All Chapters of My Step Brothers : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
118 Chapters
Chapter Eleven.
Jordan's P . O . VNo offense to Mom's cooking skills but baked chicken curry has never my whole life tasted better than the steamy hot plate Ralph handed me when I got home after my endless shopping.I would've considered it really cute and thoughtful of him if I wasn't less focused on the act and more on my plate.After having my belly full of that surprisingly tasty meal, I very well thanked my chef for the evening meal before dragging myself up the stairs whilst trying to keep my tired lids open so I don't fall asleep right there on the stairs.I finally reached my room and couldn't even manage to get out of my clothes before I fell face flat on my bed and drifted off to a very long relaxing sleep only to be awakened early this morning by the irritatingly intrusive loud ringing of my cell phone that rested proudly atop the bed side table very close to me.The cycle of my life had once again begun. Waking up late on a Monday morning to Brittany's annoying phone calls, jumping out o
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Chapter Twelve.
Jordan's P . O . VAfter work, I stayed at Brittany's up until it was way late into the night and let's face it, I know you're thinking it... Yes, i am definitely avoiding Ralph. He's not in any way giving me any troubles at all but with the thoughts boozing through my head since after our little shower plumber scene, I don't think I should actually be alone with him.Even this morning, when he suddenly appeared behind me shirtless while I was busy searching for my juice box, it was tense. We barely said much to each other but the close proximity and silent stares was more than enough to squeeze my throat dry. If I didn't need a fresh change of clothes for the next day at work and if Brittany wasn't such a terrible person to share a bed with, I would have spent the night over. After all the exhaustion from the day's work, I deserve proper sleep without being interrupted by feet in my face every minute of the entire night.The all too familiar trees and buildings of the streets calml
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Chapter Thirteen.
Jordan's P . O . VI've always known Mr Anderson to be someone very dedicated to his Job and he's always interested in whatsoever will bring him alot of extra checks but what I didn't expect was for him to accept the partnership deal with MontCorp executives within a vy short period of time.I would have concluded it was one of Brittany's stupid tricks when she broke the news to me but no. I was right there in the conference room when the clients returned on Mr Anderson's invitation and right before my very eyes, he signed and finalized the contract.Perhaps he didn't loathe them as much as he did, or he probably loves his money much more. Either ways, we were only hours away from meeting our new business partners.I was particularly excited when I was selected as part of the project team mostly because Mr Anderson decided not to join in. He made it clear he wasn't going to be directly working with the "Entitled imps" as he termed them so in his place, he made his assistant Ross in ch
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Chapter Fourteen.
Jordan's P . O . VYou've got to be kidding me.Today has been moving from one surprise to another. First Mr Anderson agrees to a partnership with his sworn business enemies and now, The supposed MontCorp executives are none other than Mr Rude and his associates I may or may not have pissed off on their way up the conference room where I just got summoned Into right after handing the papers I carelessly shoved back into the partially destroyed box to Mr Blake. I could also see a hidden look of surprise beneath the annoyed expression he still had on his face as his eyes traced my movements up until I took the seat next to his which was unfortunately the only one available.Things just had to get worse now didn't they?I watched with the corner of my eyes as he silently glared at Ross who was busy with some stupid speech I also seriously wasn't paying attention to because my whole focus was centered on how long the lashes of the man seated beside me is. His thick dark hair was combed
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Chapter Fifteen.
Adrian's P . O . VI think the worst thing that could happen to a man is having to watch the sun set up until the sun rises the next day without getting a single chance at sleep. At some point, my sleeping pills had become my closest companion as they usually always remained just by my bedside table where my alarm clock started to ring irritatingly loud. Waking up every morning most definitely has to be the most annoying process of my entire day.Although the loud tingling sound from the alarm clock was enough reason to smash it hard against the wall, it was just the right push I needed to get out of bed every morning after struggling to fall asleep very late hours into the night. I run a billion dollar company and I couldn't have possibly achieved any of that by remaining in bed all day."Good Morning Handsome" a voice called from behind me and I clenched my teeth in annoyance then turned to face the lady who I didn't expect to still be present."What are you still doing here?" I
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Chapter Sixteen.
