All Chapters of That Beauty is The Beast: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
71 Chapters
Chapter 32 Here for you
How I manage to sneak off while trying to keep the bandage on my hands clean is news to me. Since I cannot use my hands, I am stuck escaping using my human form. It’s pretty hard to be stealthy with how slow I am running on two legs. It’s a good thing that I decided to run off early, which allows me to reach the meeting point with Midnight. I feel cold and exposed because I am in my human form out here in the woods, not to mention that my hands are still healing. Since the blade that cut it is made of a special metal forged by hunters, it is taking a while for it to heal. It’s such bad timing, really. ‘Are you trying to get caught by coming here in your human form?’ The black wolf that I’ve been waiting to see for the past few days showed itself behind one of the trees. I knew that he was massive, but I never actually knew how massive. Even when I am standing on two feet, he is almost as tall as me. ‘Wait, no…’ He starts to move closer, bringing his nose close to my right hand. ‘Y
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Chapter 33 Scent
It’s not in question that I am in a good mood. Even though I am basically stuck in my room under the pretense that I am recovering from my wounds, I still can’t help but hum to myself. My wolf is happy, and so am I. I can’t wait until I meet Midnight again. I wonder what kind of lessons he is going to teach me. My moment of peace is broken when I hear a knock on my door. So much for my moment of silence. I headed for the door and unlocked it, only to find Ajax on the other side. “Your hand.” He simply states this while carrying a medicine box on hand. I have no idea what he means by mentioning my hand, so I just raise my bandaged hand for him to see. Ajax shakes his head. “That’s not what I mean. I just…I just mean that it is time for me to change your bandage.” “Change it? That’s kinda…” I start to hesitate, already knowing the state that my hand is in. I don’t want him to see that my wound has already healed at a rate faster than a human. “The bandage is fine.” I say stubbornl
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Chapter 34 Roller Coaster
I can’t shake off the feeling that there’s something about the scent that I caught on Ajax earlier. I feel like I should know the answer if I get another sniff of that scent. However, I could not smell anything from him anymore. Was it my imagination? “What’s wrong with you? Are your wounds hurting?” When Ajax realizes I'm falling behind, he pauses and turns around to look at me. “I brought some pain relievers with me if you want to drink them.” “Um…is that what you have in your backpack?” I can’t help but wonder while looking at the atrociously large backpack that he has strapped to his back. I have not seen him carrying anything other than his weapon. In fact, I don’t even see him carrying anything when attending classes. “Didn’t you say that we’re going to town with Holly? You look like you are about to go on vacation. What do you have in there anyway?” Ajax purses his lips and looks away. “Just stuffs…” “Stuffs? Stuffs like what?” “Nanya.” “Nanya?” “Nanya business!”
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Chapter 35 A Wolf Can Drive Too!
“Bluergh!” “It’s alright. Let it out.” Ajax rubs my back while I continue to spill my guts out to the garbage bin. “You shouldn’t have been so stubborn and ignored my warning about riding the roller coaster.” “What are you talking about? I did not get sick because of riding that…that human contraption! Don’t be ridicu—bluergh!” I could not even finish my sentence before a surge of nausea interrupted me. Humans are insane! They fear lycans and other mythical creatures, but they love to ride death rides like roller coasters. They must be sadists! Why would they build such a thing!? I wipe my mouth with the napkin that Ajax handed me before I straighten up to look at him like I wasn’t doubling over and puking a while ago. “That was a moment of weakness because of the pain in my hands, go it?” I say with confidence. “I wasn’t puking because of the roller coaster.” Ajax gives me a long, expressionless stare. “You hurt your hands, so you puked?” “Exactly.” What I said is obviousl
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Chapter 36 Horror Fun
Even though our clothes are drenched, I still can’t help but feel good. I mean, compared to Ajax, who is so wet from head to toe that he has to change clothes, I’d say that we got the better end of the rope. “Welcome back!” I greet Ajax with an innocent smile after he gets back with a new set of clothes that he packed in his bag. Ajax’s response was a devilish glare—he obviously more than hates me at this point. “Whose fault do you think this is?” He almost growls out the words. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” I say, averting my gaze from him, but still keeping a knowing smirk on my lips. I am fully aware of the rage emanating from him, and quite frankly, I enjoy it. “Your bandage got wet. Give me your hands.” He suddenly orders me and pulls me by the wrist. He carefully removes my bandages and grabs new and fresh ones from his backpack. He even applied medicine before covering my hands. Before he closes the bag, I manage to peek inside and see that there’s a whole me
