through me as I took in Ivan’s jealous tone. Uh oh, it seemed that I may have pushed him a little too far."And if I am?" I challenged, unable to stop myself.I had to admit, it really got me excited to see Ivan taking control and showing his possessive side. Maybe that made me a glutton for punishment, but I liked it when he took charge.Instead of responding, Ivan slowly made his way towards me while undoing his belt."You’ll see." He smirked, grabbing both my wrists and holding them together."What are you doing?" I gasped as he suddenly began to use his belt as a rope to tie my wrists together."A little punishment."A gasp escaped me as Ivan yanked me up by the belt that was now binding my hands together. As I tried to process exactly what he was doing, he hooked the belt on a coat hook, so I
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Pixie The Great
[Ivan’s POV]A sigh of content escaped me as I looked down at the sleeping woman in my lap. It seemed that I had worn Arissa out with my punishment, and now she was out cold, allowing me to be alone with my thoughts.Outside, the sky was an ominous gray and the carriage shook with the fierce wind that was beginning to pick up. I could only hope that we could manage to find a place to hunker down before the storm struck. Otherwise, I feared that the trail leading up to Doragon would be too treacherous.Lifting a hand, I knocked on the wall behind me, drawing Markus, our driver’s, attention towards me. After only two knocks, a small slab was pulled aside, allowing me to see Markus’ eyes as they looked in to see what I wanted."We need to pull over soon." I ordered, keeping my voice low so that I wouldn’t wake Arissa. "We won’t be able to continue until this storm passes.""There is a small village up ahead." Markus suggested."Do you mean the Baculum tribe?" I asked.If I vaguely rememb
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I hope everyone enjoyed the introduction to the character Pixie. This child has a special place in my heart as she is based off my best friend's deceased fur-baby. As I got to watch that precious puppers grow from a tiny puppy to an old lady, I wanted to immortalize her somehow and I thought what better way than to dedicate a character in one of my stories to her. I just hope that our little Pixie manages to do her justice so that all that read about her can understand just how great of a creature she was. R.I.P Pixie Stix Nelson 7/21/2007-9/13/2022. Fly high sweet angel, you were truly the bestest of girls. P.S- I truly hope that all of you are enjoying the story thus far. Thank you so much for all your love and support. I know I've said this many times, but it because of all of your encouragement that I continue to write. Without any of you I would be nothing.
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[Ivan’s POV]I held my breath as Pixie’s mother examined us, considering the question I had just asked her. I knew that I was asking a lot, but if we didn’t find somewhere to stay, then things could go incredibly south very fast, and we didn’t have enough time to turn back and then try again."Of course." Pixie’s mom finally responded. "We have a few empty rooms in the barracks for you. It isn’t much, but it should be enough. ""Just a few stable walls would do, ma am." I assured, letting a grateful smile spread across my face."Thank you." Arissa added. "I’m Arissa, and this is Ivan. We are the leaders of the Fulgur and Tonitru packs."Pixie's mother's eyes grew wide at Arissa’s words. It seemed that even this tribe had heard about us. However, I wasn’t quite sure if that was a good or a bad thing."What’s wrong, mama?" Pixie asked, taking in her mother’s shocked form. "Why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?""Pixie!" Her mother scolded, shooting the tiny girl a look. "Do you have
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Hunker Down
[Arissa’s POV]Later that evening, as the blizzard that was threatening our travel was raging, Ivan and I lay in bed. Where as I was laying on my back enjoying the warmth that surrounded me, Ivan had his head on my stomach listening to our pups’ heartbeats.We were lucky enough to be granted shelter from the Baculum tribe, and after being fed and provided with live entertainment, we were led to our separate quarters where we could get some rest."Could you stop doing that?" I sighed, beginning to feel slightly self-conscious. "No matter how many times you listen, the sound won’t change.""Does it make you uncomfortable?" Ivan asked, giving me a mischevious grin.Shit, maybe I should have kept my mouth shut. Usually, when I gave way to things that actually bugged me, Ivan would…As if reading my mind, Ivan lifted a hand and placed it on my stomach beside his head."Hey, little guys." He cooed, beginning to rub. "Do you hear what your mommy is saying?"Biting back the grimace that wante
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A Surprise Attendee
[Ivan’s POV]I woke the next morning to dim light shining through the only window mine and Arissa’s room possessed. It seemed that the storm that had been raging the night before was finally over and we could continue on our journey.At least that was what I hoped. Given how bad the blizzard had been, there was a chance that the snow would be too high to travel properly. If that were the case, we would have to stay for a few more days until it melted. However, we didn’t have the luxury of wasting time like that. Arissa’s time was running out, and I would be damned if I allowed her to leave me.Trying to ignore the sudden panic that was racing through me, I looked over to where the woman in question was still sleeping soundly. After keeping her up for most of the night, fucking like rabbits, I was sure that she was exhausted.Allowing a slow smile to begin to form on my lips, I leaned over and kissed between her shoulder blades, earning myself a low grumble. Letting a slow smile spread
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Surprise Attack
[Arissa’s POV]"Arissa…""You deserve this.""Die."The disembodied voices drifted in and out of the darkness, threatening to pull me towards them while I fought to get away. Dammit, this was really beginning to get old.Groaning, I turned over and opened one eye to find my mother sitting in the corner of the room watching me with hollow eyes."Even in death, you refuse to go away?" I grumbled, beginning to sit up. "Did you enjoy the show last night? Should I perform it for you again?"Throwing my legs over the side of the bed, I let the blanket that had been tightly wrapped around me fall to my waist, revealing my bare chest. Giving an amused smirk, I got up from the bed and stretched."You’re still there?" I asked, taking in my mother once more. "I much prefer the company of the creepy children.""Arissa," my mother’s weak voice groaned. "Why did you kill me?""Why?" I responded, leaning in close enough to be able to see the flames flickering in her hollow eyes. "Because I wanted to
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The Doragon's Trick
[Ivan’s POV]"Better now?" Lindsey asked as Pixie finished off the fruits and nuts in front of her. "Or should I have Grant go grab something else?""No, I’m good." Pixie responded, giving a satisfied sigh."Great." I said, leaning forward in my seat. "We’ve wasted enough time waiting for the kid to eat her fill."If I had known that the first thirty or so minutes of this gathering would involve watching a child stuff her face, I would have spent a bit more time in bed with Arissa. After all, that would be a hell of a lot more enjoyable than this."You could just leave." Pixie snapped, shooting me a fierce look. "No one is holding you hostage.""Pixie," Lindsey warned. "Have you already forgotten what I told you about this man?""Yeah, yeah," Pixie puffed.As she spoke, she let her gaze look me up and down. Clearly,this child was doubting me. I would have to be sure to show her just what I was made of before we parted ways."Maybe we should begin this meeting." Grant suggested, lookin
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