All Chapters of The devil you know: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
93 Chapters
31, Angel's bliss
Bane enjoyed the moment of quiet he had with Emma in the car to the club. The day had been hectic, to say the least, and he had barely seen her. In one week, he had become used to having her by his side and found that he missed her not being there.“Is something bothering you?” Emma asked. He looked at her. She had her hair down, and it flowed over her naked shoulders. Emma was wearing a black, skintight, shoulder-less dress with a rhinestone harness. She had been in a good mood all day, which was odd when he considered the day she had had yesterday.“No, why are you asking?”“You looked lost, I thought, like you were trying to solve a problem,” she told him. Had she been watching him? The possibility sent a warm feeling through him, and he found he wanted to share his thoughts with her.“The meeting Jax and I went to this morning was with the mayor. Apparently, the city’s finances are tight, and he is asking businesses in the city to donate funds so they can keep healthcare and human
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32, Confessions
Emma looked at Simon. He was looking back at her with a strange expression. “What?” she asked.“There is something going on between the two of you.”“What are you talking about?”“Oh, come on. I have eyes, darling. He barely could keep his hands off you and that kiss on the cheek, and the way the two of you look at each other. I felt like I needed a condom.”“Simon!”“Oh, come on. Don’t be a prude. Tell me, what is the use of a best friend if you don’t tell me anything?” Simon whined.“Fine, but not here,” Emma said. Looking around the full club. “Let’s go to this VIP-room.”“That sounds like a plan to me,” Simon agreed.“Luke, could you take us to the room that was booked for us?” Emma asked.“Sure, Miss E. Do you want me to order you some drinks to be sent up?” “Yes, please. Two Angel’s bliss and a bottle of champagne, thanks.” They made their way up to the second floor. As they walked up the stairs, they came to a long landing where on one hand you had a long row of doors, on the
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33, Dancing angel
Bane and Jax had finished the talk they had had with Dave and Tobias. The talk had been kind of rough. Bane felt a little better afterwards. He needed to go check on Emma and her friend. Just to make sure she had a good time, before he headed to his office. As they walked into the club, his eyes were drawn to the dancefloor. He was surprised that not everyone in the club was staring at the spot where Emma and her friend were dancing. They looked ethereal as they moved together to the beat of the music. Two angels in a swirl of movement. A surge of jealousy took hold of Bane. He felt a need to yank his angel away from the man that danced with her. But he got a grip of his emotions and focused on the serene look on Emma’s face. She was enjoying herself and even though she and her friend moved provocatively to the music, they never touched except for fleeting moments. The more he looked, the more he could see the absence of attraction between the two of them. They just synced together.
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34, The accountant
When Bane walked into his office, followed by Jax, he walked over to the bar and poured two whiskeys. He took the ice filled handkerchief and put it in a glass so it wouldn’t drip and left it at the bar. “You will get in trouble if Emma finds out you took it off,” Jax smiled as he accepted a glass. “Just shut up. Did you get an update on the man?” Bane asked.“Bert O’Riley, a nobody if you don’t take into account that his grandfather runs the second largest factory in the city.”“Legit?”“Yes, squeaky clean, from what I can tell,” Jax told him.“If he would to disappear?”“He is the sole heir to it all. His father was a deadbeat, good for nothing, and old man O’Riley disowned him when Bert was two. Burt seems to follow in his father’s footsteps, but as he is the only male relative, the old man keeps him around,” Jax told Bane. “Fuck. It may be worth it,” Bane said.“You rearranged his face and intestines. Why not call it a day?”“He lay his hand on something that belongs to me,” Ba
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35, Why I call you angel
“I did as you told me, angel,” he lied. “You did not. It wouldn’t be as swollen if you had. But you are the one that will have to live with that,” she told him. She then encased his hand in between the both of hers. Bane liked the feeling and let his hand be there. It was throbbing if he was being honest, and he didn’t doubt that she was right. It would have helped if he had kept the ice on it. “I liked Simon,” he told her and kissed her neck. He could see the smile on her face. “I’m happy. So you don’t mind me having lunch with him next week?”“Not at all.” He kissed her neck again. A part of him wanted to take back his hand and use it to move her hair out of the way. The other part of him was happy having her hands around his and told him not to move. He let that side win and settled to kiss her cheek. She leaned her head on his shoulder. “Tired?” he asked. “A little, mostly just content.” He smiled at that. They arrived home and for once she had to get out of the car first. He
