All Chapters of Alpha's Pride : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
72 Chapters
Episode 21
War changes people, it was a known verity. Regardless of descent, it was a constant ill which consumed the zeal of the mind and ability to hope. But if there was life, they say, then well... And there was definitely life, Everest observed the weak and broken that strolled into the hold. Each with a small heap of belonging clutch to their sides, they came in packs, some alone and injured. There kids who strolled in with no parents and parents who crawled in, grieving lost children. It was a rueful sight. Everest knew a few of the people that stalked in, or he had known them. From the balcony where he watched, they resembled shells of former selves. Living only because death hadn’t come for them. The survivors would have been a good thing for the fight but they knew nothing. None of them knew why they had survived an attack that left no survivors. They remembered no detail of the attacks, not of who was responsible or what was causing werewolves to die in the ugliest way.The hold was
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Episode 22
She shoved the book she held back to its line. His words weren’t the only thing that steered up the annoyance she felt in her throat, it was the way he had used something he knew she would love to get his way with whatever decision about her life that he didn’t think she had a say in. She felt manipulated even though it might be an exaggerated emotion. She snapped. “So you bring me here to make me feel comfortable and more Inclined to accept whatever it is you think I need.”“Yes.” He deadpanned without batting an eye. He rolled his arms into each other and shrugged, “and it’s what I know you need. You will be safer here.”Her anger clashed with his arrogance, “you’ve got to be kidding me with this bullshit.”“Does it look like I am?” She glared at him, no he didn’t look like he was kidding, in fact he had the guts to look irritated. “There is a war killing my kind and I have to protect and offer hope when I have no idea what the fuck is going on. I can’t do it right knowing you are b
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Episode 23
The trees swept her cries through the silent woods and scattered birds that nested. It echoed through the walls of the mansion and into the field. Zipporah was caught in the middle of a darkness she couldn’t comprehend once again. Her fingers bled when she tugged with death’s hand on her throat. She felt hot tears pool through her cheeks, her voice was numb but her suffering continued. Her legs flapped and struggled to stop the pull, it did nothing for her but deepened the thorns of the hand made of wild roots into her skin. She gave up on trying to rip the hand away and dug her fingers on *ground that betrayed her.When a heavy clash resounded through the room, she thought the surface under her was about to cave into a quake. Gritting growls attacked the walls of the room again. The ceiling was made of glass and it showed her what it saw. Her eyes, shaded with tears, caught a flash of knives in the air. Her ears heightened to the sound of shattering wood and deafening growls. The mu
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Episode 24
His first instinct was to haul her from whatever was causing so much agony. He got close to her and noticed her pull was towards a strange music object he didn’t recognize. But he could sense its vileness. His second instinct was the one he followed. He knifed his claws through wood and metal till it was nothing but pieces of nothing. Then he hauled her out of a room he wanted to burn to the ground.He fisted and released his knuckles several time as he stared at it. The evidence of his rage showed, he knew it would heal soon enough, he wished it would remain. A scar to remind him of his mistakes, not that he needed it to remember.He spied on nature as he retrieved his phone to call home. It rang thrice before Everest picked.“I figured you’ll be here by now.”“It happened again.” His voice held both anger and frustration. “They came for her right under my nose.”“Fuck. How is she?”“Weak. Confused.” He spoke quietly, afraid he would wake her. “She’s asleep now.”“What exactly happen
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Episode 25
Zipporah could barely flex her fingers from how weak she felt, so her anger came unwanted as she could do nothing but jab an unbelievable look at the man spread seductively before her. The urge to climb him and slip her legs around his gripping thighs was at war with her brain which wanted to slap him silly till he understood that her say matters especially in decisions that affected her life.She shifted her behind away from his middle, setting a quick distance between them which Adam didn’t seem unpleased about. In fact he proceeded to rake his long legs off the bed and stretch them towards the door. She couldn’t believe him, he was about to walk out without a word. She tried to stand but her knees bucked her back to the bed. He stood at the door for a few seconds before a knock was heard and he opened to his butler. She rolled her eyes at herself, of course his magnificent hearing had heard whoever was coming before she did. She couldn’t hear what they were saying and Adam’s unres
