All Chapters of Curse of the Four Dragons: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
72 Chapters
Rushing to find the Island's secrets
Cai Kang was in her room trying to study but just stopped to groan. She decided that the other girls go back despite their protests with only Nuying staying behind. There are five girls left on the island that she can't find. She needs a bath but stops upon noticing a large water basin to wash her face in. She is reluctant to try it but she's been practicing it for a while since she discovered it.She did a couple of handsigns she remembers seeing in one of her dreams and she shrunk to a tiny size and jumped in the basin. She then appeared at the beach. She quickly went back to normal size and immediately felt dizzy and nauseous. Realizing she's gonna vomit, she quickly ran to a secluded part of the island and threw up. This ability to change size is useful but it causes extreme changes to the body which would come with its own side effects especially vertigo. She should be glad that her organs are still in the right place and size. She hasn't mastered it for long so it will take a whi
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The Prophecy of Wings
Cai Kang rushed down the stairs as fast as he can although he could feel the vibration resulting from a fight with Kurai and the guards. He continues to run down as fast as he could until he could see light at the end of the tunnel. He stop to notice the vegetation in the path. There is green healthy-looking grass at the ground and the walls with vines that are covering everything. He walked through the whole thing. The chi in this area is so strong and nourishing that these plants are growing in an unexpected place. After walking in for a bit, he saw the amber casing. It is basically covering the entire dead end. Looking closely was an body of a woman with a frozen expression of sleep. It's Xue; the woman in his dream."It's you." he expressed. "What are you doing here?" Cai Kang touched the amber. There is no sign of life. She's dead. Then there was a sudden soft tremor that nearly shook the entire place. Cai Kang looked back to see nothing. That was not him. He then turned around to
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Yuto's awareness
Cai Kang suddenly appears in a familiar setting with no idea how he got there. It is filled with many lushous trees and after walking a bit further, he can see he is at the edge of a cliff with a view of a river, immediately recognizing the place. It's the Fujian province. He thought then continued walking a bit more until he saw a giant tree. "This was not there before." He said to himself before walking towards it. He then saw a large engraving on it. "明" he said to himself and touched it. He looked at it for a moment and realized something.Cai Kang opened his eyes to a view of the ceiling. With a gasp, he stood up wide awake noticing the number of beds in one room and all the people on them. It was everyone and they are all injured. Even the girls were not spared lightly. The only one he doesn't notice is Nuying. Of course she's fine. Her own self-healing abilities are far stronger and faster than all of theirs. Cai Kang isn't injured but he feels sore for the first time in years.
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Hearts unraveled
"What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to poison everyone?!" Cai Kang yells and tosses the food away."What are you doing?!" Nuying screams. "I spent hours making that!" "No way am I gonna let you feed this crap you call food! The only person I could see eating that and live is not here right now so let me do the cooking! Everyone is still out cold so just some rice porridge would do. You may be a healer but you can't even prescribe some good food, can you?" He said, leaving her seething but she got over it after seeing Cai Kang prepare something simple with a serious look on his face. She then smirked seeing his expression."I have never seen you look serious when it comes to something trivial as cooking. Is it because you came back from a battle?" she questioned with a smile.He looks back with a cringe. "Everyone just passed out. Of course, I have to do something about it. It was my fault that this happened. I have to take responsibility."Nuying raised a brow. As the only he
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I wish
Cai Kang looked at the tree with the poorly carved character 明 on it. Ming. It means bright. There are many meanings to Ming. He can't help but stare at the tree, not understanding its meaning but mesmerized by it. Then he saw someone in the distance. Due to the sun's glare, he had trouble seeing what is in front of him and could only see the sillhouette. The sillhouette is a young woman with long wavy hair and wearing a school uniform. Then after getting closer, he recognizes her. Her hair and eyes were the color of the desert sand and her smile is just as joyful and hearty."Maiko," he says is bewilderment. Upon hearing her name, Maiko turns to see Cai Kang with her usual joyful smile. She pulled his arm and led him to the grass and twirls him around and around like they are in a ballroom dance before pulling his arm somewhere. It is clear that she is leading him somewhere. No words are said.She led him to a cliff which shows the view of a large civilization that stretches beyond t
