All Chapters of RENAISSANCE WEREWOLF: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
59 Chapters
Chapter 41: Ghost Is Back
As Granny Fray and her nurse tended to their business in the ward, they were taken aback by the sudden appearance of Marcus.As he caught sight of their perplexed expressions, Marcus lifted his hand with a sly grin and greeted both Granny Fray and the nurse with a friendly "hello".Pascal, uninterested in Marcus' presence, turned his attention to Granny Fray and asked if she was prepared.Granny Fray nodded in affirmation, and the three of them left the ward together before exiting the hospital altogether.As they approached Noah's car, Marcus grew increasingly anxious, noticing that it was left unlocked. "Why is the car open? Don't tell me Noah has abandoned it..." he muttered suspiciously.Pascal frowned at the sight, "Excuse me, Granny Fray. I'll be right back," he said before turning around and hurrying back into the hospital.Marcus took the opportunity to compliment Granny Fray, "You look absolutely beautiful at your age. I hope to be as healthy and strong as you when I'm older.
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Chapter 42: Your Soul Is Already Mine
As he moved swiftly towards the commotion, he could hear the sound of someone being beaten up. When he arrived, he saw Catherine surrounded by her goons, who were attacking a defenceless girl. "Why didn't you follow my instructions and give her the poisoned drink?" Catherine asked coldly, as the girl knelt before her, battered and bruised. The girl begged for mercy, apologizing for not being able to poison Katie Clyde, who had done nothing wrong. Catherine's anger at this display of loyalty to Katie only grew, and she lifted her baton to strike the girl.But before she could, a strong force clamped her arm and suspended her mid-air. "That's enough," Pascal said in a frigid tone, startling Catherine and her six accomplices.As Pascal seized the baton, Catherine stepped back and confronted him with fury: "Who are you? How dare you stop me from teaching her a lesson?"Catherine's plans had been foiled, particularly her scheme to eliminate Katie Clyde, and she could not bear it.Pascal
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Chapter 43: An Awkward Encounter
"Katie Clyde expressed her disapproval with a grumble as Chloe announced something. "Not again, Chloe," she said. Chloe insisted that she was serious this time. Pascal was a few meters away, and Katie Clyde spotted him. She stood up and greeted him, looking very happy. "Congratulations, Katie. I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier. I had something to take care of," Pascal apologized. Katie Clyde hugged Pascal as he approached, feeling shy and happy at the same time. Chloe chimed in, "I'll fall in love too. I'm jealous." Pascal suggested taking pictures, and Chloe agreed. The three of them took many pictures before walking over to Chloe's car."As Chloe and Katie were about to get into their car, a timid, nerdy-looking boy approached them. "Hold on, Chloe," he called out. "Congratulations." Chloe's face darkened at the sight of him, and she rolled her eyes. "Thanks, Scot, but I'm not into timid guys. I hate shy guys."Scot looked up at her, his voice barely above a whisper. "If I become b
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Chapter 44: What Can The Horse Of A Man Do?
"Excuse me, is Katie Clyde available to meet with me?" asked a well-dressed man carrying a suitcase.Pascal acknowledged the man and replied, "Please come in. However, Ms. Clyde is currently asleep. I can go and fetch her for you.""Thank you," the man responded gratefully.Pascal welcomed the man inside and directed him to a comfortable chair before heading towards Katie Clyde's room. He knocked on the door and heard her inviting him to come in.Upon entering, Pascal saw Katie sitting upright on the bed with her back resting against the bedboard. He couldn't help but feel a bit flustered as her cleavage was exposed, revealing her fair, snow-white skin. Her hair cascaded to one side, and her face had a flushed, seductive look as if she had been drinking.Trying to maintain his composure, Pascal quickly looked away and mumbled, "Someone is here to see you."He left quickly afterwards surprising Katie Clyde who blurted out "strange, what is wrong with him?"She changed her nightgown and
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Chapter 45: They Are Coming
As they ventured into the forest, Marcus trailed behind Pascal in search of Centaur. Suddenly, Pascal stopped in his tracks and sniffed the air. In a flash, he teleported to where Centaur was roasting a whole goat over a blazing fire.Marcus was taken aback by the sight and remarked, "That's quite a feast you have there. What a wild horse you are."The commotion caught Centaur's attention, and he quickly reached for his bow, ready to strike at Marcus. But before he could make a move, Pascal intervened, barking at Centaur in Saxon. He warned him, "Stop it, Centaur, or I will kill you right now!"Centaur locked eyes with Pascal and realized he wasn't joking. With a grunt of displeasure, he glared at Marcus with fury.Pascal then addressed Centaur, "Come with us. I need your help."Pascal commanded Centaur, "As your emperor, I, Emperor Georgi, order you to follow me." Centaur remained silent and unmoved, causing Pascal's demeanour to change. However, Marcus found the use of the imperial