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Episode 26
She studied him, imagining him as a protector of thousands, she couldn’t stop herself from being impressed. “That sounds great.”“Yes but over the years we have had to protect ours first. We became easy access for rivals who were in disguise as settlers.”“The war made you become open again?” She muttered.“Yes it did.” He took a turn into a rough path which would lead him to a thinner highway. “But there, I’m sure you’d be safe. There are witches that. . .”If she had a drink in her mouth she would have spat it at him. “Witches? You mean like spells and magic?” Her shock was plastered golden on her face.“Yes, they have been our guide for ages. Every pack has a mage or a seer that stands as a healer, advisor or protector. It depends on the balance of the pack’s spirit.”Still not over another revelation, she managed to ask. “Can a pack have both?”“Yes but it’s rare as they serve different elements and spirits which can cause a rift in the pack. My pack have always used a seer but re
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Episode 27
For the decades Zipporah lived on earth she had never felt the terror of being a prey. She was nothing but a meal in their eyes but more than that, she was a drug to their prime hunger of excitement. She swapped her eyes from left to right, they were gaining each time she caught their speed. Their bodies blended with the trees like its shadow, emerging into the light with thirst in their eyes. Their speed pounded dust and dirt into the air, it caused the forest to become hazy and blind. She felt a strain in her neck and knees. Her stomach and aching head made a protest to the speed she was kept on. The trees were becoming a blur, it all flashed by her eyes and she wanted to do nothing but scream for everything to stop. She needed to breathe.She pulled her left hand from his fur and struggled to grip her chest when she felt her heartbeats collapsing into her chest. With every jolt Adam added to his speed, her head spun with the current and her skull drummed louder in her ears.Tiny s
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Episode 28
Drizzles thundered into the making of a storm. The clouds grew darker, the trees scattered with the wind till the earth threatened to quake. Zipporah could barely see through the havoc, she tried to crawl away from the growls with her elbows but the wet ground only dug her hole in her struggle. Her ears picked up howls which echoed in the rain, she arched her neck from the gaining wolves to the loud thump she heard. Thunder and lightening resounded with her scream when she saw her wolf crushed on the soiled ground by three bloody canines. Overpowered and severely injured, he kept fighting off every slash and bite. She felt pain worst that the pang in her bones when she couldn’t help him. Her tears mimicked the rain, it flowed with no restrain and soaked the ground. She was tired of crying, it helped no one. She wiped her face and dragged a stick closest to her. With no plan except a desire to survive she slashed at the wolves, they barked at the weapon she held. But her stand couldn’
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Episode 29
The absolute definition of flabbergasted spread through Zipporah’s face. What she heard was different from what her brain was choosing to believe. Her soaked gown dripped on her bare feet, the hem she held in her hand toppled from her hold. She tried to hide her shock but the fact that her tongue had no words to cover up for her reaction made her want to return to the river and hide her stupid face under it.“Oh fuck, you look like your face died without your body,” Lyra belly laughed. She snorted and cackled as she shifted her weight from the tree.Zipporah glared at her amused display. Whatever the joke was was at her expense and completely lost to her. Having enough of the impressive, tall woman she plucked the skirt of her dress and walked away from her. Her legs plodded down the riverbank, she swore at how silly she felt with her gown stuck to her skin, each step she took made a squishy noise and it irritated her.“Hey!” Lyra shouted even though she wasn’t far away yet, “where do
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Episode 30
The silence that lingered as he took care of her foot was not long but it was loud and unending to Zipporah. She glanced around, figuring out what to fill up the moment with. “So, uh, nice place you’ve got here.” She shot, when he raised a confused brow at her she swallowed a sigh at how hot his glance was. Clearing her throat, she paraded her hand over his head, “your territory.”He only nodded, his focus on the dressing he made.Refusing to let the silence win, she asked, “Lyra said you were going to get help?”“Not really.” Her heart sang a tune of victory when he continued. “This is the farthest of what’s mine, we still have a bit of distance before we get to the hold. There is a secret space close by, it belonged to my brother, I only went for dry clothes and something for your leg.”“Thanks.” Her eyes left the top of his head to their company, “what about Lyra?”“She guards this part of the trees,” he threw a proud glance at her and added, “and she takes her duty very seriously.
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