All Chapters of I'm Stepping Down From The Throne: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
130 Chapters
Chapter 21
That morning Elinor woke up later than usual, it was already eight o'clock in the morning when she opened her eyes and by the time she was out of bed and ready it was already half past nine o'clock.She was so listless that she wondered if she would ever get to Oreland, Nathan’s territory, in time to help the kidnapped girl.She was still stunned since the last night.Thankfully, Will took her misstep lightly joking about him and Stella being brother and sister.Elinor had driven the rest of the road her fingers clenched on the steering wheel as she tried not to get into her mind too much and start speeding again in the middle of the night.As she had her breakfast, she went over the route she was going to take one last time and she was ready to leave the minute the examinees got out of the exam.“Have a safe trip, Miss. I will be waiting for your reassurance that you’ll be okay.” Nacy said as she curtsied.“I will be okay, his majesty’s men will be there,” she reassured the older wom
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Chapter 22
Elinor waited for a few moments before there were footsteps running through the front hallway and the door was swung open. A man in his mid-fourties stood there, eyes wide as he breathed heavily from the little dash he made through the door.Worry was edging his face and when he saw her, his brows knotted in confusion."Is that Nathan, Honey?" Asked the voice of a sniffling woman who had clearly lost her voice due to crying.Elinor made a shush sound with her finger and pulled something out of her pocket. Something that would make the Baron recognize and immediately trust her.Looking at the royal crest his eyes widen and then he nods slightly."No, honey. It's just the delivery boy. He's bringing some paperwork from the office." He told his voice as he ushered Elinor inside closing the door behind her.He led her to his office closing the door behind them and making sure the curtains were tightly shut. Then he turned toward her and waited.Elinor removed the cap covering her hair and
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Chapter 23
Azeph watched as the car sped down the road taking Elin away with her.Nathan was still fuming spurting out nonesence as he lamented his fate. Azeph turned toward him coldly, he was wasting time lookibg for someone to blame while he could be woth his familly supporting them through this.There was nothing Azeph despised more than people who are lookibg for someone to blame for their miseries.“ shouldn’t you be making your way back home to be with your familly?” Azeph asked and Nathan paused looking back at him his eyes wide with hatred and anger.“Azeph…” Will called his voice a soft warning“What do you know about this?! What do you know about losing a member of your familly,” Azeph turned around and looked at him, he didn’t know why he was annoyed like this. There was something that had been bothering him since he saw Elin leaving. “Do you think you’re the only one with problems? Since you met Elin earlier that week you’ve been pushing your problems on her hoping that she would m
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Chapter 24
“Azeph” She exclaimed, “What are you doing here?!” She said looking at him as he painfully grabbed his chin with one hand while he still gripped her arm with the other.“Hi there, Princess.” Will said popping his head from behind Azeph.“Will! I can’t believe you told him!” She said and Will rose both hands in surrender.“I told him nothing! This guy has crazy instincts he figured it out himself.” He told her and she glared at him."What in the world were you thinking, coming here alone?!" Azeph said "I came here because I needed to," Elinor said defensively stepping back from him."His majesty wouldn't have sent you alone out here to take care of such a dangerous mission alone!" He told her"What do you know about me or his majesty?!" She asked defensively. "Elin, I'm worried about you, this city is dangerous and your mission is even more so. I'm pretty sure his majesty doesn't know about the kidnapping yet that's why you're alone here instead of with his men."I am not alone," She
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Chapter 25
Elinor stood there watching the two men who came all the way over from the academy because they were worried about her.She felt bad for doing this to them, but nonetheless it had to be done.No one can refuse a royal order and technically she wad still a royal even of she lost her statue as the crown princess she was still part of the royal family. And she was on a mission by his majesty.She loathes using her status against people she considered friends. After this there will be a wedge forming between them making sire things never returned to how they were before.Because there was no way they could disobey an order in the name of his majesty. Not someone as honorable, as patriotic as Azeph anyway.“Is that how you’re going to play it?” Azeph asked sounding more calm than she expected.“You left me with no choice,” she said, “ I can’t let you as students risk your lives in a mission like this, please return back home and forget about it,” she told them softening her tone now that s
