All Chapters of FATED MATE OF THE ALPHA: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
62 Chapters
Speak up Hope
Chapter 51"So are we going to talk about what I stumbled upon a while ago?" Jasmine asked from the back seat as they drove to the place where they could find someone that would connect them to Anabelle. From where she was seated, she had a clear view of the two supernaturals and just a few minutes ago they looked like they were very nearly on the verge of throwing hands and causing a scene. Plus it didn't really help that because of her current feelings, she would always be biased when it concerns the two of them and of course that meant that she would be in support of Hope. She waited for a reply but neither of them said anything. They both acted like driving was the most important thing in their life right this moment, but she could feel the uneasy tension in the air, it didn't make this long road trip fun at all. How was she going to bear this silence for hours?! "Okay, if nobody says anything then I'm going to have to stop here, Jason stop the car," she ordered him. "What?!
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Road trip going haywire
Chapter 52"Tell me Jason, who exactly is she? What is her crime that you castigate her so?" She asked him. She needed to know these bad things that he was accusing her of that could warrant such a level of animosity and dislike, almost at the same rate that she didn't like him too. "If I tell you, would you even believe me? Or have you already decided on being the jury and judge before I even present the case?" He questioned her. He had no plans on telling her anything about Hope, at least not yet. He knew better than to be on the bad side of the person she cared the most about right now. He didn't even plan to instigate this exchange of words, but Jasmine never lets anything go without her getting to the root of it. It was one of her qualities that he found admirable but right now it didn't look so nice from a distance. Still, who was he kidding to think that she would just let something like that go, especially since they had to ride together for hours. "Why don't you try and
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She's driving me crazy!
Chapter 53The hotel wasn't a five star hotel like Jason was normally used to, it wasn't posh and exquisite, but it seems clean enough so it would have to do for the night. It wasn't like they were planning on staying here forever so it was okay for now, however, if Jason had gotten more on board with this whole plan he was sure he would have prepared better than this. Everything that happened now was usually impromptu, at the spur of the moment and that left him with little or no time at all to act in the orderly manner he was used to. He hated these kinds of situations that made it look like he was not a serious person. Of course he could be spontaneous… On rare occasions, but matters on ground did not call for spontaneity, Jasmine was too important to him for every move to not be planned properly. However he was not the master of this show, Hope was, and they all had to dance to her tunes, even if it was deafening or just outright unreasonable, like this outrageous road trip.
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Chapter 54 "You do know that we've been waiting here, trying to get someone to attend to us for what seems like forever and you just show up like you don't even care?!" Hope said with disgust clearly written over her face, and conveyed through the tone of her voice. She was usually able to hide her feelings, to put on a mask, to pretend to feel something else apart from her true feelings, to smile and say everything was alright even when it wasn't. She had been so used to this facade that it almost felt like she was living two lives, walking about in a life of two faces. She had to do this because nobody really understood her, they could say they did, but she knew they would be lying. How could they? Nobody ever gave her a chance to tell her own story, no one ever thought for a second if she was alright or not. They brushed off her feelings because she wasn't a fragile human like Jasmine and her werewolf bloodline wasn't royal like Jason and Nathan. Life was never kind to her bu
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Double beds, double trouble
Chapter 55If you had told Jasmine that she would be spending a night in the same room with the annoying Jason she definitely would not have believed you. Even if you had come with a crystal ball, a palm reader and a soothsayer, she would have laughed at your face and reminded you that she didn't believe in most of these fetish stuff. Knowing that werewolves, vampires and witches exist was even a stretch to her belief system, adding all these other kinds of people might just be the last straw before she goes gaga. Unfortunately though this was just a coincidence and not something planned by fate. She recalled the look of pure fear in Chad's eyes as he announced that there were only 2 rooms left. The poor guy was already at the verge of pissing in his pants and any moment from now he could even faint if pushed any further. She tugged on Jason's shirt, prompting him to accept the rooms as it were. Nobody noticed that she did this apart from Jason himself. Hope was too busy staring
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Can you feel the connection?
