All Chapters of Mafia's True Queen : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
38 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-one.
Adriano's P O VWhile I swayed her around on the dance floor, I could feel her tremble in my arms and I loved it.I loved the fear I could see in her eyes because it only meant she wouldn't dare attempt anything funny for the rest of the evening and I was right.I thought I would also appreciate her silence but I've grown so used to her rebellious behavior that I started to find her silence a little too strange and also slightly bothersome.During the drive back home, I stole a few glances at her and the whole time, she remained doing just one thing and that was rubbing her fingers together with her head hung low and unable to meet my gaze just as she also couldn't ever since she pulled that silly stunt of hers that literally caused me to roll my eyes.What exactly did her peanut sized brain expect will be the outcome of that nonsense? Tsk.I knew her obedience was too good to be true when she outrightly put up a scene when we got home and she refused stepping out from the car and alt
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Chapter Twenty Two.
Jaselle's P O VI could not believe my eyes the entire time but it was really happening right in front of my very eyes.Although his face held a grudge and he continuously muttered inaudibly, a truck load of most likely curse words in a foreign language, he still held my injured foot in his hand and carefully wrapped it with some sorta bandage thingy I was too busy looking at his face In pure bewilderment to pay any attention to."You should remain in bed for now. Alessia would be with you in the morning to tend to your needs" he finally spoke to me in a stern voice that sounded more like a warning that dared me to take a single step out of the bed away from how he'd laid me In to rest.I was still too shocked to manage a response nor even so much as nod my head at him because let's be honest y'all, doesn't this seem a little too strange?I swear I won't be surprised if I wake up right now and realize this is all a dream.For what I know, I've been asleep since I returned from that st
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Chapter Twenty Three.
Jaselle's P O VBright and early the next morning, Alessia barged in to meet me a crazy ass mess on my bed. I had managed to change into a comfy set of Clothings after my deal with Adriano last night and they were nothing matching at all.The top was an orange colored almost too small shirt with overly bright green polka dots with an illegible font up front with a word that says something I totally have no idea about and the bottoms was a loose pink pant with coloured circles on either one of my butt cheeks and don't get me started about the state of my hair and what got me the most disturbed about my appearance was that I couldn't tell for sure but I could almost swear I had drool down one side of my cheek and I couldn't stop furiously cleaning my face with the back of my hand when Alessia's presence pulled me out of bed. For someone who was scared as shit last night, I sure had a pretty peaceful sleep. Infact, I don't remember sleeping this soundly in days since I got here.It's
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Chapter Twenty Four.
Adriano's P O V In the end, it turned out my few seconds of being 'Mr nice guy' prooved really effective. Not only did she not snap at me through out our time of being together in her room, she also by herself, willingly promised to Stay on the condition that no harm comes to her. Well, harming her was never a part of the plan but she had always prooved stubborn and she misses not a single chance to get me pissed off always but with the new turn of events, I believe we could work just fine with this Deal. I finally got in my room late that night and eased a loud sigh when my back finally came in contact with the bed. For someone who had been up and about the entire day, a little relaxation was all it took me to drift off to sleep. It wasn't long afterwards and I was still asleep but I felt a person's weight sink down on my bed and I immediately opened my eyes to My wife's face staring down at me. For the first few seconds, my heart swelled but not to
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Chapter Twenty Five.
Jaselle's P O VUhh.... What is he doing? Why is he charging towards Alessia with that much rage? She wasn't the one on the tree, it was me! "Hey! Leave her alone and Face me!" I called out from behind but he paid me not even the slightest attention. It was almost as though he didn't hear me but I know he did hear me but he chose to ignore me and you wanna know why? It's because he's a blockhead. An overbearing blockhead. That's exactly what he is. Alessia looked strikingly pale and she looked like she was gonna pass out any minute now and I don't blame her at all. Any one in her position right now would feel the same way. Have you ever had an angry bull charging towards you and all you could do is remain frozen in a spot and fear for your life?Well, that's the case of Alessia right now.And if I don't do something quick, she might actually get run-over by this Mad bull. "Stop it!" I yelled as I ran towards him."Please stop" I corrected after a careful thought that told me
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Chapter Twenty Six.
