All Chapters of Forbidden Rose: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
43 Chapters
Chapter 11
three days later Adante regained consciousness, from his accident and his wife Hera's rescue."Adante, son!" His mother hurriedly approached him when she noticed the awakening of his eyes.His father, Henry Bautista, also approached and carefully observed his face. While behind the gentleman was his wife Hera, who was worried about his condition."Son, can you hear me? Can you see me? Just a moment and I'll call the doctor," the lady was about to leave when the young man suddenly stopped her and grabbed her wrist, making her stop and turn to him."W-where was I?" the first word out of his mouth.The lady looked at her husband who was right next to her and there was a trace of surprise on her face."You're in the hospital, son." The lady's weak response to him."Hospital? but why, what am I doing here? and what really happened to me?" He asked one after the other which surprised his parents and even Hera couldn't believe what she heard from her husband."W-what do you mean? don't you r
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Chapter 12
after taking Hera's parents to the final destination, I informed her that I have something important to take care of and I am not sure when I will be able to return or how long it will take me.It's hard for me to leave him like that and be alone, but I promise myself that my leaving will not be wasted.I went to the precinct to ask for their help in solving the case that happened to the Marcaida family, but they only scolded me because they said that I was just a lowly bodyguard of theirs and that only relatives have the right to complain or continue the research on that case.I didn't do anything but go out. They also have a point but I can't allow everything to come to nothing.So I tried to discover that crime alone. My destiny was not easy because my own life depended on it and at any time the people behind it all could come back to me.While I was walking in a dark street, my attention seemed to be aroused by a black car parked not far away, its windshield was open and suddenly
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Chapter 13
I discovered that the person who deleted the file on the cctv footage obtained from the date of the accident scene in the Marcaida family was Beverly Andrada better known as Bana, Gwen's younger brother.A big question for me now is why his younger brother was involved in this and what did he have to do with the incident that happened with the Marcaidas?In order to find the answer to that question, I returned to the place where he worked, the night club.I also checked Bana's true personality and found out that he is just a high school student. I also learned that their mother died of AIDS and that she was often teased at their school because of her mother's past, where she was also a hostess who sold her own body.Before I went to the said night club, I briefly passed by the former residence of the Andrada family.In a small village I found it at the very end, where the people who live there don't go often. Only the quiet whistling of the wind can be heard there.I am now standing o
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Chapter 14
with the help of Rash, the location where the Andradas used to live was immediately investigated.I am currently inside my car secretly observing the ongoing investigation.I have no intention of interfering with them or even showing up because I know they will question me as to why I am here or what I am doing at the said crime scene.From not far away I noticed Rash walking towards where I was. He simply looked around the whole area, before he got inside my car."What's up?" I openly asked him when he got inside."We found Joseph," he said which surprised me."Huh? what do you mean?" I asked with a look of surprise on my face."His body was traced buried in the ground. And that's not all," he stopped speaking for a moment and reached for my cell phone. On his cellphone can be seen some photos he took from the scene of the crime."Are the things I see real?" I looked at him. He nodded his head and let out a deep breath. In those photos, you can see the horrible things that happened t
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Chapter 15
I was just inside the car waiting for Rash to come back. It was only a few minutes before I saw him from outside the precinct. He simply looked around before he entered my car."You're not leaving yet," he said to me when he got inside."I'm really waiting for you," I started the car and left that place."Wait a minute, where do you intend to take me?" he said with a trace of fear on his face."In the place where the brothers work (Gwen and Bana.)" I replied to him and he continued to drive."Wait, maybe you're not in a hurry, right?" he wondered as he clung tightly to his seat."I've wasted a lot of time so I should find that girl right away," I told him.In less than an hour we arrived at the said place. Where the Andrada brothers work."Is that it?" he asked when we got out of the car."Wait a minute, where are you talking about?" he turned and asked me. I took off my sunglasses and was amazed at what I saw."What happened here?" I wonder to myself."That's exactly what I want to a
