All Chapters of Forever Mine: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
58 Chapters
Sarah admired him from behind as he sprinted to his car. Once there, he leaned in the window and reached for his phone. She placed her sandwich down on its wrapper and slapped her hand on her forehead, leaving it there for a second. She shook her head. I'm a virgin. Good God, it's only their first date. They're at a park in broad daylight. Did she really think he was gonna jump her bones? Was there no end to her idiocy?Angel walked back, still on the phone. He hung up before he got close enough for her to hear him. He sat down next to her again and picked up his sandwich."Sorry about that," He sat down across from her again. "I thought it might be my mom. Sometimes it gets really busy at the restaurant on the weekend, and they need me to come in and help out, even when I'm not scheduled to.""What kind of restaurant do they have?" She already knew. Valerie had told her so much about the Morenos. But she was shooting for a safer subject. One she couldn't goof up.He shook his head
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No Such Thing
Angel picked Sarah up early again on Sunday, and they had breakfast at a greasy spoon. They sat on the same side of the booth. Angel had given up trying to hold back. He kissed her and caressed her every chance he got.Even when their food came, he couldn't keep his hands off her. Between bites, he nibbled on her ear and pecked her endlessly. Sarah seemed to object, whispering, "People are watching." It seemed to Angel with all the giggling she was doing, she was enjoying it more than she was admitting.After breakfast, Angel asked if there was anywhere in particular she wanted to go, hoping she'd say somewhere he could enjoy her in private. But much to his chagrin, she said she'd never been to Old Town San Diego and knew it was less than half an hour's drive.Angel frowned. "You don't wanna go there."She pouted, making Angel smile. "Valerie said it's a must see."He rolled his eyes, putting the last piece of sausage in his mouth. "She would. She's a girl, and it's nothing but sh
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Big Brother
They parked on a small quaint-looking street, just off the main strip. The sign over the restaurant read MORENO'S. She felt her stomach tighten and wondered if his parents or brothers would be there. What was he thinking? This was too soon. She wasn't ready for it, but she didn't want to hurt his feelings.He held her hand as they walked into the restaurant. It was much bigger than it looked from the outside. Angel had made it sound insignificant, but she knew better. Valerie had told her about it and said it was actually a very nice restaurant. Even with what Valerie had said, she still wasn't prepared for it.It was anything but insignificant. She was immediately taken by the high ceilings and the huge round metal chandeliers that held what looked like small red candles all the way around. There were dramatic arches everywhere and the walls were textured to look old with brick showing through some parts, just like the historic houses they'd seen in Old Town.The hostess at the fro
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We Need To Talk
On the ride home from the restaurant, the two girls hit it off right away. They both loved running. Sofia was on the track team, and Sarah had been in track since the ninth grade. Sarah hoped Sofia wouldn't ask about her moving out here. She didn't. She was more interested in why she hadn't gone out for track at La Jolla."It's not too late, you know," Sofia said. "The meets aren't until next semester anyway. Have you done relays? 'Cause the girl that ran the relay with us last year was really good, but she graduated. So now we're trying to find someone to replace her, but no one so far has come even close to her speed."Sarah knew she had the speed. She'd been the fourth place runner in both the 400m and 1600m relays back home and won plenty of times—a few times coming from behind. Her heart ached to think she wasn't there training with all of her old teammates. She hadn't even said goodbye to any of them, not wanting to answer any of the inevitable questions. Instead, she'd asked S
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Rollercoaster's Just Starting
Angel"It's not your fault," he whispered frantically in her ear as he kissed her again and again. He walked her over to the bench where they could sit and sat her on his lap.She sat up straight, composing herself, and looked at him. "She's in a minimum security correctional facility in Flagstaff." She held up her fingers to emphasize the quote sarcastically.Angel stared at her helplessly, taking her hand back in his and squeezing it."She doesn't want me to visit," she continued. "said she didn't want me to see her like that ever. But there's no way I can go three years without seeing her. I plan on visiting her, no matter what she says.""Can she call you?"Sarah nodded. "Yeah, she calls every week, and we write all the time, but it's not enough.""Sarah." He tried to sound optimistic. "People rarely serve their full term, especially when the crime wasn't a violent one. She'll probably be out before the three years.""That's what her attorney told her. But she just went in,
