All Chapters of CEO's REDEMPTION: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
69 Chapters
My face is all rosy as we stroll into our room. Every step we take, every pulse, and every breath, is hiked by the sparks of the dominant flames of longings spewing in us. As soon as the door shuts behind us, I am immediately pinned on the bed, his lips caressing all the delicate sports of my upper body.Pushing him away in contention to this is not in my mind. I'm so lost in the pleasure he is giving that I'm almost ripping his shirt off, urging him to tend to this fire we both are swimming in - the waves of the desires surging in us. I am So lusted that my walls are twitching with an agonizing sensation of prolonged or refuted needs. My pussy is throbbing, howling for him, and my pant is all soaked wet, bolstering a smooth penetration for him. I want him in a way that I never imagined until now. The fire is savagely setting me ablaze. As he suckles on my neck, his breath a sense of allure on the wet imprints of his kisses trailing down, I drape my hands at the back of his head, gui
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The sweet chants of the early morning birds summons my senses from my delightful sleep, making me growl as I turn around, actually, chancing to turn around, but in terrific vain. I am buckled up to the warm and possessively dominant arms of Jerol behind me, our raw flesh against the other. He is virtually stifling me with his tight grip and I can't tell whether he knows.I close my eyes, the waves of the glorious recalls of last night cruising through my mind, reminding me of that moment of raw confectionary madness and pleasure. Magical. Bliss - it was pure bliss. Sweet euphoria! I shut my eyes tighter, bitterly acquiting a tight-lipped chuckle. If any moment has ever been beautiful in my pathetic miserable life up until now, it was last night. It was the only time the phrases "happiness" and "pleasure" had meaning in my life, and they came in handy. Double potion! Double blessings! Double joy! The night was so phenomenal that I can recall every single detail of it without strainin
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"Now, please talk to me. Please." Jerol pleads as we pull away from the long unintended embrace.I take my time to scorch away the tears. Not like there are any, because he has taken the liberty to do that for me. I just feel awful and sheepish. Like this isn't what I wanted this morning to be like. You get it? I wanted it to be a happy one just like I had promised him last night. That what happened won't affect our relationship in any way. That there will never be any regrets, and there aren't any, with all sincerity. Why I am feeling the way I am feeling is something beyond my control. Beyond explanation."You can ask me or say anything, you know." He adds, sitting up and sloping his head on the bed just like me, his hand finding its way around my neck, still soothing me.Maybe if I know what exactly he still feels for that ghost woman, just maybe, I will be at peace? Maybe I will stop fussing and feeling this thing that I can't even decipher? Ooh, well, I think I know what it is,
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It ticks nine at night. A few weeks since Jerol regained his sanity. And exactly two weeks before our contract expires. Before our time together is up.Time sucks! Really sucks!You might be wondering what has been happening for those weeks since he regained his sanity. Well, you know some - you know, like, those two times we made love? Well, guess what, that wasn't all.Making love has become our ritual ever since then. Sex has become our daily desire, a dose that we can't do without. The urge has swelled up so intensely, and the passion has become insatiable. This bedroom, and this bed can attest to the memories we have created in the last couple of days - memories that are beginning to haunt me now.In two weeks, we are supposed, yes, supposed to say goodbye to all that we have done together. To all that we have become. To everything that holds us together. I am gladdened, totally in glee that he is finally the man that everyone knew before that tragedy that wrecked his sanity hap
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As usual, we lean in to kiss goodbye to each other as Jerol leaves for the office. It's our routine, just like we do every time we are retiring to bed. Actually, kissing has become a fundamental facet of all the times we are together, and making love has been our daily dose. We can't live without it. We are at the cliff of it. I even feel like pushing him to this bed right now for the second time this morning for a quickie before he leaves.My goodness! These yearnings are hiking way too high. I can't curb the urge nor mask it, and neither can he. For the last couple of days, we have lived like a real couple - free with others like we are bound by true love and not just a contract. Actually, it is the first time I am remembering that damn shit of paper after so long. He forbade me to talk about it, and I obeyed, like his sweet obedient wife.For these few days, I feel like I really just had a life. I feel like I really lived. All the pleasure we have had together has filled up my arc