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Chapter 46: People From The Past 1
Noah was gripped by fear and anxiety as he addressed Pascal. "I'm sorry, Pascal, but I have to leave. A friend from college called and asked me to pick him up from the airport. I must go now. Have a good day," he said before turning and hurrying away.Marcus couldn't help but feel anger towards Noah's apparent cowardice. However, he couldn't ignore the gravity of Pascal's words. "Do you think we need to make any special arrangements? We can't afford to be caught off guard," he asked.Pascal responded in a calm and collected manner, "There is no need for that. Are you afraid?" Marcus was taken aback by Pascal's nonchalant response, "Why wouldn't I be? After all that you've said, it feels like the world is on the brink of collapse and could end any moment," he exclaimed in frustration.Pascal's lips curved into a smile as he spoke lightly, "You are the Demon King, why should you be afraid?"But Marcus retorted, "Even the Devil is afraid of his end. Why shouldn't I be? I enjoy my libert
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Chapter 47: People From The Past 2
Pascal turned around and saw a man dressed in white from head to toe. The man had a masculine face, with a deep voice and a beard, but also had big breasts and buttocks. Pascal's expression soured as he called out, "Rawls!" Rawls chuckled and said, "It's me, Georgi. Did you miss me? I had to travel for miles to resurrect your father's corpse and send him to you. You're not a filial child, Georgi."Pascal sneered in response, "Filial? To your puppets? You must be insane."Rawls frowned and said, "You don't speak like a noble anymore. You've been contaminated by these lowly humans. I'll have to purge your blood from them."Pascal tried to approach Rawls, but the ground quickly swallowed him up. After looking around and realizing that Rawls had left, Pascal returned to Katie Clyde.Katie Clyde appeared worried and asked, "Where did he go?" "I sent him back." Pascal looked at her with tenderness and then asked, "Have you eaten?"Katie Clyde smiled sweetly and replied, "no, I'm already pr
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Chapter 48: The Resurrected Parents
Pascal faced the couple who stared back at him kindly. He heard Katie Clyde's voice behind him and stepped away from the door. He realized that Rawls must have resurrected Katie Clyde's parents."Mom, dad," Katie said as she appeared behind Pascal."Katie, my child, you have grown so big now," Mrs. Clyde said as she stepped forward to embrace her daughter.Mr. Clyde also approached and said, "Your mother was worried about you. She decided to end our holiday so that we could come and see you."Katie Clyde's eyes reddened as she exclaimed, "Dad, I thought the both of you were dead."Mrs. Clyde became aggressive and snarled, "You are the one that is dead. How can we die?"Pascal stepped in quickly to prevent Katie Clyde from worsening the situation with the couple. "Please, come in and take a seat. Let me fetch glasses of water for both of you. You must be exhausted from travelling," he said, trying to ease the tension.Mrs. Clyde smiled and expressed her gratitude. "Thank you, you are s
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Chapter 49: Broken Bonds: A Tale of Betrayal and Redemption
Katie Clyde couldn't bear to let Mrs. Clyde insult Granny Fray, so she spoke up. "Mom, she doesn't mean that," she said.Mrs. Clyde sneered and glared at Katie with fury. "Katie, you are such an ungrateful child. Did you tell this old beggar that we're dead?" she spat.Katie was taken aback by the intensity of her mother's hatred. Mr. Clyde chimed in with a deep voice, "We've spoiled Katie too much. It's time for her to learn a lesson."But Pascal intervened, saying firmly, "That's enough." Mrs. Clyde became hysterical, shouting, "That's not enough! I want to show this bastard that I'm her mother!"In a shocking move, Mrs. Clyde pulled out a knife, leaving Granny Fray and Katie Clyde stunned. Pascal quickly turned to Katie and instructed her, "Take Granny Fray inside the house. I'll take care of them."As Pascal handled the situation outside, Katie guided Granny Fray into the house, her eyes filling with tears. Once inside, Granny Fray looked at Katie with confusion and asked, "Are th
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Chapter 50: Granny Fray In Trouble
The guard was taken aback as Marcus appeared suddenly beside him, causing him to fall back and land on his rear end. Pascal, on the other hand, was uninterested in the commotion and chose to teleport straight into the warehouse.Marcus expressed his disappointment with Pascal's lack of enthusiasm, then turned his attention to the frightened guards. With a sly grin, he teased them by saying, "Maybe next time," before snapping his fingers and appearing next to Pascal.There, As Pascal and Marcus approached, they were met with a gruesome sight: Noah, bound to a cross and bleeding profusely. His head hung low in obvious pain. "Damn, Noah's really suffering," Marcus noted, a hint of a smirk on his lips."He is," a voice interrupted them. Pascal and Marcus turned to see the leader of the rogue pack that had abducted Pascal."How long were you planning on hiding in there?" Pascal asked coldly.The rogue pack leader sneered. "Not necessarily hiding. I was simply waiting for your friend. You'r
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