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36, You are beautiful
“My aunt reminds me that I need to lose some weight, especially if I want men to find me attractive,” Emma said in a low voice. “Fucking hell, Emma. There is nothing wrong with your body, you don’t need to change anything to make men want you,” Bane tried to tell her. He knew that years of being told something wouldn’t go away that easily. But he would tell her every day that she was beautiful, he would show it to her, until she believed it and he had erased the words of the fucking which of an aunt had put in her mind. “Is that why you never let me treat you to deserts?” he asked. She just nodded. Bane kissed her, the kiss was filled with passion, but nut the desperate burning kind. No, he wanted to show that he desired her in a deeper way than just to fill his urgent need. As they finally broke apart, they were both out of breath.“I know it’s hard for you to believe me, angel. But you are beautiful. If I didn’t have my reputation and two of the best bodyguards, I would have to fig
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37, An offer
Bane felt Emma make herself comfortable in his arms, and he enjoyed the feeling. He played with her hair and felt like he didn’t want the night to end. “Why were you living with your aunt and uncle?” he asked her. He already knew from the background check he had done. But he wanted to listen to her talk for a little longer. He felt her tense up in his arms and cursed at himself. Of course this was not a subject that she enjoyed talking about.“I lost my parents when I was nine,” she told him.“I’m sorry angel, I shouldn’t have asked,” he said, placing a kiss on her head.“No, it’s fine. Before that, I had a fantastic childhood. My parents were kind and loving and when I think back on that time, it just seems filled with light and warmth. After they died, my uncle and aunt took me in. Uncle Jonas is my father’s brother, I didn’t have any other relatives. So, in a way, I was lucky that they agreed.” There was a small pause, as if Emma needed to gather herself. Bane was about to tell he
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38, A hard bargain
Emma walked into her bedroom with Simon. It felt a little strange to be back. She had only been inside her room to collect some clothing since it had been destroyed. She towed Simon to the bed and they both sat down on it. “What’s up?” Simon asked.“I just want to make sure you think this through before you make any decision. I know how good of a salesman Bane can be, and it isn’t helping that Jax is looking all smug,” she said.“I appreciate that, what do you think I should do?”“I’m not going to tell you that. It’s your life and your future. But I am going to tell you some things that the two charming men in there won’t tell you. You have seen one side of Bane and of the organisation. But there is another side, one that is darker and not as pleasant. And when Bane says that he will do everything he can to keep you out of that side, he will. But things happen, things even he can’t control.”“Emma, I know they aren’t exactly walking the straight and narrow. I know they are the mafia,
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39, Pool time
“How can I help you, miss E?” Luke asked, glancing at Simon.“Simon and I are going for a walk and Bane asked me to take you or Ben with us, and here you are. Do you have time to accompany us?” “Sure, no problem,” he said and tried to steal a cookie and got a slap on the hand from Anna. “Thank you. Anna, could I ask something from you as well?” “Of course, miss Emma, what do you need?” “Simon and I were thinking of spending the afternoon by the pool, but Simon didn’t bring any swim shorts. Do you know if there is a way he could borrow some?” Emma asked.“Yes, we have some for guests. Let me guess,” Anna said, sizing Simon up. “Size 40?” “That’s spot on,” Simon said with surprise. “They will be in your room after your walk, miss Emma,” Anna said. She held out the platter with cookies for Emma and Simon while keeping an eye on Luke.“Don’t I get one?” Luke asked, sounding like a sad puppy.“No, you tried to steal one. This is your punishment. It will teach you to have patience and
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40, Gunfight
Bane had enjoyed the evening, the dinner with all of them had been fun. Ben, Jax and he had all placed bets on how long it would take Simon and Luke to get anywhere. Emma had seemed to have fun and Bane couldn’t think of the last time he had such a relaxing evening. That was about to end, but at least it had lasted a couple of hours. He and Jax had been in his office for an hour. They had got a call saying that something was off with one of their shipments. “I’ll just tell Emma that I will be out tonight. I’ll be down in five minutes,” Bane told Jax as they left the office. Jax nodded as he headed down the stairs. Bane knocked on Emma’s door. There was no reply, and he frowned. He was just about to take out his phone and call her when he heard footsteps on the staircase. Bane turned around and saw Emma coming, she had two books in her hand and he relaxed. “Bane, did you need anything?” she asked as she saw him standing outside her room. “No, angel. I just wanted to let you know tha
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