All Chapters of Slave To The Demon King: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
138 Chapters
First Kiss?
Klaus turned on his bed for the umpteenth time that morning, before he surrendered to his instincts and dragged his body, placing his feet on the cold marble floor as he sat up. Without even stretching his arms or so much as looking around, he navigated his black flip flops with nothing but his ten toes, and slipped his feet into the soft rubber footwear.He opened his eyes fully, and finally took his time to look around the room. His sheets were a mess and they reeked of his scent, sperm and the sore reminder of what happened last night. He made a mental note to rid his bed of the sheets before someone else did - not that he cared if anyone knew he touched himself but well he had a little bit of personal morale. Besides, it was important to take necessary precautions against unnecessary situations.Rising from his bed, he went about his normal morning routine - shaving, press ups, washing his face and taking a quick shower, also getting rid of his bedsheets - before he threw on a
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Interrupted Moments
Arabella's eyes widened as she saw Mrs George and startled, she adjusted her posture slipping her master’s wandering hand from underneath her skirt. As for Master Klaus, he also arranged himself as he stood straight too.Gulping, Arabella kept her eyes on the ground.The desire she had been feeling earlier suddenly changed to fear, and then embarrassment. Her hands shook, her fingers trembled, and she kept her head bowed, mainly because found it hard to maintain any eye contact with anyone.Even though she wanted to keep her head bowed for as long as she could, she still struggled to raise it. She wanted to show Mrs George that she was okay, and she did not want the elderly woman to think that she had done anything out of the ordinary. The silence stretching between them was callous, piercing into her skin and even when Mrs George walked to the dining table and began setting the plates, nothing was still said either.Oh… How would she be able to sit on the same table and have a mea
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Eerie Feelings
Arabella stared at the clock, feeling anxious, already. It was almost dinner time and in as much as she looked forward to it, she was also dreading whatever would take place two day between her and Master Klaus. She had been in her room all day, and now she just wanted to go out. This was the only reason why she was looking forward to dinner time, she convinced herself but she knew it was far from the truth.Oh well…As soon as the clock chimed gold, and it was time, she stood up and approached the full length mirror in her room with a smirk on her face. She had already prepared, and now as she looked at herself she let out a smile, content with what she saw and hoping he would too. With precise attention, Arabella had made sure she looked good enough, at least for tonight. She didn’t know why she had gone the extra mile, but maybe she just wanted to look good, she convinced herself again but she knew better than that.She had done all this for Master Klaus, and she silently hoped
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Mysterious Conversations
Klaus took slow and confident steps into the dining room. He could not take his eyes off the beautiful lady in front of him, and the fact that she look scared, almost as though she had seen a ghost when she saw him, had him amused.However the creeping amazement that twinkled like stars in her eyes, only made her more beautiful than she already was.She was standing before the table, visibly flabbergasted by his appearance and it was only normal, after all she had never seen him in such an attire before.He had already walked towards her and now that he stood in front of her, he studied her features so well. He saw her gulp hard as he planted his tall frame in front of her sturdy and petite one.He allowed his eyes to dance down to her feet, admiring the dress she had on. The soft material clung to her body like second skin, and it accentuated the necessary curves of her body.Raising his right hand, her eyes followed it, and then he passed her neck and reached for her hair with his
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Pure Bliss
It was almost impossible for Arabella to focus on her meal, and it was all because of a certain dark eyed man sitting besides her.With the flirtatious smiles he continued to send her way all through the night, and the small peeks and needy glares, she just couldn’t muster the courage she needed to keep her eyes on her plate.She continuously blushed whenever she met his gaze, turning away from all to quickly but then his left hand would caress the skin of her knee, and she would blush even more.Was this what he meant when he had told her, that he had so much in store for her tonight? Or was there more? If there was more… then Arabella just did t know how she would cope at all.The way he was being so free, flirty and touchy with her, was a tremendous turn on for her and if he did more… oh heavens!Now, just as she picked her salad, he proceeded to gently take her left hand from the table and placed it in front of his face., close to his lips. She could feel his breath.She let out