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Chapter 26
“Do you think he would really do it?“ asked one of the man as he leaned back on his seat sipping from his mug.“ It doesn’t matter, his grace said that even if they don’t admit it, he could still frame them for it while they’re busy looking for their daughter,” the other man said who seemed to be their leader,Elinor leaned back from her hiding spot and looked at Azeph who was still listening in on them.‘His grace…’ Elinor’s fears were turning out to be exactly what they were. There were very few people that one would call ‘his grace’ in their kingdom. And there were fewer people who could sabotage the railroads in order to stop the king’s people from getting there before it was too late.“Where’s the girl?” Azeph asked“Will is getting her from the back, we have to be ready to move as soon as he signals us,” she told him.As she adjusted the dress she was wearing.“Are you sure you can move freely in that?” Azeph asked her.“There’s no helping it. It’s the same dress the baron’s da
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Chapter 27
When the mud supporting Elin’s arms gave out beneath her, she slipped. As she started falling down the cliff, her life started flashing before her eyes.That’s it, she was going to die. Just when she was this close to getting to her first lead. The road was still long before her. She needed to fulfil her promise.That’s when everything became too clear in her head.That’s when she felt a hand grab her halting her fall. “Hang on,” Azeph gritted pulling her back in one pull. He circled his arm around her waist pulling her up and taking her up as they fell to the ground her on top of him.“Are you alright?” Azeph asked as he sat her up and began patting her arms.“I-I’m okay,” she told him her voice trembling and he sighed leaning foreword pressing his head to hers.“Thank god,” he said, “I would have never forgiven myself if something happened to you,” he added his eyes strained with worry.Elinor’s heart pounded still with the shock of what happened. But when she saw Azeph lean down,
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Chapter 28
Azeph watched as Elinor made her way to the girl who didn’t cower from her unlike how hysterical she became when Azeph tried to approach her.“You shouldn’t trust her,” the dying man heaved and Azeph looked down at him lifting one foot and pressing it to his throat.“For a dying man, you sure are taking your time. Should I help you take your last breath?” Azeph asked.Will shook his head hopelessly keeping the pressure on the man’s chest as his eyes widened thinking that Azeph would really crush his throat.“Am I the only one who has some humanity left here?” He said,” you two would make the perfect pair, you both have twisted dark sides as black as a tainted soul,”“He doesn’t even deserve to live the few moments you’re pffering him right now,” Azeph said“ Maybe I don’t but she doesn’t either. Do you think that it’s the first time she shot someone like that?” The man spoke again.“We’re not idiots, we know that,” Will said,They did, Elinor had told them in not so many ways that her
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Chapter 29
After Elinor left, more people came, more knights, investigators and even some people from internal affairs from the castle.Even Nathan And his two friends finally came looking tired and frightened. And the way things proceeded, it was as if Elinor had never been there.The commander had ordered both Azeph and Will to stand back in one of the carriages. It seemed like he wished to hide their presence there too. Later on, one of the internal affairs officer who happened to be one of Will’s relatives came into the carriage.“You two must be frustrated,” he said after greeting them, “after everything you did, his majesty still wishes to hide your presence here today,” “Not at all, I understand it’s for a good reason. Is it to hide Elinor Pendragon’s presence here,” Will askedThe man’s eyes widened for a moment before he chuckled.“Honestly, these familiarities that you use in the academy are alway catching me off guard,” he said, “Yes, hiding her highness’s presence is something cruc
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Chapter 30
Elinor looked at the scenery before her and took a deep breath.“I never thought this was going to end,” she said stretching her arms up and smiling.“You should’ve called me earlier,” Louis said as he gathered the papers scattered on her desk, “in fact, you should’ve told me back at the academy before going on that reckless mission,”“You’re talking as if you’ve been reachable, I didn’t see you since before the debate day. Where were you off to?” She asked“Taking care of some business,” he answered and she rolled her eyes.“When you let me know when you’re plotting something, I will make sure to tell you about what I’m doing,”“I don’t like you putting yourself in danger like this. Since Nicolas died, you’ve been acting unlike yourself. It’s not like you to be this reckless,”“Maybe I am acting like myself for the first time,” she challenged.“You’re smarter than this, Elin, you can’t fool me with that act.” He said.Elinor sighed and remained silent for a while.“When was the audie
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