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Chapter 16
My stomach almost flipped when Rash kissed me. I also pushed him immediately and quickly avoided him. With the force of my pushing him, he let go of the gun he was holding and just sat on the floor.I thought that was my chance to take that gun away from him and I was not disappointed. Because even before he got it, I was ahead of him right away."Bon," he said with a trace of fear on his face. He looked up at me while I pointed the gun at him."Tell me, what does this have to do with you and what do you know?" I asked him weakly but firmly. He raised both of his hands and it was obvious in his eyes that he was hiding something else from me."Nothing. I don't know anything about what's being said, Bon. Besides, have you forgotten? We're good friends so I know you can't hurt me." He said even though I feel guilty for doing this to him."That was then and not now." After I said that, the smile on his lips suddenly disappeared. I took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes."W-what did
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Chapter 17
while I was resting inside my car, I was suddenly distracted when I felt the vibration of my cellphone from my pants pocket.I opened my eyes and immediately pulled it out of my pocket.I saw that I received two messages from an unknown number. I opened it and was shocked to realize that the message came from Mina.(Visit me at this address.-Mina) was stated in the first message he sent and the second message contained the location or address where he was.I didn't waste a few more seconds and immediately went to the location he sent me.That place is quite far and because it is in a neighboring province, where he currently lives and works in a private hospital, so it took me three hours to reach the said place.I stopped for a while when I got to the market. First I bought some clothes to replace what I was wearing today and some food because I was feeling a little hungry. I think I haven't eaten for more than two days and since I don't feel like eating either, since I witnessed Ras
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Chapter 18
"Don't!" I shouted loudly when Mina swallowed the small memory card.I urgently approached him but I only took a few steps when I suddenly felt dizzy and all of a sudden my whole surroundings started spinning.I just fell to my knees and quickly fell to the floor. The last thing I remember is that he was saying something to me but I couldn't hear it and then my eyes suddenly closed.When I regained consciousness I found myself lying in an unfamiliar room. I also got up immediately and felt the weight from the back of my head because of my fall earlier.The door suddenly opened and Mina came in carrying a glass of water. I was about to stand up when I stopped and realized that one of my hands was handcuffed to the bed."Mina," I called her name with a look of surprise on my face."I'm sorry, Bon. I have to do this for your own safety." He said as he placed a glass of water on the side table."What do you mean?" I'm curious about him. He took the chair and sat in front of me."I know ev
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Chapter 19
I carefully entered the exit stairs and closed it slowly. From the second floor I could hear a man's voice that sounded like he was talking to someone on his cell phone."Don't worry and I'll take care of everything, Dad." The last word I heard from him was when he hung up.Dad? does that mean he's talking to his father? I whispered from my mind."Hey, I'm just thinking about something. It turns out he's talking to a family member." I promised myself weakly and was about to go out, but I immediately stopped when I remembered his familiar voice.Wait a minute, why do the man who kidnapped us and the mysterious man with the mask on his face seem to have the same voice? Could he be the one I heard earlier? I looked up again at where he was and hurriedly climbed the stairs to go to him.He left the exit immediately when I caught up with him but I still didn't stop and I continued to follow him as he walked while bowing my head and simply observing the face of every person I met.It looks
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Chapter 20
when we got out of the hospital, I begged Mina if she could temporarily watch over Hera, while I was gone. At first he refused, but later I agreed. I told him that I had something important to attend to and was not sure when I would be able to return.After our conversation, I immediately learned the true identity of the mysterious masked man named Allen. Suddenly, what happened before the incident occurred in my mind as well as the removal of the mask of the man inside the car and shot at the tire of the car we were riding. It was only now that I realized that it was Allen who was sitting in the driver's seat and driving the car at that moment. Perhaps he passed the mask he was wearing to the person next to him to confuse me as to which of the two was the real leader of their group.A month later I discovered that he was not from the Philippines. He grew up in a foreign country, in Russia, but according to the tone of his speech, it was as if he had mastered the Italian language. If
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