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Slutty Shenanigans
She shivered in the most exciting way, when Klaus flicked his tongue deftly over her needy and swollen clitoris. He was sipping her juices with his lips and running his tongue over her clit, and as he continued to pump in and out of her, Arabella's screams and moans filled the dining room.Every sound that came out from her mouth seemed to urge him on, as he continued to lap her and digging her fingers into his hair, she continued to egg him on too.He kissed her molds gently, paying attention to the mound of silky hair beside and underneath them.He playfully bit the skin of her pussy lips and he felt her shiver, a moan dropping out from her lips again as she cried out, “Please, don't stop, master."Her plea was accompanied by high pitched screams of her pleading and begging for more, and luckily he adhered to wishes.Damn he had never had a woman shivering like this underneath him, and it was bliss. He could feel the tension building inside her, and so he quickened his mouth moveme
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Shy Mornings
Arabella woke up the next morning and attended to all her morning duties. She took her bath, dressed her bed and put her room in order.Then taking the cleaning supplies from the store room, she proceeded to wash the house clean, except the last floor, which she would do later in the day.Once she was sure that all the parts of the mansion she had cleaned were shining and free of dust, she got dressed in her maid uniform - which she had neatly ironed and folded the week before - and walked down the stairs, matching to the kitchen for breakfast.She had woken up late today than usual, and she knew this because of the harsh sun rays that greeted her eyes once her eyelids parted open.Also she had no idea if master Klaus had called back everyone to the mansion, since it’d been empty last night but well if he had then Arabella knew for a fact that Mrs George would have been done with breakfast already, so she would not be in the kitchen. The woman liked to take in sunshine from the garden
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Impromptu Decisions
Arabella hurried to the kitchen and dropped her plates into the sink, and for the rest of the day she busied herself with the rest of her chores. She scrubbed the guest bathroom and toilets in the house, dusted the shelves in the library and mopped the floor, cleaned the windows in all the rooms in the last floor of the mansion. When she was done with all of these, she saw that time had passed so well, and also sure that her master would no longer be at home anymore only then did she decide to risk going downstairs to clean the kitchen.She knew that Mrs George must have been done preparing lunch which Master Klaus would have whenever he returned home for dinner - Her master barely stayed at home in the afternoon - She stepped into the kitchen to meet a stack of greasy plates and pots in the sink, and without complaining, she proceeded to wash all the plates, and pots clean. Drying everything with a neat red towel, she arranged the cutleries into their designated cabinets and comp
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Klaus had quite a restless night after dinner, but he was finally able to give himself some necessary rest. The next morning, he got up and went about his normal morning routine. He had his breakfast earlier than usual - and without Arabella. He wanted the lady to have her space. Absence made the heart grow fonder after all, did it not? After his breakfast, he had a few minutes to go through his phones for business meeting schedules and messages from clients that he needed to reply to.He spent thirty minutes on his phone before he headed to the gym in his mansion. Klaus found working out therapeutic. It helped to clear his mind and keep his thoughts straight, and with the recent happenings with his new maid, Arabella, he needed to clear his mind a lot.So he pumped his energy into his push ups, planks, bench presses and every one of his muscle workouts.Once he was done, he picked up his water bottle and gulped down all the content in the bottle. He held his bottle in his right ha
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Master Klaus To The Rescue
"Come on, girl. Don't act dumb. Everyone knows that you're fucking the boss, so the name suits you. I have to give it to you though. You are so pretty and hot. It doesn't matter if the master has taken a huge chunk, I would love to take a bite of you too."Klaus overheard the guard speak in a disgusting tone, that caused his stomach to turn as he walked up the stairs. He stood at the foot of the stairs and caught the man raising his hand to touch Arabella, and in a second Klaus saw red.He knew he had to do something immediately, because if the man's hand touched Arabella, he would be left with no choice but to chop both his shoulders off and feed his arms to the dogs and vultures.His eyes widened with rage and his stomach burned with anger."What the hell is going on here?" He snarled with a loud voice.His voice resonated from the walls, and he got the desired effect he wanted when he saw both Arabella and the guard freeze on the spot. Neither of them had turned to look at him, f
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