All Chapters of Marry Me Now: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
93 Chapters
Chapter 51
~ **** Tessa's POV **** After efforts of trying to push him away with no luck, I gave up. Tears gathered in my eyes. I just want to get this over with, so I could get money for Anne's surgery. Why does he have to be here? Why now? "Let go of me," I said for probably the 100th time now. He must have noticed the tears gliding out of my eyes as his eyes widened. "Are you crying?" He asked. If only looks could kill, this man would have been dead by now. How come people aren't saying anything about this, it's abuse! I peeped through his arm and noticed no one was looking at us, they were all busy grinding against someone next to them. "Just let go, please!" I cried. He quickly let go. I covered my face, and only then, I realised I was really crying. What the hell was I doing, I shouldn't be crying in front of him, he doesn't deserve to see my tears. "What happened?" He asked. He doesn't deserve to know anything about me or my daughter either. He's a stranger to me and always would be
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Chapter 52
I caught myself staring right at his face. Seriously, if he wasn't this handsome, telling him off would be very easy. He walked closer to me. He kept coming closer until he was so close. Jesus. His intoxicating smell hit my nose. I wanted to move away, but my body wasn't responding to my brain. I gulped. He brought his face close to my ear, and his skin touched mine making me shiver. "Understand?" I heard him say before he redrew back. Smirking one more time, he walked away. What just happened? I hated the effects he had on me, it makes me hate myself so much. I glared at him as he walked away. If looks could kill... "Madam." A lady said, touching my shoulder which snapped me out of my deep thought. "Yes?" I replied quickly. "I've been calling you." "Oh sorry.." I must have really been out of reality. "Your daughter, she will be up in less than two hours. You should go get her some new clothes and food for her to eat." She said. My mind flew. "Thank you. Thank you." I repeat
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Chapter 53
My eyes widened a bit. What was he doing here? How did he know I was here? Jesus, I wasn't prepared. I didn't want to see him anymore... Seeing him brought lots of unwanted memories. The good and the bad ones. I guess Austin did tell him after all, that jerk. I looked back at the man I was talking to. "Uh, I would be going now, see you later?" I don't know why I said that but I just felt the need to go immediately. He nodded with a smile and I walked off, ignoring Jake. This is not just a great time to talk to him, I wasn't ready. Heck, I'm not sure if I'm ever going to be prepared. "Tessa." I heard him call, and my heart raced increased. I increased my pace and before I knew it, he held my arm. He sure does have long strides. He stepped in front of me as I tried to keep a straight face. He breathed out in relief. "It's really you..." He said. I gave him a pointed look. What? He thought I was a ghost? "What do you want here?" I asked. "I heard you were over here, I came as quickl
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Chapter 54
Ever since that day, I met Cedric at the hospital, we've been talking and all. I got to know more about him. According to the doctor, the cast would be removed from his legs less than a week from now. I was happy for him, I can't imagine not using your own legs to walk especially being that young. Cedric seems to be a very shy person, well most of the time. I met his mom just yesterday when she had come to pay him a visit. I became really nervous around them when his mom suddenly started talking about how he should start searching for a lady. I learnt he hadn't dated for a few years after the heartbreak he went through in his last relationship. I became even more uncomfortable when his mom said I was the right type for him. I've never even thought of being in a relationship after my divorce from Carson. Cedric's mom also seems to be a very nice person... And vulnerable, which makes me think she must have been through a lot. I felt like I could relate to her. "Hello," I said as I a
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Chapter 55
"I think you meant who. I'm giving you back the money she owes, just take it and leave." His jaw clenched. They were going to fight. At least from what I see. But I hope not. What the hell is wrong with Austin? I think he's enjoying all this, making unnecessary scenes in my life. Ugh. Knowing Austin, he isn't the type who takes insults very well and that's an insult to him. He's probably going to pretend he didn't hear what Cedric had said then ask him to repeat what he said. I hope, and then maybe Cedric may repeat it less insulting because I don't want them fighting here. It's going to create so much noise and the old lady leaving next door hates noise. I remembered the last time Anne had gone off crying so loud, the old Lady suddenly came out with a shotgun, cussing at us. But Austin didn't, instead, he raised his feast hitting Cedric in his face, Cedric practically flew back with a groan, from the sudden impact. I screamed. "Oh, my God! Will you stop?!" I screamed at Austin h
