All Chapters of EX Wife (ENGLISH): Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
44 Chapters
Exelle/XiellennaMy skin, once radiant, now bears the haunting marks of my suffering—bruises marring its pale surface. I stand before the mirror, a sorrowful weight pressing upon my heart. As I gaze at my reflection, the red and swollen eyes that stare back at me mirror the anguish within. My lips, wounded and adorned with dried blood in the corners, remain tightly pursed, withholding the words that long to be spoken.Regret weighs heavily upon me as I trace the bruises with trembling fingers, each touch met with a sharp sting that resonates through my battered body. I cannot deny the truth any longer. I should have known better, anticipated the worsening of my situation. What began as being a mere punching bag for my husband, Hans, has escalated to a perilous point where my life hangs in the balance. And yet, even as he inflicts pain upon me, my body finds ways to numb itself, a self-preservation mechanism that shields me from the full extent of my suffering.To Hans, I am nothing mo
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ONE - Part 1
Exelle"Hey, it's not that difficult to say, 'thank you, my dear friend.' Can't you see how grateful you should be to have me here, helping you out?" I playfully teased Samara, who was on the other end of the phone call, requesting that I design a dress for her.I carefully added the final touch to her dress, drawing a large ribbon at the waistline, just as she had described. "Hey, Sam. My business revolves around constructing infrastructures and such, not designing dresses. Seriously? Asking me to create a dress for you? Oh well, here you go. I'll email you the pictures later since I'll be occupied with a board meeting," I spoke to her as if we were face-to-face. I could almost picture her smiling mischievously and letting out an eerie giggle.I often wondered how I ended up with a friend like her. She seemed eccentric and wild when she was around her family and me, but she appeared composed and proper in front of others. At times like this, I couldn't help but wonder if she was just
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ONE - Part 2
In the past three months, we successfully opened a new branch of EXiellene Royale on Jeju Island, South Korea, which has received a highly positive response from the people. Our top priority has always been to satisfy the needs and provide exceptional service to the tourists, customers, and visitors of EXiellene Royale. And we have accomplished just that by taking the risk of expanding from America to Asia. Standing before the others, I presented a graph showcasing the continuous increase in ratings of EX Royale in Jeju over the last three months. Their smiles widened as they witnessed the positive results of the risk we took the previous year."Congratulations, everyone! I've always believed that taking risks is not a bad thing at all. Therefore, our next plan is to build a new hotel and resort in the Philippines."They eagerly opened the folders that Audrey had distributed to them. "As you can see, and as we all know, the Philippines is renowned for its attractions that attract bot
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TWO - Part 1
Exelle"Hey," Jules greeted me with a warm smile as soon as her eyes met mine upon entering the grand entrance of the hall. Jules has been my friend since our high school days, and her creative talent as an interior designer always left me in awe.We shared a history, just like Sam, and she knew about the profound struggles I had faced in the past. Time seemed to have stood still for Jules; he still possessed that porcelain rosy skin and a perfectly slim physique, resembling a true deity. It was undeniable that he had inherited his mother's striking features, Aunt Juliean."Aunt Juliean! Oh my God, auntie. I missed you," I exclaimed playfully, embracing her tightly. She responded with a playful scowl, pinching my arm gently, causing me to retreat a step while laughter escaped my lips."What? Are you happy? Are you truly that happy, huh?" she teased, pinching me again. "I may resemble Mama, but I am even more beautiful. Care to laugh some more?""You're utterly crazy," I chuckled, play
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TWO - Part 2
Exelle"This is it," Jules proclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and determination. She summarized our detailed discussion about the renovation plans for the house, emphasizing our decision to transform it into an enchanting old Victorian style. It was as if she had captured my innermost desires and breathed life into them. This house, nestled in the serene countryside, would soon become a reflection of my personal taste and a testament to my love for the classic elegance of the past.But are you sure you want to go back to that house?" Milo suddenly asked.As Jules spoke, Milo's question interrupted the air, injecting a touch of uncertainty into the room. His curiosity was palpable, and I sensed a hidden concern beneath his words. Jules subtly nudged him, a silent indication to tread carefully.Caught off guard, I struggled to find the right words. Memories of the past surged within me, threatening to break the surface, but I was determined to keep them at bay. The ho
