All Chapters of Bone Thin: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
40 Chapters
Chapter 21: Moving On
We leave the police station and head home. I'm a free woman. I've only been around Officer Barnes twice in my life. He seems to be a decent man. The world has two types of men, decent and asshole. There's no in-between. Collin is decent, Mr. Henry, my art teacher, is decent, and Officer Barnes is decent. The world needs more men like them.How the hell am I going to tell Selah I got beat up by Chad and taken to a police station? And what about Collin?The car ride home is silent. My family doesn't know how to react to my unpredictability anymore. I can't blame them. One minute I'm hospitalized; the next, I'm a victim in a police station.I watch the electrical wires as we drive past. They go up and down. That's my life. I'm up. I'm down. My life current still flows within me. The car comes to a stop in the driveway.My whole family sits in the car in a never-ending silence. My dad pulls back the curtain of quiet."Natalie, a decision has been made on your behalf," dad announces."What
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Chapter 22: Collin
My packed bags are in Sammy's car. The new chapter in my life is about to unfold. I'm excited to see how things will be different. I still haven't spoken to Collin. I decide to text him.Me: Collin, we need to catch up.Collin: Where have you been?Me: I can't text about this. It's too much.Collin: I understand. Want to go on a date tonight?Me: Sure, can you pick me up from my aunt's?Collin: Sure. What time?Me: 7?Collin: See you then.When my life is calm, I know there's a storm on its way. That's how it happens, right? You are either in the calm before the storm or right in the eye. And that's where I am, in the eye of the storm. It's calm only for a moment. If I look around me and see my horizons, I will see the swarming chaos encircle me and surround me. I won't be consumed by it quickly, but when the eye passes, it will hit me hard.When I get hit, will I purge? Will I drop out of the program? Will I get dumped by Collin? That's how it goes. The story of my life, the story of
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Chapter 23: Evil
I still haven't told Selah about my life. I've been so distant. She knows Chad wanted me to steal his family's heirloom, but that's it. I call Selah and confess about Chad beating me up. I confess about my move to Aunt Tara's house. I discuss my enrollment into an eating disorder recovery program."That's a lot," Selah says."I know," I reply."What are you going to do about Italy?" She asks."I'm going. My Aunt Tara is coming. It's the only way the recovery program will let me go," I say."I see. Well, I am so damn excited. We can make out with European hotties," Selah says."I can't," I say."Oh, sure you can. It will be like the time you made out with Joey Vanderburgh behind Chad's back," she says."I CAN'T," I say."Yes, you can. What's wrong with you?" She asks."Collin's different," I reply."Look, I like you with Collin. I really do. But it's Europe, and they are fucking hot. I'm sure he'd understand," she begs."No, Selah. I'm not cheating on Collin," I say angrily."Why not?"
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Chapter 24: Tiger
Chad gets off me. The world is wicked. I'm exhausted, cold, and frozen in time. What just happened? Did I freeze? Is this a dream? You should have run, you idiot.I hear footsteps downstairs."Natalie? Are you here?" Collin yells.My voice is trapped inside. I can't speak. I can't say a damn word.Chad grabs my hair and forces me to look into his steely eyes."It's your boyfriend. Let's go greet the bastard," Chad smirks.My jaw quivers. My body quakes. I. Am. Nothing."Hello, Collin. Remember me?" Chad taunts Collin."Chad, let Natalie go," Collin demands as he makes his way up the stairs.I sense a confrontation. I'm not worth it, Collin."Go away, Collin," I whisper."You heard the bitch. It's time for you to leave. Natalie and I have some unfinished business," Chad says, pulling my hair harder."Let her go, Chad," Collin threatens."Is that a threat? From four-eyed Abernathy?" Chad taunts again."Last warning, Chad," Collin says, not backing down."You want her, come and get her,"
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Chapter 25: My Boyfriend
Two weeks have gone by since the Chad incident. I don't talk about it. I think about it. Relive it. Remember it. I bite myself. I purge. I want to stop purging.Aunt Tara is concerned. I don't blame her. I'm not me. Aunt Tara has delayed the start of my eating disorder recovery program. School is over. Aunt Tara got me out of homework. I only had to attend class. I didn't have to do finals.My parents cried when they found out. They came together again for another Natalie Ashman drama.Sammy cried. She hugged me. We had a girl's night and ate chocolate. It helped her feel better. It didn't help me.I haven't told Selah. I like having someone think I'm not tainted. I haven't called Collin. He understands I need my space.The eating disorder recovery program will begin after my trip to Italy. We are still going. My Aunt Tara explained my situation. She still has guardianship of me.She's traded bedrooms with me. I can't stay in my old room and see the spot where the great incident took