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Dragons in Danger
Cai Kang and the others are at the courtyard enjoying a game of soccer before an incoming attack. The Kyo in the school all felt it before evacuating."Run!"The other students were confused but also followed behind before something hit the soccer field causing tremors and creating a crater. The whole building rumbled and everyone standing, unaware, were either hiding underneath something or fallen from the shaking.Cai Kang and Kurai were the first to see it. It was Yuto, no longer wearing modern clothes but into foreign battle clothes. "Hey," he says."What the hell are you doing?!" Kurai shouts."To get you." He said.Cai Kang glared at him. "You're crazy-"But Yuto interrupts him by grabbing his face and flying midair."You know, I still hold a bit of a grudge for last time so before I crush your face, you better cooperate."Cai Kang bit his hand which made Yuto drop him and he landed on his two feet. After Cai Kang got out of the way, Kurai stepped forward to shoot his fire at Yu
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More like the sun than the moon
After the trio were finally let in, Nuying and Xianliang sneered at the guards as they walked in and made themselves comfortable."What is up with the security? Did you have a break in?" Xianliang asked."It is the Nadeshiko Squadron. They are an elite squad who are normally positioned in Osaka but they are here for some reason." Konomi said. "They just appeared and surrounded the place." she stared at Cai Kang and Kurai. It is quite clear to her. "Do you know why they're here then?" Ren asked his sister."I help administrate and manage the Shiratori family but not its military. I'm afraid that I know nothing." she said."Surely, you must've known with that sharp hearing of yours." Nuying said to Kazuha."No, I won't in my own house." she said. "Ever since my potential unlocked, there is a barrier in each room to prevent sound from coming out. That barrier has strengthened since the Nadeshiko Squadron entered. Even if I want to eavesdrop, I won't be able to." "They're here for us." K
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Leaving the country
It was morning but still dark. Everyone was awake and head to the Inverse harbor where they would go on a boat to the Island. When they arrived, they were shocked to see it. It is no ordinary boat. It is a warship. To say it is large is an understatement. It is blocking the view. To make a comparison, it is the same size as a cruise ship. They could've teleport there, especially since Cai Kang knows what it looks like and how to get there, but according to Yuto, their safety measures are so effective that if they teleport by water without warning, the water will melt their skin off and all of them will be deemed as intruders. As for the size of the ship, the envoy did say that it was a former warship and is currently one of the few transportations capable of getting to the island.Cai Kang hugs everyone but notices that Kurai looking more unhappy than he does with his goodbyes. Nuying had to pat him down before he hugs her to death.When Cai Kang and Kurai got onto a large wooden ship.
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Youthful memories
Kurai followed the pair but before he knew it, he suddenly felt like the ground beneath him is light and felt himself falling. He is tempted to use his fire to fly but stopped by a sudden roar."Don't you dare use your flames!"Kurai didn't argue back but is still falling before it suddenly stops and Kurai opens his eyes and held his still fast beating heart and noticed he is extremely warm and sweaty as his clothes are completely wet. He was panting in both fear and is obviously perturbed. He looked behind him to see Yuto also panting a bit but he doesn't seem as overwhelmed as him."How do you feel?" Yuto asked while using his towel to pat himself dry."Strong" Kurai said. His chi feels warm and he feels like he's strong enough to create a fire wheel but it feels incomplete."Congrats, that was your first chakra point. It was a lot faster because you apparently remember something that triggered it. Normally it would've taken days but with us as dragons, it gives quite a boost.""Trig
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The Lament of Yuto and Wihwa
Kurai heard an alarm and woke up frustrated seeing the freakin shikigami act like an alarm clock."Oh goddammit!" He shoved the pillow on top of his head to dry to stop the noise but the shikigami approach his bed and struggled to remove the pillow."Okay! I'm up! What time is it?" he grumbled, still half asleep."It is seven in the morning.""Seven?! I rarely had time to sleep!" he yelled."You mustn't ruin your sleeping schedule especially once we arrive at our destination."Kurai grumbled as he noticed it is storming outside but the ship remains calm and there is no turbulance."What's going on?""There is a barrier that surrounds over ten meters around the ship protecting it from the levels of protection surrounding the island.""How much longer til we even arrive?" he said."Two days.""Uh huh" he replied before seeing his breakfast at the dining table. It is a typical japanese light breakfast.He quickly finished it although it is not fulfilling. Then he dresses up in casual clot
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