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Chapter 56
"So.. Who goes first?" Tessa asked awkwardly. "You." He said. "Okay... How'd you get that accident?" She asked. She has always been curious since he told her about the accident he had but he never told her how he got it. "I was on my way to see my mom, a truck was headed towards my car and I couldn't see it on time, it hit my car." He explained. Her mouth formed into an 'o' "My turn, do you have any connection with your ex-husband?" He asked. "No, I don't," I replied. "Uh.." She started thinking of what to ask. "Where are you from?" She asked. "Britain," He replied. "Do you have any sort of feelings for me? Austin?" He asked. His questions are unexpected. Unlike the other questions she had answered almost instantly, it wasn't the same as this one. Did I have any feelings for Austin? She asked herself Hell. Yeah. Her subconsciousness replied. It was eating her, she wasn't supposed to feel anything for Austin. It was disgusting, after everything he had done to her but she could
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Chapter 57
~ 2 weeks Later ~ 'You wanna go out for dinner tonight?' Cedric texted reminding me of what happened the last time we were supposed to go out for dinner. But then Austin ruined it. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't come over here anymore. If he has brains, I'm sure he already knows by now that I found out about their sick plan. If I see him here, I'm good to pour a bucket of hot water on him, I swear. If you want to spend your life in jail, then do it. Oh, he tried to kill me? And he didn't get arrested for it? Goddamn rich people! Both he and Jake can go rot in hell, my hatred for those two is real now. If only there was a way to get them back. Dinner tonight? It's really hard really to go on these dates when I have Anne. Especially when she was going to sleep in. Last time, she went out with Kara. I'm going to have to put her to sleep before I leave. ~ Next Day ~ I had returned from the dinner and date with Cedric by 2 am and my life will never be the same now. I couldn't slee
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Chapter 58
It was getting uncomfortable in this situation, you know, hand in hand with Cedric while Austin was staring at us like it was a normal thing to do. What if he wanted to start another fight? I know he really hates Cedric. It's so obvious. It's like he wants to pick a fight with Cedric every time they cross paths. And now they were having a staring contest. We have to leave to avoid any fight. Ugh, I wish Austin would just disappear and I would never have to see him again. I would definitely consider that a miracle. I grabbed Cedric by the arm and practically dragged him past Austin to the elevator. I sighed in relief when the elevator moved. After 4 minutes, we were out of the building. We got back into Cedric's car. He doesn't look happy anymore, like earlier when we had arrived, he was angry. At me? Oh no, that's not good. We literally just started our relationship. Or he could be angry at Austin. Why would he be? It's not like they fought up there... But they fought the last t
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Chapter 59
"So.. There's something I want to talk to you about." I started. He chuckled. "I knew there was something in between that sudden hyper spirit. Go ahead." I smiled and told him everything. By the end of it, I was expecting him to be all smiley and tell me congratulations and all those stuff, but he didn't. Instead, he frowned. "Since when has this been going on?" He asked. Ah jeez. He didn't sound happy about it. He was supposed to be happy for me. "Uh, A month now," I replied. He gave me a scowl. "And you didn't think of telling me about it earlier?" "I-i wanted it to be a surprise.." I stuttered. He scoffed. "I told you, you aren't supposed to keep secrets from me!" He snapped, suddenly. Why was he like this? I know he said that, but not all secrets, right? So stupid of me, once again, I have managed to make him this angry. "I'm sorry." "You have to drop it." He said. My eyes widened. He wanted me to drop it? How was I supposed to do that? I can't on this one. "What are you
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Chapter 60
I fluttered my eyes trying to get them open. How long have I been asleep? It felt like days. After much effort in trying to get them opened. It finally responded. My eyes opened to see those familiar haunting blue eyes. The painful memories came back, and I looked at where I was. A bed. With him, what would I be doing here... With him? Oh yeah, he did something to make me fall asleep. I was panicking. What if... What if... "I didn't do anything... Yet." He said. I snapped out of my thought and jumped out of the bed. I looked for something to use to protect myself and possibly escape. But there was nothing around. He must have taken everything away. I'm sure he knew I was going to try and hit him with something.. I mean, who wouldn't? I looked down at my body to make sure I was well covered and thankfully, I was. This was the same clothing I wore last night. But the room was different, very different. And something tells me we weren't in that same house we were last night. "Why a
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