All Chapters of Coeval Onus: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
36 Chapters
Chapter 21
"I'm glad that you enjoyed coming by my house to visit my family," says Leonard, smiling at me while we walk around the hallways and head toward our classes. "I'm glad that I got invited and was able to enjoy the time," I answer with my own bright face, "your family is pretty fun, to say that least." "Really? I thought they were pretty introverted, and weren't exciting," says Leonard with a raised eyebrow and sideways glance. "True. But, I'd say being an ambivert it doesn't matter what they were. They were still nice all the same." "Mom can't wait until you come by again," says Leonard as we enter the first class, which is majestic sheory since the student schedules seemed to have changed around a little, "Dad and Cameron can't either." "It's a shame I didn't get to meet Sandro, but next time, I suppose." "Yeah. He couldn't make it back, but that's Sandro for you," says Leonard with a laugh. On the board is a message written, saying we can all move around and sit
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Chapter 22
"How do you feel about that match coming up?" I ask Syl as we pack up in math class, the third time since we got back from break. We get ready to head over to lunch. "I feel somewhat confident," answers Syl, "Lu and I as long as we aren't bickering, we can pull some tricks. And, my seniors usually let us in games. My team actually doesn't have that many members in the grades above us, so that might explain why the freshmen can play often." "That's true for the girls team, too," says Hala, "I heard most of our seniors in the girls team say the reason for that is CCMS isn't that strong at basketball, so we usually don't gave that many." "Until our grade," says Syl, "we've won a good number of matches." "Hey, you boys could to better," says Hala, "we won six out of nine." "Well, you've had less," says Syl, "we've done twelve. Seven out of twelve sounds pretty good to me." "I still think you could do better," says Hala, "I mean, you did say a while back that you and Lu were
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Chapter 23
"So, we just get called from our classes and then we head off, and I guess come back?" I ask, and Hala nods. "That seems to be the drill," says Hala, "I think they call a group of kids. and then they head off to see the observers." "It's making me a little nervous," I admit. "Nothing to sweat about," says Syl, "I'm sure they won't bite." "I'm just glad that they don't grade us. I would get the biggest F in the world." "Don't say that out loud," says Hala while cackling. "I'm sure it'll be fine," says Leonard. Sitting in home room, everyone around me talks and we converse while waiting to get called to the observers. Apparently, the observers are in the Great Hall and in the gym, and they call kids from the 6 classes. By now, I've figured out that the freshman kids are in rooms with 62, and then are designated by the first six letters of the alphabet. "It's in alphabetical order, I'm guessing?" I ask, and smile, saying, "I mean, if it was by grade score, it'd be prett
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Chapter 24
"You brought your sheet with you?" I ask Hala, and she nods while showing it to me. "You betcha," says Hala, "I've got questions." "Same," I say. I spot Leonard come in, and wave and smile at him, and he comes over, mirroring my reaction and waving and smiling. "Hey, Revel," says Leonard, and gives me a quick hug, "you excited for today's class?" "Definitely," I say, "I mean, who wouldn't after the observations?" "I managed to translate the name of my identity, but I'm not distinctly sure how it relates to me," says Leonard, to which I can't help but agree. "If it makes you feel any better, I don't either," says Hala. "Yeah," says Hank, who joins us, "I'm banking on Mrs. Loop being her usual self and explaining things way over my head." "Does that mean you don't try at all in understanding anything?" asks Machiv a little bluntly. "No! I always try my best," says Hank. "I'd hope so," says Leonard with a laugh. Right on time, Mrs. Loop comes in and smiles at us
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Chapter 25
In history class now, I'm again trying to keep up with the course. Not that the course is moving at a breakneck speed, but it's more of large boulders of information that come in uneven rhythms that shoulder me with knowledge I need to process. Glancing over at Keito, I wonder if he's keeping up. Observing his even letters and writing that is notated carefully but not speedily, I'm certain he's not sweating to comprehend any of the content being shared. His usual masked face doesn't reveal his emotions, but his calm mellow personality is constant, so I don't have to try and pry. We had a seating change, since Mr. Kean, like many of the other teachers here at CCMS, thought it'd be a good idea to shift around so that everyone can feel something like a reset to renew their focus during class. I thought it was smart, and like Mrs. Loop's class, everyone just sat down where they wanted to with whoever. Being somewhat lonely in Mr. Kean's history class, save for Keito, I just asked