Jaselle's P O VIt's been a week.A whole long week and guess what I've been doing through out?Abso-Fucking-lutely Nothing!This really can be compared to living in a cave except, I eat king fit meals and drink the most expensive assorted wines and I'm not butt ass naked nor do I wear leaves or skin but the Most expensive of dresses. Asides that, I feel like I live in a decorated cave because I'm really bored as shit. At this point, I would only get mad reading any of these books again because the whole excitement is completely gone and since I have this sick ideology of slowly blending in by having friendly conversations with anyone in this household, I mostly locked up myself In my room so I could be reminded I'm nothing but a prisoner who is only hear by coercion and also, I didn't want to run into Adriano. The boredom and living in solitude might actually make me completely loose my mind or worse, I don't only loose my sense of reasoning but become like one of the thick forest
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Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Jaselle's P O V Curiosity kills the cat most people do say and I've always seen that as a really dumb thing to say till I found myself in my present situation.I now stood like a little theif caught red handed with the face of death fuming at me from the doorway which led to the room my curious self led me into entering without any restraint knowing fully well that this place is actually out of bounds to anyone at all but the little explorer in me gained the upper hand and led me to commit what seems to be an unforgivable sin.I could tell with that look in his eyes.But wait, Isn't he supposedly away on a trip? Why the hell is he here right now killing me a thousand and one times with just his eyes???Soon after Alessia had told me the news about Adriano's absence, I was so delighted and silly me, I concluded it was gonna be my golden escape moment but yeah, he's not as stupid as I thought. I stepped out and there were twice the normal number of men on guard the entire building. If
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Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Adriano's P O VI wasn't in any way comfortable with the dealings and proceedings from my club on the southern part of the continent. Not only were there several loop holes in the monthly reports, I couldn't tolerate anyone trying to outsmart me. Especially not a road side cunt that didn't hold as much significance as the extra button on the sleeve of my least favorite shirt. On the first day of the week, I decided to pay him an unexpected visit and the horror in his eyes when he saw me was so satisfying that I wished I could have that moment on replay. He looked so terrified of me as he should and that was all it took to confirm his wrong doings.One thing I've discovered from the nature of my dealings is this one fact; The guilty are always afraid. And as for me, I could smell fear even from a mile away.I was accompanied by Gustavo and two other men and left Carlo in charge of my household and the day after our arrival, I decided to pay the Cunt a little surprise visit in his sm
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Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Jaselle's P O VI could never understand his reaction nor forgive his outburst back there. I felt like a kid being scolded at, and all of that for what? One stupid empty glass?I hate much!He made me feel terrible back there and I shouldn't really be surprised because that's what monsters like him do. Time ticked by and My annoyance should have left me by now but instead, it caused a strong feeling in me that caused me to tear up and when I got overwhelmed by it, I buried my face in my pillow and let out those muffled sobs while my pillow absorbed the salty wetness that flowed freely out of my eyes. Exhaustion doesn't seem like a suitable word to describe how I feel. I was more than exhausted of everything and most especially, this shitty life I am compelled to live without a choice. I cried my eyes out the entire afternoon and in that same position face down on my bed, I drifted off to sleep and didn't move an inch till what felt to be several hours later. Although it
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Chapter Thirty.
Jaselle's P O VBack in my room, Silent and frozen in place, I stared blankly into the emptiness of the wall before me like a deer caught in the headlights. I couldn't manage a speech nor move towards my bed that magically didn't look as disorganized as it was before I left the room a little while back but I soon snapped out from it all and regained my full consciousness when I heard The toilet flush.Who could be in there?I couldn't help but feel extremely frightened only just from the thought that it could be Adriano. I knew he couldn't possibly be in there but the thought of it alone sent cold chills down my spine.Chills that adviced me to flee before he emerges out from behind that door but I remained rooted to my spot like a helpless little tree Stuck in the ground. The little happy feet I could hear emerging from behind the closed door was another thing to Clearly tell me it couldn't possibly be him but I still remained in my frightened and sweaty state till Alessia appeare
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