Chapter 56 Jason was up by dawn, he had always had trouble sleeping and the nightmares were back, fiercer than before. They only stopped when he was with Jasmine, when she was still the woman that loved him as much as he loved her, she gave him the kind of peace he could not comprehend, but now that was gone and he was back to the nights of terror. This nightmare was a new one, it was confusing and he could only vaguely remember it, but one part that stuck with him was that he was searching for something, but he found another thing instead. He could not remember what he was searching for, nor what he found instead, but he knew there was a mismatch. He felt lost in the dream, just as lost as he felt in real life. He woke up sweating even though the air conditioner in the room was working to an extent, it wasn't perfect but at least it wasn't completely broken down. His first reaction was to look towards Jasmine and he saw her sleeping soundly like the beauty that she was.What a
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Let the journey continue
Chapter 57 After what looked like an eternity of awkward silence in the hotel room, they all finally checked out of the hotel and were back on the road. Chad was extremely polite this morning, somehow he seemed to have finally found his manners and still avoided eye contact with the trio. He was more than happy to speed up the process of checking them out of his hotel as he could not wait to finally be rid of the three extremely strange, terrifying people. "Have a nice day," Chad told them as they made to leave. "We sure will, you too Chad," Hope answered. She seemed to be in a good mood, unlike the other two, who were already halfway to the vehicle by the time he spoke. All Jasmine wanted to do was get as far away from here as soon as possible. She wanted to forget everything that happened in this place and she reasoned that the farther away from here that she was, the sooner she would let all the experiences go. However she was only kidding herself. She had no potion to make
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Chapter 58 Jason was starting to get suspicious… well he had always been suspicious but this time around his gut feeling thought that there was something very wrong, and it was a lot more than usual. One would think that maybe Hope had forgotten the whereabouts of this friend that would lead them to this witch that could solve all their problems. "Hope, how long till we get there already, I've been driving for hours but it seems this friend of yours lives on the other side of earth!" He said sternly, just like he had said a few times before. "We're almost there, just keep following the directions I gave you," she would always say. She was being way too mysterious with everything. She had refused to give out the exact location of this source of hers, for this source's security, she had said. Well that's nice, but what about their own security? He didn't exactly feel 100% safe going blind into a place that he had no information on, to see someone he had no idea about. Who exactl
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The Dark Veil
Chapter 59"Don't raise your voice, people might suspect otherwise," Hope cautioned him. And true to her words two tall pale looking men that looked like they were in their late thirties glanced towards their direction. They each had a partner with them and from one glance you already could tell what was going on. They were vampires, the kind with old blood from the color of their eyes and their sunken dark eye sockets. Also their reflexes were extremely sharp but they were extraordinarily calm, perfectly capable of controlling their emotions, unlike the modern day vampires that reacted to everything around them. Most vampires were intensely sensitive, erratic in motion and annoyingly unstable, especially in the presence of werewolves, whom for some weird reason they considered rivals. These two however were unusually calm even though the supernaturals have already identified what each was. It was obvious that they had been around for a very long time from the way they controlled
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The worse that could happen
Chapter 60 Jason had never seen Dominic even though he had heard so much about him, but the man standing in front of him right now looked every bit like the image he portrayed. Dominic was tall and slim built with very broad shoulders and a slim waist. He had scanty brown hair and light brown eyes. He wasn't built like your stereotypical werewolf but one look at his sharp eyes and you'd know that he was the embodiment of evil. He had very thin lips that stretched into an evil smirk every now and then, like it was his default expression. Jason has been with him for less than 5 minutes and he could already tell that it was a big mistake coming here in the first place if this was the guy that they were supposed to meet. This man was not someone that was ready to help, especially with whatever was going on between him and Hope. "Can you believe it! The prodigal daughter finally returns!" He exclaimed as soon as he saw Hope. For a moment there Jason wondered how exactly Hope became
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