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"There is no harm in trying, ma'am. I am not saying that you are, but just so to be sure."Can someone please give me a very reasonable reason why I shouldn't fire this nosy bitch! Men, how annoying can people be, really? First, she made me muffle my lungs out with that ridiculous hoax she pulled back there. Freaking, right? After chasing her away to go get me a glass of water to ease my restlessness, she came back with this shitty thing she calls a pregnancy kit or whatever, insisting that I should test for pregnancy.I mean, who is she to insist on that? Who made her my doctor? Does she know the intensity of what she is insinuating? No, of course not, because she won't be here insensitively ranting, so forget that for now, but how can I be pregnant? For God's sake, what sort of a joke is that? I admit that we haven't used protection all those times we have had sex with Jerol but, he has a problem, right? Good grief! I am thankful that he is not even here to listen to this stupid jo
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Coming out of the shower, I stroll to bed, tucking myself under the covers without minding what Jerol is doing in the closet.Nothing has ever been so vexatious in my life before like this. I haven't sampled any drop of harmony during the day and there is absolutely no sign of it up until now. Not even in the near future.How can this be?Of all the people he had to beat his siring problem with, it had to be me? Ooh, hell! God, you really screwed me up real bad this time! I have mulled over options throughout the day, fathoming of his reaction the moment this news tickles the walls of his ears. Would he be elated? Would he be blown? Most likely, yes, because he has been longing for a child - an heir for his empire. He had almost lost hope in holding a baby in his arms so of course, the miracle of the fact that he will be a father will blow his mind off the cliff! He will be over the moon. I can visualize the glow on his face and in his bottomless eyes when he learns of this.But it's
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As usual, as nature has it, and as it has also been inscribed in the archaic books of history, time flies like wind when you are having the hang of life. Time is always against us during happy times.It's on a breezy twilight of Thursday, and I am on the balcony, savoring the raw aura and watching as darkness dominate the light. It's surging in with a screaming lull that tickles with dread, reminding me that the party is set for tomorrow night.Tomorrow! It's not so much about the party that baffles me! No. The day itself is the dilemma. Tomorrow marks the exact last, or is it our presumed, last day of the five months of the contract. The period is over. We are supposed to part ways tomorrow. Tomorrow?!Can you believe it?Because I can't!No matter how I try to come to terms,I just can't bring myself to embrace the facts,That this actually is the end for us.How can I?It was just yesterday we got bound and now today we are breaking the bond? The bond that has turned to be so swe
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"But of course! How can I forget how ridiculous I looked that day? Gosh!" I respond to Jerol's teases as we sip on our juices."You looked cute. I still remember how you looked with that chicken in your mouth unable to do a thing about it." He says again.He is bent on making a good mockery of me tonight. I am not whining though. How can I when I want him to continue talking so that I can relish being in his lap for some more time? I wish this could go on until tomorrow. And another thing, it really thrills me to see him this happy. It brings me so much joy to speak with him like this."Yeah? I really looked cute, huh? Gosh! I looked like a balloon ready to burst." I respond, punching him slightly in the chest as he cracks his ribs.Today the heavenly bodies can attest to the glee we are sharing, and we deserve it. We both do. I pray that this lasts forever. As soon as now, I can picture my happy life with him and our kids. That will be such a joy and fulfilment."I found it cute, som
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It's that spectacular day that the world is about to learn about the sweetest unprecedented love that ever subsisted. A love that crossed all boundaries and endured everything to flourish. The world will definitely tremble with this news, and I, I am blown, and I can't wait for that moment when the news will touch the ears of the earth. I can't wait for the tremor as the world shakes in awe.I'm thrilled as it clocks 5 P. M.After giving myself a once-over look in the mirror as I idolize myself, I can't help but chuckle to myself. It is not about the glamour of this dress that gives me a different kinda look, but how naturally beautiful I feel right now both inside and outside. I never bothered caring about how I looked in anybody's eyes, but today, today I feel just the way I wanted to feel - beautiful, for my Jerol. I want to accentuate him, my Knight, in most of the senses even if not all. I wanted to look spectacular for the man who means the world to me.Catching a glimpse of his
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