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Chapter 26: Ally
I haven't seen Selah in ages. She always finds out about my drama last. That's not fair to her. But it's reality. Reality is a bitch.Collin has been with me at my aunt's house for a while. Sammy gets home from the Penna Bakery. I haven't worked there in a month. I don't miss the smell of purge donuts, dirty dishes, and a sweaty Mrs. Penna. That lady needed deodorant badly. Chickens must have raised her.Aunt Tara met with Mrs. Penna and my parents and discussed the great incident. Mrs. Penna is giving me the summer off. I'm glad she's understanding. I hope to be a better employee when school picks up again. I can't seem to focus on anything for too long."Want to go to the Tavern?" Collin asks."Sure, sounds fun. I belong in the dark ages anyway," I reply."I can make you a smoothie," he offers."No, the black plague coffee will do fine," I say."Great, let's go," he says.The clouds are hiding the sun. The sun doesn't like my town. It disappears in winter and plays hide and seek in
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Chapter 27: Out of Trenches
Italy is two days away. I never thought I'd make it to Europe. Europe was for those other people. Those rich people, I wasn't lucky enough to be.Aunt Tara has paid for me to go. Collin's family is rich by nature. The Abernathy's own three taverns in town and a hotel. Not sure what their income is, better than most, I'm sure.The Abernathy's have an apartment above the tavern I go to. They also have a house. It's the house Collin took me to to roast s'mores. He really is out of my league.I'm glad I don't have to worry about school and homework. Thank God, it's summer. I can focus on the brightness of the sunshine—the freedom its warmth brings to earth.I don't have to worry about the Penna Bakery. Thank heaven, I don't have to work over the summer.I'm not looking forward to therapy. Not only do I need therapy for my eating disorders, but now I have to get cleansed from the great incident. Chad damaged me, and adults want to fix me with their useless chatter.Not enough therapy in th
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Chapter 28: Welcome to Rome
The plane smells like vomit. We have almost landed. Luckily, it wasn't Collin's vomit or mine. I didn't eat the plane food. I brought squeezy apple sauce for myself. I'm like a preschool kid at snack time.The plane lifts its wheels. I feel the bump of the plane hit the runway. Welcome to Rome!I don't know Italian. My Aunt Tara has a basic Italian language book. It has simple phrases for shopping and eating inside."We made it," Collin exclaims."Yes, we did. I'm so excited," I say.Maybe I can become a new person overseas. The old tainted me can die, and I can become anyone I want. I can be anything I choose to be. Italy doesn't know Natalie Ashman. Let's keep it that way. I can just be Natalie, girlfriend of Collin."We made it, darling," Aunt Tara says.I'm excited to be here with my aunt. No therapy. No homework. No chores. No parents. Just summer vibes, no obligations, and relaxation."Natalie, I'm glad you're here. You too, Collin," Selah says."Thanks," Collin says.We get off
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Chapter 29: The Labyrinth
"Chad assaulted you?" Selah repeats.I can't believe my best friend had to find out like this."Selah...I didn't want to tell you like this," I say.I want to cry. I want to fall into a hole. Is it possible to disappear or die of embarrassment? Quite sure it is."Why didn't you tell me? I'm your best friend. Where the hell was I? All this bad shit keeps happening to you. Do you not like me anymore? First, you don't tell me about Collin. Then I find out you're dating. Then I'm the last to hear about your cave incident with Chad. And now you've been assaulted. Are you fucking kidding me? Why don't you like me anymore, Natalie? Why don't you want to tell me about your life anymore? Do you hate me this much? Does Collin know?" Selah asks."I was there," Collin says."You were there. What the fuck? And you let it happen? Go fucking figure," Selah says angrily."That's not how it happened. My aunt left her house, and Chad broke in. Chad took advantage of the situation. I was lucky Collin sh
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Chapter 30: Venice Day
Three days pass. Selah and Collin are becoming better friends. Italy is a country full of everything wonderful America won't have. Exotic food, ancient culture, and the cuisine that will make your mouth water. Even the pigeons are sexier. Today is going to be the best day. Today, we get to explore the wonders of Venice, Italy.My abuse is running rampant in the back of my mind. Pushing it down makes this trip less magical. Talking about it makes this trip miserable. Will I ever be me? Will I ever go on and face the days of my life as I once did?Venice is the city of theater masks. The city of aquatic roads. I want to hide behind a theatre mask and become the Phantom of the Opera. That would be the life. No one would abuse me then.We walk through the city. Pigeons chase us and peck at my head."Shoo, asshole, " I shout to the pigeon.A bird shits on my sundress. Lovely."Perfect. Fucking great, " I say."Oh, don't sweat it, Natalie. We can find you a new one in the market. You can ch
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