Jordan's P . O . V"Whoa. You're home early." Ralph commented more from shock when I stepped into the house after closing from work and I raised a questioning brow at him where he sat by the TV in the living room with a huge snack pack not too far away from where he sat on the small rug with his cellphone In one hand."What's the matter? Have a sneaky link somewhere around the house you don't want me to meet?" I jested in response and only when did the words leave my lips did I realize how ridiculous they actually were."No. I mean, you're back home way earlier than normal. I actually wasn't expecting you until...... You know, later" he explained and I nodded in understanding.Ever since he moved in, I've been returning home really late into the evening because I would certainly always find an excuse or the other to stay away from home after work hours and Brittany's was usually my first stop before coming home."Nah.... That's nothing. Actually, I usually close from work around this
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Chapter Seventeen.
Jordan's P . O . VA very lovely saturday Morning and as typical, I remained laying in bed up until late into the morning.My alarm had rung at some point but I proudly slapped the device off my bedside table and I think I heard it shatter to pieces but I'm not quite sure because I couldn't care less about it.I seriously would have loved to remain in bed still, but unfortunately I was drawn back to reality by the harsh rays of sunlight hitting directly on my face.Like a two year old, I rubbed violently on my eyes with the back of my hand and squinted them open but regretted it immediately as my eyes weren't quite ready to recieve that much amount of light.Grumbling, I kicked off the covers and walked towards the windows and yanked the curtains together violently to shield out the sun from my room.Perfect. Now that's better.Just when I wanted to dump myself back in bed, I realized I've really got to pee and I just couldn't be more annoyed.Every damn thing keeps ruining my sleep!
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Chapter Eighteen.
Jordan's P . O . V"Mum... What are you doing here?" I questioned still in shock of finding my mother standing before me and squeezing me in suffocating hugs every now and then."What am I doing in my house or what am I doing in your room that Is still in my house. Which is it?" She questioned jokingly as she focused on tucking loose strands of my hair behind my ears."You know what I mean Mom. We weren't expecting you back now. Not until next week" I explained and she drew in a deep breath like she does when she's about to get busy explaining things."Well, your Mother was too worried about you both amongst other fears of having the house burnt down to its last brick so she requested we return home as soon as possible and so we decided to hop on the very next flight back home." Fred explained on her behalf and I immediately peeled my eyes off mom and rested it on him who had just appeared up the stairs with Ralph following very closely behind.Wow. everyone was present here now.Firs
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Chapter Nineteen.
Jordan's P . O . VJust when I thought my life was going great, I reached the office and my mood got completely ruined the exact same moment i walked in to find my sworn enemy from the previous week frowning at me.Adrian Shelton is here. Great. just Great.Not only did I forget this is the Monday that commences the beginning of our working together, I had a seriously rough morning. Since I had smashed my alarm clock during the weekend, I didn't have anything to remind me I needed to be at the office until as usual, Brittany's phone calls that got me disoriented came in when I realized I needed to be at the office in five minutes when it's a whole twenty minutes away.Searching for what to wear alone ate up the whole of the five minutes and left me screaming in my head while I brushed my teeth and got dressed in my bright red loose pants and fitted black long sleeved shirt way faster than I've done in years."You're late!" He barked out at me and I tried to ignore him and focus more
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Chapter Twenty.
Jordan's P . O . VThis morning, I didn't need an alarm clock nor Brittany's phone calls to wake me up from sleep no. I didn't need any of those at all because I remained wide awake almost through out the entire night. For some strange reasons, I kept on tossing and turning in bed and whenever I finally found a comfortable enough position to fall asleep in, I would suddenly peel my eyes open a few minutes later and that continued for the rest of the night up until i noticed the first trace of dawn through my windows I left opened and I got out of bed.Right then at that early hour of the day, I made a decision to put aside every personal feeling of contempt I have towards Mr Shelton. That way, we perhaps might be able to tolerate each other better for the sake of the project at hand.We have to be in agreement if at all we are going to work together and I knew that for a fact we were both far from being in agreement. I can't really speak for him but I do know his presence alone was
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