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Chapter 37 Reaching Out
Max going rogue and missing is giving me more trouble than I could hope for. Because of what he’d done, everyone is on guard at this point, which means that it is going to be more difficult to sneak out of this place when I have to meet with Midnight. Not only that, but we have to conduct a search for the missing lycan. Normally, students like me aren’t allowed to roam around campus, except for Ajax, who always seems to have a special pass everywhere. Since Max is clearly attached to me, Indigo gave me a special pass to be part of the search team after days of having no luck. He figures that Max might probably appear if I am with them—in other words, they are going to use me as bait. Still, it is better that I am with them. With my nose, there’s a high chance that I might be able to track him down quicker. The only thing that I complain about is why Ajax has to be my partner for the search mission. “He’s not here.” I informed him as we were making our way to one of the alleys clo
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Chapter 38 Our Bond
It is like waking up from a dream—or a very perplexing nightmare—to find Ajax right here. Seeing the human hunter before me change so drastically has left me with conflicting emotions and mind boggling questions. Why are his eyes like that? Why are they glowing? Human eyes shouldn’t be glowing! With swift movements, Ajax leaps and is now standing a few feet from us. He drops his blades to the floor and cautiously makes his way over to us with his hands in the air like he is showing Max that he means him no harm. As he draws nearer, I see that his eyes have returned to normal, and I begin to doubt that what I saw was real. “Let the Belle go, and you can go back safely to your pack.” The calmness in his voice is more frightening than the fact that he is facing a lycan with no weapon at all. The three of us are alone in the woods with no one to stop these two aside from me if things end up in a fight. Having that thought in mind, who would I side with if things ended badly? Normally,
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Chapter 39 Why Werewolves Hide
“Are you Ajax or are you Midnight? What’s your real identity?” I demanded when he didn’t answer me the first time I asked. Ajax continues to let the question dwell in the air for a little longer before he seems to finally have found his voice. “The name Midnight is something that I came up with on the spot. You can call me Ajax, just like you usually do. Nothing has changed.” He turns his back to me as he goes to pick up his blades, cleans them, and puts them back in their sheaths. His broad shoulders tensed up against his fitted black shirt as he adjusted the straps on the sheaths. “Of course this changes things!” We’re still in enemy territory, and yelling like I am doing might not be the best course of action. I’m certain that my wolf is as distressed as I am. “All this time, you've been like me! You’re a werewolf!” Ajax lets out an exasperated sigh, brushing stray hairs hovering over his eyes out of his face. “You’re being a little bit overdramatic. You’ll attract unwanted att
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Chapter 40 Dawnbreak’s Alpha
Brick clad roads lined with wooden houses are what caught my attention. It is possible that this is the first time I have ever seen such a technologically advanced wolf pack, though still not on par with human civilization. From what I can see, construction in this area has only recently begun because there are some roads and houses that are currently being built. Even though the place is still developing, there’s a lot to see. It seems that housing for the families has been established first, along with another shed for medicine and food. They even made a poultry farm a few blocks down. The wolves in this area are all properly attired, not just in some shoddy animal felt that has been twine-sewn together. Every member of the pack also smells fresh and clean. It’s so different from the smell of sweat, urine, and blood that I am so accustomed to. As I walk along the road with Ajax, I notice a few lingering stares in our direction. At first, I thought that it must be due to Ajax b
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Chapter 41 Temporary Cooperation
Indigo is one of the well known and respected captains of the hunters in human territory. Learning that he was a werewolf rendered me speechless, and Ajax had to send him away to get me something to drink. “I can’t believe that you are so shocked to hear that Indigo is a werewolf, yet did not have the same reaction when I told you that I am one.” I think this is Ajax's attempt at a joke, but the way he says it is pretty dry, which makes the joke kind of pointless. Also, the fact that he is trying to clean the dirt and mud off of his jacket does not scream humor or concern to me at all. Come to think of it, I don’t think that I can judge him since I believe that I look worse. My jacket might have rips around the arm, and I am pretty sure that stray strands of hair are poking out of my ponytail. “That’s because Indigo has a pretty high rank within the hunters.” I try to wrap my head around the fact that the werewolves have infiltrated humans enough that a person like Indigo manage
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