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THREE - Part 1
Exelle   "You ruined my life, didn't you know that? So, I must ruin yours, too," he declared with a chilling intensity, his hands gripping my hair tightly as he forcefully dragged me through the front door and into the house. My body collided harshly with the unforgiving floor, leaving painful bruises on my skin and causing a sharp pain to shoot through my knee as it made contact with the hard surface. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I fought hard to hold them back, feeling utterly helpless in that moment. "Damn you, bitch! If it weren't for that fucking, worthless paper, I wouldn't have you as my useless wife!" His hand swung violently, striking my face and sending me stumbling to the floor. I struggled to rise, but the pain coursing through my body made it impossible. Every inch of me ached terribly. There were fleeting moments when I contemplated giving up, but a flicker of determination kept me going. Why am
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THREE - Part 2
Exelle "You. I want you back, former Mrs. Alvez," echoed in my mind as I jolted upright in bed, my breaths coming in ragged gasps. My hand instinctively clutched my chest, seeking to calm the erratic beats of my heart. What was that? Why would I dream such a bewildering scenario? It was beyond reason, utterly insane for such a thing to manifest in reality.Just as my racing thoughts began to settle, my attention was drawn to the insistent ringing of my cellphone, perched atop the nightstand next to my bed. I reached out and glanced at the screen, eager to identify the caller responsible for disrupting my disoriented state.Anonymous Calling.Curiosity mingled with suspicion, giving rise to a flurry of questions within me. Who could be audacious enough to contact me anonymously at this early hour? And how did they acquire my private contact information? As I pondered these thoughts, the sunlight seeped through the ga
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THREE - Part 3
Exelle I sat quietly in the car, the weight of Lex's words sinking deep into my consciousness. The road stretched ahead, but my mind was consumed by the revelations he had just shared. The familiar melodies of a song played softly in the background, a stark contrast to the storm of emotions brewing within me.Lex's singing, once a source of amusement, now seemed distant and inconsequential. The gravity of Rylie's betrayal overshadowed everything else. How could my closest friend have deceived me so profoundly? The realization hit me like a tidal wave, crashing against the shores of my trust and leaving behind the debris of shattered friendship.Desire for the truth consumed me, urging me to confront Lex, to unveil the secrets they had kept hidden from me. I broke the rhythm of his singing, interjecting with a playful remark. But Lex's sudden seriousness only intensified my curiosity. Something significant lay beneath the s
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FOUR -Part 1
Exelle   "Miss Kim..." Audrey's voice calling my name broke through my thoughts, and I turned to face her, mustering a forced smile. My mind had been preoccupied ever since Alexis left an hour ago, consumed by the unexpected revelations we had discussed—events from years ago that I had never imagined had occurred. "Here are the copies of your contract with Mr. Sanchez, along with the papers regarding the proposal of Vallejo Corporation to EXiellene Royal. I've made four copies of each document in case of an emergency. Are you feeling unwell, Miss Kim?" Audrey handed me a white expanding envelope while inquiring about my well-being. I simply nodded in response. Without any further questions, she left me to my own devices as I opened the envelope and examined the files it contained. Audrey must have sensed my mood, as she refrained from prying any further. "How about the blueprint of the building? May I che
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FOUR -Part 2
Exelle  With a devious smile on my face, I settled into the backseat of the car, my eyes fixated on the contents of my black leather notebook. Revenge 101, it was appropriately titled, for within its pages lay all the meticulously crafted plans I had concocted for them. The car whisked me away to the venue of the grand party, the excitement bubbling inside me like that of a mischievous child. Oh, how I had missed the thrill of playing these childish games of revenge during my time on Earth. It was a sensation I had come to relish, and as I indulged in a mental laugh, I reveled in the delicious anticipation of what lay ahead.Glancing up from my notebook, I caught the gaze of the driver through the rearview mirror.Oh, how foolish I must have appeared, laughing to myself in the solitude of the car. I must have looked crazy for a moment. Attempting to hide my amusement, I addressed him with feigned innocence, pretending
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