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The Coach
True to his word, Angel didn't keep their relationship a secret. As soon as he saw her on Monday morning at her locker, he was on her. He slipped up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed her neck.The rest of the day was pretty much the same. Anytime she was near, he was wrapped around her, unable to keep limbs or lips off of her.She'd introduced him to a few of her girlfriends, and he'd also met one of her guy friends, Freddie, the guy that had his locker right below hers. But walking up while she'd been laughing with Freddie had Angel seeing red. He mentioned how his own locker was closer to her homeroom, but she didn't bite.They were undeniably a couple. There were quite a few sneers and barefaced gawking from some of the girls Angel knew, but if Sarah had noticed, she hadn't said a word. He half expected her to be tense or apprehensive, given what she'd said to him at the beach about being afraid of getting hurt. But her brazen resolve throughout the day ha
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Next Level
Fridays were different. It was game day. Instead of meeting up after practice, Sarah would go straight home with Valerie and get ready for the game.This week was an away game, so the stands would be less crowded, and Angel would have a perfect view of Sarah.He was having a good game. They were up by fourteen at the half, but when they came back out after halftime, the cheerleaders had changed their tops into jerseys—real jerseys from the players on the team. They tied them in a knot in the front just under their chests to make them fit more snugly. To Angel's dismay, Dana wore his. He'd forgotten about the jersey she borrowed last year. He glanced up at the stands and saw Sarah sitting with Valerie and a few other girls. If Sarah got upset about this, he was going be so pissed at Dana.They'd agreed to meet at the after party back by their school. Sarah left the game with Valerie and had arrived there before him, so when he got there, he wasn't sure what to expect. He walked into
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Mounting Guilt
SarahSarah cradled the phone on her shoulder as she made her bed. This time she'd been the one who woke Sydney early in the morning.After the night she'd had, she'd hardly been able to sleep. So many things invaded her mind, some more glaring than others. She had to talk to someone about it. It was times like these she missed her mom more than ever. She would've been able to tell her even this. That's how close she was to her. Thank goodness she had Syd.Angel and his mom were driving out to Los Angeles that night to have dinner with his oldest brother, Sal. He wanted Sarah to come, but she couldn't. She was booked both nights this weekend babysitting. They weren't leaving until late in the afternoon, and of course Angel still wanted to see her today, so he was picking her up in an hour.Sarah hadn't mentioned anything about Dana wearing his jersey last night. She'd been so busy watching Angel play she might not have even noticed if Valerie hadn't pointed it out. But she refused
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Justifying Lies
The knot that had formed in Sarah's stomach during her conversation with Sydney was still there, and it was getting bigger.She swung around sideways on the bed and brought her feet up, so that she could lean on her knees. She exhaled loudly. "I know.""Thank you," Valerie said. "Finally, you're listening." She put a spoonful of eggs and food in her mouth and took a swig of milk, holding up a finger for Sarah to give her a second. Apparently she wasn't done.Sarah looked at Valerie's plate. There was enough food for two people. It'd always amazed her how much Valerie could eat, being that she was so tiny. She smiled, thinking Valerie could probably give Angel a run for his money in an eating contest."Look, Sarah, I get it. Okay? Sydney's been your best friend since you two were kids, and his family is the only family you had growing up. He's like a brother to you, and you're very close, blah, blah, blah. But this whole needing to talk to each other every single day is a bit much,
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Valerie Meets Alex
SarahValerie squealed in delight when Sarah told her about meeting Alex. But Sarah had left a few things out. On the way to the restaurant, Sarah thought it was only fair she fill Valerie in on everything she'd told Alex. To her surprise, Valerie wasn't fazed."God, Sarah," she laughed. "As if he doesn't have a big enough head already."Sarah thought of the outrageous way he'd flirted with her. Yeah, he was a ham, but not necessarily conceited. "I didn't get the impression he had a big head."Valerie rolled her eyes. "Sarah, I told you they're all sweethearts. I'm sure he's a real nice guy, but trust me he knows he's hot."Sarah smiled. She had to admit there was no way he couldn't know. "But you'd go out with him if he asked you, right?""Are you kidding?" Valerie said. "He's the ideal guy for me. He's so hot, older, and more experienced than most of the lame guys from school. The last thing I'd have to worry about with him would be any pressure to commit."Sarah's jaw dropped
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