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Chapter 26
Walking in the early morning, I spot the sun coming over the trees and gently letting out waves of golden light. The matin hours have an allure that is rarely appreciated nor seen, but it's good all the same looking at all that is present. The leaves of the forest seem to be damp from the morning dew, and ever so often with a breeze that stirs the branches a cascade of drops reflect back the light. Heading into CCMS and entering the Great Hall, I head to the usual table and begin to eat, and meet with everyone. In the group of friends I have, there's nobody staying behind, and from what I've heard, most of everyone else at school are heading over to the match too. "You excited for the game?" asks Hala to me, ready to cheer on our team. "You bet," I say, "I'm about ready to jump into a bus and get going." "Eat up first," says Hala with a chuckle, and hands me some toast, "you'll need it for all the excitement." "Good idea," I say, and also quickly eat eggs, sausages,
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Chapter 27
Being the middle of the second quarter for the basketball game, I'm holding my breath as the clock ticks closer to the end of the quarter and it seems for now that CCMS is ahead of ASI by 8 points. I'm not so sure if that's a large lead, but for now it seems to be good progress and I'm banking on it being there for a while. Syl and Lu have been exceptional, and even if they're a little cocky they are getting quite a number of points. Their tactic seems to revolve around how fast they are, and how they can zoom around with or after the ball. It makes it difficult for anybody to pass the ball quickly without being blocked and the ball passing over to the hands of one of the twins. And when either of them do have the ball, they can fly down the court and work together to then score. Keito too is good, and he does it all alone. Being a little taller and bulkier than either Syl and Lu gives him the appearance of being slow and hefty, but Keito seems to use that to his advantage. Usin
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Chapter 28
The last quarter for both teams is the moment everyone has been waiting for. Nobody is as invested in the previous quarters as this one and all the tension is as high as the spire on CCMS. I'm certain that everyone is leaning forward collectively for this game, and nobody is going to look away at any moment. The whistle is blown, and this time it's with CCMS on the offense. Lu has the ball, not as sure as Syl of how well his brother can play, and he dribbles a little slower than usual with the ball down the court. Eventually though, he does get boxed in, and tosses the ball to Syl. Syl gets it, and because the 11 kid is off the court until this game is over, he doesn't worry about being hit again. It takes him a little longer, since his head is bandaged the the sensation is new to him, but eventually he does shoot and get two points. He smiles slightly as the ball moves down through the hoop, and he seems to smile at himself, now aware that he can still play despite his inju
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Chapter 30
It turns out that Open Day has a lot of interest from CCMS because the schedules for classes is cut in half for the week before it. Usually the morning only has classes while the afternoon is vacated for preparations. Sometimes the afternoons have the classes while the mornings are dedicated to the upcoming Open Day, though the schedule switch doesn't at all present any trouble for most of us. There was the morning sessions of class today, and the two that were held, in my experience, was history and math. Keito and I talked, and I thought to ask him what his class was doing, but I only asked if it would be proper to ask him if it's alright to. He answered in his usual terse but friendly manner that he wanted it to be a surprise for me. I grinned and said that'd be a good idea. For now, the preparations of class 62-A are going along pretty nicely. We did manage to get a formal permission from the Student Council body that does allow us to serve food and specifically the pizzas.
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Chapter 29
Mrs. Loop walks in, and immediately flicks her hand with her ring on to make the markers write another congratulating message for the basketball teams. All the other teachers in classes I've been to up until now have replicated this to some amount, bring in snacks and chocolates, letting us push a quiz off to a week from now, or even cancelling all the quizzes planned until the finals. All in all, Syl, Lu, Keito, and the basketball team in general could be the heroes of CCMS. Which leads to Syl grinning from ear to ear every time a teacher does this kind of thing for him. Thankfully he's been through most of his classes already so there won't be any more after this, but it still is obvious that Syl is getting quiet a bit of praise. Thankfully though, he doesn't get too haughty, maybe plateauing at a level slightly above his usual amount of excessive confidence. "I'd say congratulations like the rest of the teachers," says Mrs. Loop with a grin, "but instead, I'll improvise and
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